I will give
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge credit for letting you select any playable character to play as in chapter challenge, after beating the story. This is something
DMC5 still hasn't figured out,
Special Edition or not. This something Capcom has to do, if there are roster of characters you can select from. In Vergil mode, you will go through all of Nero's, V's, and Dante's levels. I don't see why Capcom couldn't do the same thing for the other characters. Just remove all the cut-scenes. It's exactly what they did for Vergil. Team Ninja had them beat by 6 years by doing the same thing. Technically, Capcom did this with a playable Vergil in
DMC3:SE, but Dante and him were the only playable characters.
Ninja Gaiden 4 ever happens, they need to bring back the Steel-On-Bone counter system and weave other ninja characters into the actual story. Focus on different characters, while adding some new or returning ninja/kunoichi as well. Ryu's pretty much done as a character, and does not have much left other than iconic looks.
I like this NG hot take here.