It's up to you if you don't want to get the game or not, but I do trust Easy Allies. My only problem with them is that they can be too kind to a game at times even though they're very understanding and open-minded. This is something that goes back to the Game Trailer days, but in the mid 2000s at least, they were a bit more uppity when they didn't like something. It was around the late 2000s and early 2010s, they'll dial it back sometimes. I'm at my trusted waiver when they were GT at the time, because of their reviews of DmC 2013 and Killer Is Dead. They hated KID, while loving DmC 2013 for almost the exact same reasons. Them praising the story of DmC set off some red flags for me (which many professional reviewers were doing). Their one video of a different part of staff playing Oneechanbara Z2 was not helping either. They went out of their way to insult people who liked or enjoyed these types of games. That particular group never showed up on Easy Allies, so it's safe to say they didn't make it through with the restructuring and rebranding. Well that, the staff of GT was way bigger than whatever EA has now.Eazy Allies is the most positive review I've seen so far and they are almost saying the opposite thing as everyone else so I don't know if I believe what they say or not.