Not wanting to watch LBGT content doesn't make people homophobic, it just means they aren't interested in seeing it. And the more they shove that stuff into media, the less people want to watch.
While true, that still doesn't change the fact homophobia/anti-trans is still a big problem in the gaming community. Whenever there is a gay/trans character, regardless of how well it's done or not, these fuck-heads will freak out, if said characters are given humanity, the main protagonist, not treated as negative stereotypes, and not just placed in the background. Let's not pretend or act oblivious otherwise. We've already had this conversation and many others before. We still have people using death and rape threats towards actual LBGTQ gamers and developers existing or having a strong presence and influence in the gaming sphere. The same assholes who do the same shit to those of a different racial background or religion. Yes, certain things are better, but acting as if it's not a big deal as it was 10-20 years is not some profound high bar.
Those making inclusive video games like 'Last of Us Part II' are still facing vitriol from people who don't want the industry to be diverse.
There is a difference between having LBGT or otherwise diverse characters, and it's another to make sure the audience really sees all the sexual aspects of it.
Bill was a great character in TLOU game who just happened to be gay. Bill in the show is in a deep and emotional gay relationship that happens to be in the TLOU. It's like writers don't understand the difference between having a character who is gay, versus having a gay character.
All well and good, but still doesn't change the fact there are gamers and viewers out there who don't want any presence or existence someone gay, unless it's the butt of a joke. Sometimes they will make exceptions, if said persons are hot women in action with each other, and then they will somewhat give a shit. I will give the first
TLOU game some credit on this, but I never cared for the franchise in general, because it was just another zombie game with some good writing. By the time it released, I didn't have a PS3 and was long tired of zombie games, with certain exceptions. But I am getting off-topic.
And in typical fashion they get upset when everyone doesn't stand and applaud your bold message on screen.
That's always been a problem with the franchise. Even when not talking about Bill being gay and Ellie implied to be lesbian in the first game and its prequel DLC, you have people going overboard on the defense and over praising. Mainly because: "It's the first video game with dark and mature storytelling of a movie or HBO TV show". Once again, you had "professional" critics and overzealous fans throwing many others games' accomplishments under the rug, acting like they never existed, or "don't count", because they're from a different or lesser time.