I'm not really too hung up on who's more capitalist than the other, just saying the rankings when you look it up says countries like Sweden are more capitalist than the US, and Sweden is definitely not socialist. My main point is wanting socialism is a really radical and extreme view and there's no guarantee it's gonna be any better either.
If a ranking has Sweden as more capitalist than the US, i would question the ranking.
Ok, let's compare the numbers from your study from Sweden and the US
The first category is "Rule of Law" and Sweden scores higher on every single point there, significantly so for the majority . Sure, that is believable and also good for business, but has little to do with capitalism.
Next is regulatory efficiency, where numbers are similar except for "labor freedom" where the US scones noticably higher. Yes, we all know that it is easy to hire and fire in the US. And that is even capitalist. The points are still not nearl enough to cover the differences from Rule of Law.
Then we have Government Size. The US scores vastly higher than Sweden on both tax burdon and government spending. That is because Sweden has much higher taxes and much higher government spending. Sure, that would be capitalist and would guarantee the US a big lead
... if not for the third point : "Fiscal Health": Sweden gehts whopping 95.8 points and the US gets
literally 0. Did you know that the US is going to bunkruptcy at the moment and the Dollar having become utterly worthless paper ? I didn't hear such things. That is nearly 80 points below Zimbabwe and nearly 60 points below Turkey. And i would guess that this is the sole reason the US comes out lower than Sweden in the rating.
Last point is Open Markets where the numbers are very similar, with a slight lead for Sweden because of all the EU trade agreements (and all EU countries get the same in trade freedom, so it doesn't really say much about Sweden specifically).
Also notable is that US "Fiscal health" seems to have tanked more than 50 points since the Biden victory... It is pretty obvious that this stat only is used to manipulate the overall score to make a political point.