nothing justifies or caused his shooting other than his own self and nothing more and the same goes for anyone else who does a mass shooting.
that means getting the guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens too, well, boo hoo. Turns out, if bad people can't effortlessly get guns, they can't go around shooting people. Who'd a thought it?
There is no such thing as "bad people". People are made that way. Saying so just means your a lazy, selfish, coward. Might as well put on a dress and apply some makeup and claim "I am a woman, which makes me automatically subjective to fear". Speaking of which a young-adult ( teenager ) had a sex change operation and realizes "he wants to go back". It is cases like you who holds back the world from co-exsisting. Rather not solving problems and actually getting things accomplished.
Control laws do not prevent people from obtaining guns, rifles, semi-autos, etc.
Control laws prevent people who have clean records, from obtaining weapons via legal means and further discriminates and tears people apart.
Related crimes are crimes committed with guns that are illegally brought; not with guns that are legally owned.
Control laws currently are unfair and basically give rights for people to illegally own guns.
Sandy Hook happen as with most of those shootings because a majority of the people in the area fits the description of hillbilly hicks who are one step away from saying "White Power".
Sandy Hook happen because the area has a bunch of brainwashed republicans who are happy for Iraq and Afghanistan for stupid reasons.
Sandy Hook happen because idiots all join the carpet-bagger band-wagon and are too dumb to care nothing about gas prices.
That is the kind of "environment" the Sandy Hook shooter came from.
He just enjoyed videogames and fiction like most people and he had some messed up parents that prevented him from blossoming.
They were more focusing on drilling each other and maybe him for money and would rather see him in a gun-club or the military
People making Bike-Clubs who thinks it is 1950's results in gun violence in self-defense and people being locked up because they think they are above the law.
People get murdered in traffic because a moron comes out of their car, pretending to have a gun in pocket or wave a baseball waiting for a fear reaction.
Dropping a flag in some state resulted in a Church shooting in the South
Dropping a flag resulted in an honest decent beautiful man who loved and respect history being pushed off the road by a bunch of pugly stereotypes
George Floyd happen because some person with a C average watches too much "OZ".
George Floyd happen because of a machine error
George Floyd happen because it was easier to layoff security guards.
George Floyd happen because one moron with retail properties, who was married to an East Asian/Pacific Islander Miss Universe runner-up could not just
take his own twenty and swap it and test the store machine a couple of times to SEE IF THE SAME ERROR WILL HAPPEN AGAIN.
George Floyd happen because a store owner decided to use a fancy machine over a HIGH-LIGHTER MARKER!!!!
Which resulted in the moron known as Kyle Writtenhouse.
Which resulted in the racial shooting in Albany NY.
A woman dating an illegal drug dealer had her place marked for target. Not because they refused to remove but because she dated human waste.
A woman died because she believed she had more balls then her new boyfriend who made a warning shot.
An random innocent police officer was shot in retaliation because of that woman choice of men.
Another random police officer in LA was shot which literally had officers in fear because of that womans death.
A person dying in the back of a police-wagon for no reason after being scooped up in a protest is not logical
A woman being hung in a police station after she was pulled over for speeding from going to a job interview.
A woman dragged away from Starbucks with legs closed because she wanted to use the restroom due to a little scrawny blond guy called the cops on her is immature.
Two young men who did nothing wrong but dressed in black and was pushed around by sports-students while having no girlfriend resulted in death of a bunch of people.
Parents who are selfish and do not put their children first is wrong.
Girls who can not keep their legs shut or realize that maybe living with a guy who was divorced with children is the wrong idea.
Girls who look for money and accepts the treatment she was received that leads no where. That girl should be influencing and giving that guy a reason to live not looking for money and then realizing that nobody wants her for marriage, children, because that is cruelty.
A guy being shot on Halloween because he was dressed in a suit and the people in the house believed he was an evil spy-guy. They are like "he shouldn't be
dressed that way"
Two adult women pretending to be a younger man online resulting in the suicide of a Highschooler.
Women being found hung in hotel rooms and cases being listed as unsolved.
The founder of RTV being beaten to death via sticks just because he was the founder of the greatest news channel ever made that was honest.
Ethiopian ( mostly black ) Jewish women being sterilized in Zionist Israel without permission, thinking it was a normal visit to the Gynecologist.
Everything Terry A. Davis was spouting while he was going insane is why, including his songs about god. Is what motivates his generation. A white-guy out matching the odds with his education because a black guy is unwilling to study.
A man marching on to a crowd with a weapon. The band had their own guns but none of them used them. The man had girlfriend who barely speak english and was alien to the United States.
"Bobby Fischer - I don't like American girls. They're very conceited, you know. In Europe they're more pleasant." You know what? I agree with him and every quote he has made so far. Because in another realm, another state he might as well been no different then the last shooter but thank god he had chess to worry about.
The reason why things happen is because we ( you, I ) have environments with selfish cowards. Some who are parents and some who are strangers. In time you ( we , I ) are ( am ) wrongfully accused of something you do not understand without legal representation given no option but to be sent to jail no different then grades K-12 or even Associates to Masters. In a prison moving from room to room being transported with the drive to achieve what you ( we, I ) believe is an actual goal. Like a Buffalo inside a cage line marching off to be executed and body stripped for it's meat, or cattle being put out of it's misery being unable to graze.
People are more concerned about their kids turning out to be LGBT then actually unlocking their talent and training them to perform in life and be something or somebody that is beautiful.
People are more concerned about divorce, separation, getting laid, having babies, and repeat and rinse instead investing in the business called their children. Even people who parade their children around in birthday suits even before voting age have far better and respectable work ethics resulting in property, and actually having children leading functional lives looking good in the news papers. The news shows you some stereotype of a messed up mother locking her daughter in a room eating her own feces, show you the end result of a meth-head, meth-addict, or some news reporter complaining they had victory sex with her in public after some kind of war was done ( as if her lame vagina hasn't been prod enough ). The media just shows you ugly people, and ugly people.
It is like Onlyfans models they have big ugly unfit bodies and not clean fit bodies like the topless dancers who attempts to become successful business women.
They only show you them once they become "old" enough be considered "old".