Had my hands-on with the demo too.
Ryzen 5800X
32Gb DDR4 3600
RTX3080 10Gb
Samsung 980 Pro m.2 ssd
1440p, uncapped, no dynamic resolution, max settings including RT except no motion blur, dlss balanced. 80-85 fps during general traversal, about 5 lower during combat or whenever there's particle effects on-screen. Lowest I got was 66 when doing the big AoE attacks. Felt one stutter early on, but no more after that. Frametimes reasonably consistent, capping with RTSS and/or using VRR would probably smooth that out. 12Gb ram usage, about 7,5-8 vram. Very fast load times, like a second or less. One crash to desktop tho.

Conclusion, doesn't perform as bad as the prerelease spec sheets and footage would let you believe, but considering my hardware and the quality of the visuals on display here, it's not impressive. Merely acceptable, and if you have the specs. A 3070 would probably not get a consistent 60.
As for the game itself, it was rather annoyingly current day AAA gameplay, so I lost any will to continue playing quite fast.