Hogwarts Legacy - Whimsical Wizardry

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Like I said, I can do this aaaaaaaaalllllllllllll day boys. I am more than willing to hit you over the head with this until the cows come home if it gets it through your thick skulls that people are in fact being assholes over this.



Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Deep down, most of them believe (as most people do, regardless of politics) that trans people are mentally ill or delusional.
I can't speak for everybody, but as for me I don't think trans people are mentally ill or delusional. What I know is that transgender people are trying to change something fundamental that they don't like about themselves that simply cannot be changed no matter how much surgery, or how much chemicals they put into their bodies, or what they decide to call themselves.

I've actually myself considered the idea of transitioning before for quite a while, when I was a teenager going through puberty and again about a decade later. I've always identified with, associated with, respected, and got along far better with women and enjoyed doing things with them whether "girly" or otherwise than I ever did with other men including my age or otherwise in both cases. However, I decided against it because I recognized I do not and will never know what it is like to be a woman even if I did.

I have decades of life experience as a man, having my body and brain develop as a man, being treated by everyone else as a man for good or ill, and if I were to transition, my entire outlook on life and thought processes would never be anything like if I had just been born with 2 X chromosomes in the first place all other things being as equal as possible. That wouldn't change even if I spent the rest of my life that way. I don't know what "feeling like I'm a woman is," I might genuinely believe I do but the fact is nobody who isn't born with 2 X chromosomes does and never will. Hell, a woman who transitioned over to a man knows and has experienced more about being a woman than a man that has transitioned over to a woman ever will, and don't get me wrong, the reverse is just as true.

Even if somehow someone invented a machine that would change one's whole body down to the genetic level from male to female and I used it, I would still not be a woman. There's a lot more than one's anatomy that decide what a person's gender is, it's an entire life. Gender is decided when a particular one of one's father's sperm impacts and burrows inside the mother's egg and thus decides what chromosomes one has. It is unalterable, unchanging, immutable, etc. on both a micro and macro level regardless of any measures anyone takes to change it.

If people want to change their bodies, pump themselves full of artificially created hormones, and call themselves by some term other than Male or Female that is actually in line with the chromosomes they have, more power to them. Just as I would say more power to those who decide to cross dress, which strip away all the rhetoric transgender is just a more extreme and much harder to reverse version of. Transgender is a lifestyle, it's no more or less valid than any other.

It's when those people, (or considering the tiny percentage of people even on the whole planet that are trans, the vast majority of those who doing this obviously aren't trans or even trans adjacent and thus just want an excuse to be a dick to everybody while acting like it's noble) decide to push their own lifestyle to the exclusion, condemnation, and detriment of every other lifestyle out there that there's a problem. Especially when they're ruining livelihoods by harassing people who are in support of something so insignificant as a video game, including getting reviewers fired for not giving it a 1 out of 10 on review sites because they actually did their jobs and gave an unbiased review based on it's actual quality as a video game instead of the politics surrounding it. The persecution transgender people have to deal with both large and small don't excuse transgender people, or more accurately the transgender activists persecution of everyone else, large or small. That isn't good in any context, and the truly horrible people in this world are the ones who actually think that it is good to do this, period.

And to get away from Terminal and into the actual topic, the fact that these activists think that trying to get a game about wizards shut down (which they only ended up massively boosting so... great job there everybody! Slow Clap) is actually fighting for transgender rights not to mention think they're actually harming a woman who already has millions of dollars and never will be poor again is laughable. Rowling is probably laughing her ass off every day watching the idiots make a fool of themselves, especially since the end result was it only making her even more rich. The game could be complete crap, which the actual unbiased reviews show it clearly is excellent, and it would probably still be making much more bank due to the efforts of the people trying to cancel it than it ever would have if it had just released with minimal fuss. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Rowling didn't start deliberately playing up the anti-trans crap just to take advantage of the haters making her products much more successful than they would be otherwise, if she's not doing it already.

I do acknowledge the problems trans people face and feel somewhat bad for them. But when it comes to all the things wrong with the world and actually investing time and money to make it better, i find many other things significantly more important and pressing. I might do something on a trans issue if i can have a relevant effect with relatively little cost or when something particularly relevant pops up, but otherwise i won't be active on this matter.
I think if half the people who put all this effort into trying to wreck this game and other entertainment just because they want everything to cater to them and screw everybody else put it instead into something that actually mattered there wouldn't be half as many problems in this world. There's a lot of countries where racism, sexism, intolerance, and bigotry occur all the way to a casually murderous level that probably would not exist if people like this would spend their time fighting against it instead of some wizard video game.

Nor are 99.999% of the activists who pushed for this boycott........They'll screech on twitter and social media and go after people then pat themselves on the back saying job done and pretend they changed the world lol.
Precisely. It's actually rather pathetic how many people these activists have actually managed to convince that they're actually doing anything whatsoever to fight for trans rights. If these activists had any interest in actually doing so there's more than enough of these boycotters around to band together and form whole organizations dedicated to fighting for transgender rights and even directly against Rowling and the anti trans people she supports specifically. These people love to pretend they're doing something rather than actually genuinely doing something because it makes them feel like they are doing something. Thus removing any guilt that they feel about the fact that they actually aren't doing anything and for a fraction of the time and effort spent actually doing something.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I have decades of life experience as a man, having my body and brain develop as a man, being treated by everyone else as a man for good or ill, and if I were to transition, my entire outlook on life and thought processes would never be anything like if I had just been born with 2 X chromosomes in the first place all other things being as equal as possible. That wouldn't change even if I spent the rest of my life that way. I don't know what "feeling like I'm a woman is," I might genuinely believe I do but the fact is nobody who isn't born with 2 X chromosomes does and never will. Hell, a woman who transitioned over to a man knows and has experienced more about being a woman than a man that has transitioned over to a woman ever will, and don't get me wrong, the reverse is just as true.

Even if somehow someone invented a machine that would change one's whole body down to the genetic level from male to female and I used it, I would still not be a woman. There's a lot more than one's anatomy that decide what a person's gender is, it's an entire life.
This is still true if somebody transitions as a teen, because it's true forever! You stop gaining new experiences at 18!
Gender is decided when a particular one of one's father's sperm impacts and burrows inside the mother's egg and thus decides what chromosomes one has. It is unalterable, unchanging, immutable, etc. on both a micro and macro level regardless of any measures anyone takes to change it.
False and false
If people want to change their bodies, pump themselves full of artificially created hormones, and call themselves by some term other than Male or Female that is actually in line with the chromosomes they have, more power to them. Just as I would say more power to those who decide to cross dress, which strip away all the rhetoric transgender is just a more extreme and much harder to reverse version of. Transgender is a lifestyle, it's no more or less valid than any other.
And y'all fuckers wonder why we call you transphobic
It's when those people, (or considering the tiny percentage of people even on the whole planet that are trans, the vast majority of those who doing this obviously aren't trans or even trans adjacent and thus just want an excuse to be a dick to everybody while acting like it's noble) decide to push their own lifestyle to the exclusion, condemnation, and detriment of every other lifestyle out there that there's a problem.
What the everliving fuck are you talking about?
I think if half the people who put all this effort into trying to wreck this game and other entertainment just because they want everything to cater to them and screw everybody else put it instead into something that actually mattered there wouldn't be half as many problems in this world. There's a lot of countries where racism, sexism, intolerance, and bigotry occur all the way to a casually murderous level that probably would not exist if people like this would spend their time fighting against it instead of some wizard video game.
Yeah, I'd be doing a regime change in Iran, but arguing about videogames on Twitter is more important
Precisely. It's actually rather pathetic how many people these activists have actually managed to convince that they're actually doing anything whatsoever to fight for trans rights. If these activists had any interest in actually doing so there's more than enough of these boycotters around to band together and form whole organizations dedicated to fighting for transgender rights and even directly against Rowling and the anti trans people she supports specifically. These people love to pretend their doing something rather than actually genuinely doing something because it makes them feel like they are doing something. Thus removing any guilt that they feel about the fact that they actually aren't doing anything and for a fraction of the time and effort spent actually doing something.
Wow, charities that try to change policies and attitudes about queer people, why haven't we thought about, created, funded, advocated for, and defended those constantly for 50 years. Maybe Trevor can help be get past my Stonewall of brainstorming and help me put together a Civil Liberties Union in America

Would help if people trying to fundraise for those were currently getting constantly attacked by gamers mad that people criticized a videogame. And the vast array of culture warriors determined to prevent transgender people from being accepted in society
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Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Like I said, I can do this aaaaaaaaalllllllllllll day boys. I am more than willing to hit you over the head with this until the cows come home if it gets it through your thick skulls that people are in fact being assholes over this.

Are these supposed to be damning evidence of abuse?
Where's the death threats?


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Are these supposed to be damning evidence of abuse?
Where's the death threats?
It feels like the tweets are getting corrupted when posted or something and the message is getting changed. Maybe someone cast a spell or something


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
It's like going to the video store to hire Child's Play, but getting home and finding they've mixed the cassettes and you've got Rosie and Jim. You complain to the store and the increasingly irate clerk throws another video in your face. You get home and it's fucking Fingermouse.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Much obliged :)
If going on a Kurosawa Akira binge, consider watching Ikiru. Imo his best movie. Not samurai cinema like the others tho, nor Shakespearian (Tolstoy inspired actually)


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
Would help if people trying to fundraise for those were currently getting constantly attacked by gamers mad that people criticized a videogame. And the vast array of culture warriors determined to prevent transgender people from being accepted in society
Having to deal with some angry gamers has always been the utterly predictable and obvious result of attacking a game, especially when the criticism has nothing to do with the game mechanics. That is not even gamer specific. Criticize hobby X, have to deal with angry X-hobbyists. And here it is not just gamers, it is also an angry fanbase.

That is why i always said that the boycott was actively harmful to trans interests. As if the culture warriors were not enough of an enemy and picking new fights a bright idea.

I never got a chance to study Poe in school; and while I’m no super fan I do like some Shakespeare - but being a stupid pleb they’re generally adaptations. Ken Brannagh’s “Much Ado About Nothing”, Baz Lurman’s “Romeo+Juliet” and even that weird modernist version of Coriolanus that had Ralph Fiennes and Gerard Butler.
I always liked Shakespeare quite a lot. Better than other classics like Goethe or Tolstoi.

But we didn't have much of him at school and what we did was in "English as foreign language", so it is not really the same kind of school experience of it.
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Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
If going on a Kurosawa Akira binge, consider watching Ikiru. Imo his best movie. Not samurai cinema like the others tho, nor Shakespearian (Tolstoy inspired actually)
A Kurosawa binge is synonymous with going on a Toshiro Mifune binge.
Both are superlative.
Good with a bottle of something or getting nicely stoned.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Having to deal with some angry gamers has always been the utterly predictable and obvious result of attacking a game, especially when the criticism has nothing to do with the game mechanics. That is not even gamer specific. Criticize hobby X, have to deal with angry X-hobbyists. And here it is not just gamers, it is also an angry fanbase.

That is why i always said that the boycott was actively harmful to trans interests. As if the culture warriors were not enough of an enemy and picking new fights a bright idea.

I always liked Shakespeare quite a lot. Better than other classics like Goethe or Tolstoi.

But we didn't have much of him at school and what we did was in "English as foreign language", so it is not really the same kind of school experience of it.
No, you're right. Trans people shouldn't criticize anything lest their interests be harmed. Trans gamers especially don't get to have any negative opinions about products
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Having to deal with some angry gamers has always been the utterly predictable and obvious result of attacking a game, especially when the criticism has nothing to do with the game mechanics. That is not even gamer specific. Criticize hobby X, have to deal with angry X-hobbyists. And here it is not just gamers, it is also an angry fanbase.
I think gamers specifically are worse for it than most hobbyists - maybe the amount of time spent online without real-world repercussions for behaving like a dickhead - though people are like that about films too (I suspect there might be a lot of crossover with the same people in these two groups behaving poorly). I do not see the same sort of behaviour in any of my craft hobby groups.

Edit: I don't even see it as much in my gymbro groups, and they definitely have their share of arseholes.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
They can totally criticize the culture warriors they already have problems with.

I mean, they have criticized Rowling for years and that didn't make the HP fandom take her side. They mostly just made an artist/art seperation and moved on. But attacking the new, high profile HP release and its prospective players ? That will rub them the wrong way.
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Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
I think gamers specifically are worse for it than most hobbyists - maybe the amount of time spent online without real-world repercussions for behaving like a dickhead - though people are like that about films too (I suspect there might be a lot of crossover with the same people in these two groups behaving poorly). I do not see the same sort of behaviour in any of my craft hobby groups.
I personally don't think so.

It is mostly specific genres that tend to breed bad communities, most prominently highly competitive PvP genres, where people draw their validation from being better than others.

But Hogwarts Legacy is a single player RPG. Those tend to have pretty relaxed communities.

It is similar to sports where the competitive ones are where most of the nasty stuff happens. A typical neighbourhood hobby walker group generally does not produce drama at all.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
It is mostly specific genres that tend to breed bad communities, most prominently highly competitive PvP genres, where people draw their validation from being better than others.
I haven't played for a very long time, but the Warcraft community used to be pretty rubbish. There is maybe something in the idea that people are angry because they aren't really enjoying 'games' like that, they're effectively working. Don't know, just not my thing these days. But I don't think the angry gamer stereotype is completely without cause.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I personally don't think so.

It is mostly specific genres that tend to breed bad communities, most prominently highly competitive PvP genres, where people draw their validation from being better than others.

But Hogwarts Legacy is a single player RPG. Those tend to have pretty relaxed communities.

It is similar to sports where the competitive ones are where most of the nasty stuff happens. A typical neighbourhood hobby walker group generally does not produce drama at all.
The gamer "communities" that are having issues these days are the twitch streaming and social media subset. Which has historically been garbage, if the general gamer reaction to hate-raids *existing* was any indication