Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
It makes you wonder what Bible thumpers think a pronoun is?

Edit: I try to listen to the other side. So I was listening to a Catholic streamer. He was talking about sex and gender... and then identity. He was stating that people are too obsessed with themselves, mainly due to focussing on identity. He thought we should be focusing on others... which make you wonder what conservatives think identity means. The willingness to help others IS an identity.

I don't know how they think this is what liberals are saying.
Eh, I don't think the willingness to help others is necessarily an "identity". It can be, if the person defines or describes themself that way.

Of course, the Catholic Church is an institution that shames others for who they are constantly, while spending mind-boggling amounts of money on expensive golden shite to embellish themselves. Its probably the institution I trust least on the planet to talk about how helping others is more important than identity.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Eh, I don't think the willingness to help others is necessarily an "identity". It can be, if the person defines or describes themself that way.

Of course, the Catholic Church is an institution that shames others for who they are constantly, while spending mind-boggling amounts of money on expensive golden shite to embellish themselves. Its probably the institution I trust least on the planet to talk about how helping others is more important than identity.
You forgot about the part where Priests who are accused of sexually assaulting childern are basically just moved somewhere else instead of being fired and handed over to the police.

God is somehow okay with this, it would seem, considering he lets it keep happening.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
You forgot about the part where Priests who are accused of sexually assaulting childern are basically just moved somewhere else instead of being fired and handed over to the police.

God is somehow okay with this, it would seem, considering he lets it keep happening.
Well, my objections to them certainly go a lot further. I was just talking about stuff related to the hypocrisy of advising others on how they shouldn't focus on "identity".


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Eh, I don't think the willingness to help others is necessarily an "identity". It can be, if the person defines or describes themself that way.

Of course, the Catholic Church is an institution that shames others for who they are constantly, while spending mind-boggling amounts of money on expensive golden shite to embellish themselves. Its probably the institution I trust least on the planet to talk about how helping others is more important than identity.
You forgot about the part where Priests who are accused of sexually assaulting childern are basically just moved somewhere else instead of being fired and handed over to the police.

God is somehow okay with this, it would seem, considering he lets it keep happening.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
I don't think a personal focus on identity is necessarily self-obsession, but it can definitely lead there and vice-versa. If a person thinks the characteristics defining them are uniquely important, it's a natural consequence to think of themselves as uniquely important over other people.
This is actually a really fascinating demonstration of the point that was being made.

How do you know what another person is? In order to know what another person is, you would have to know what a person is in the first place. How do you know that? When and how did you learn?

The ability to understand that another being is experiencing reality in the same way you are, but is also separate and capable of independent thought, that another object in the world is not you but another person who resembles you, is an incredibly difficult cognitive skill which is completely beyond most animals. It is so difficult that it takes human children literally years to learn.

Part of that difficulty is that, in order to know that other people exist and have minds, you need to be aware that you exist as a stable, continuous individual self, that you possess distinctive qualities like having a mind, and that other objects are different (and not people) because they do not possess these qualities. In order to understand that other people exist at all, you need to have a personal identity.

The default position of any human being, as anyone who has interacted with children will tell you, is selfishness. People do tend to believe that they are uniquely important because they possess the genuinely unique quality of experiencing reality from their own perspective. Unlearning that position, to the extent anyone ever truly manages it, is unbelievably difficult. It goes against the basic conditions under which humans experience reality. We can only understand other people in relation to ourselves, and thus developing a deeper understanding ourselves is an integral part of the process of learning how to effectively care for others.

In general though, if I was to look for the presence of that skill in human population, I would not look to people who build bizarre political platforms out of the idea that society should operate in accordance with their mangled understanding of millennia-old texts they can't actually read, that the suffering of others is morally justified by their own poor decisions, that property rights should trump the ability of others to obtain basic necessities and that the basic features of a human life should be determined by the presence or absence of a few inches of flesh between their legs.

The gay liberation movement adopted the word "pride" in response to a world that defined them, and people like them, as lesser people, as people who should feel shame so that others could pretend they were a better class of person. The pride is yours, the rest of us just want our share of the burden.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I so wish abridged had been the original hellsing.
Same. The abridged version is still dark, but the fact it doesn't take itself so fucking seriously as the original helps keep it from falling into outright nihilism that the original version did.

Like you have the catholic church invading Brittan because they're still mad about the CoE breaking off and Nazi Vampires with war zeppelins and really, there's no reason to really take that seriously but Hellsing Ultimate refuses to really just embrace the pure absurdity of it. Luckily, Abridged does and that's why it's so much more watchable.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I'm curious what you think identity means. Identity is the ways in which we distinguish people from one another and ourselves. To identify with something is to consider yourself alike to it in a way you are not to other things. I don't think a personal focus on identity is necessarily self-obsession, but it can definitely lead there and vice-versa. If a person thinks the characteristics defining them are uniquely important, it's a natural consequence to think of themselves as uniquely important over other people. Much the same, if a person thinks of themself as uniquely important, they're likely to consider the characteristics they possess as uniquely important. That all these identity considerations get classified as pride is not coincidence.
I pretty much agree with all of this

Identity is who you are (or sometimes who you wish to be but may not be there yet) and is multifacted

There are plenty of people who are self-obsessed. Because that to is an identity. There are also people whose identity are reduced to one facet which makes them come off as self-obsessed. Eg.

Here a political commentator talks about how he now gets reduced to a gay person instead of a conservative commentator who has been on air for a decade.

As to pride or Pride specifically, I would say that the latter is a response to the shame people placed on specific attributes, like being a homosexual, for a few centuries. There are two version of pride, one about self-confidence and one about self-obsession. People who are with the Pride movement probably can be allotted into one of those categories

Now, identity is distinguishing ourselves from others... somewhat. Eg. You identify as a Catholic. That distinguish you from a bunch of people but it also aligns you with others.

I don't know why you used the term uniquely important. I usually hear unique. Eg. The political commentator above is a Canadian, Millenial, white, wavy black hair, skinny, fit, tall, ADHD, homosexual, conservative who used to talk all the time about politics but has now been discussing cultural history which also shows up in how he dresses. That sure is unique. Uniquely important? IDK. Like Pride marches are meant to be about LBGT taking their place with the rest of soceity after being banned for centuries. It's not uniquely important


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Eh, I don't think the willingness to help others is necessarily an "identity". It can be, if the person defines or describes themself that way.

Of course, the Catholic Church is an institution that shames others for who they are constantly, while spending mind-boggling amounts of money on expensive golden shite to embellish themselves. Its probably the institution I trust least on the planet to talk about how helping others is more important than identity.
I would somewhat agree with the first point. Eg. Adam Smith talks about how Capitalism incentives people to help others... which probably doesn't fit into the 'helping people identity'.

I would very much distinguish the identities of Catholic and Catholic Clergy. The average Catholic can be reasonable. The Clergy has to, by the definition of their identity, toe the institutional line. Which is to say that the institution is the problem, not Catholics per se

Like, the idea of Papal Infallibility is only 150 years old and was made specifically to stop the vatican from being taken over. I remember being taught about this concept at school and believing it to be a tradition set by God. And it was just some asshole pope who kidnapped a children and sanctioned genocide and then wondered why he was being invaded


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
On a bit of a different note, Taylor Swift apparently has lost a lot of fans for getting involved with a new, and really, really horrible bloke.


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
Sometimes it feels like the online world is split into multiple, incompatible perceptions of reality.

This is not a new development. In fact, in the mid-aughts one man tried to create an isolated island of American christian conservative thinking by launching a website called Conservapedia. Though it was advertised as being free from the supposed liberal bias of Wikipedia, Conservapedia became a home of pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and general right-wing grievances. It even launched a project to create a new English translation of the Bible that was manlier and more conservative than previous translations.

To help us understand the history of Conservapedia, we recruited our resident reddit atheist debunker, Travis. He’s going to walk us through the story of Conservpedia’s creation and show off some of the latest additions to the online encyclopedia, which is still active after 17 years.

A conservative debunking attempt at the concept of "BFF"s was not something I had on the cards.


Less amusing.

WASHINGTON — A 49-year-old Virginia man armed with a metal baseball bat entered the district office of Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., on Monday morning and attacked two members of his staff, the congressman and U.S. Capitol Police said in separate statements.

“This morning, an individual entered my District Office armed with a baseball bat and asked for me before committing an act of violence against two members of my staff. The individual is in police custody and both members of my team were transferred to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries,” Connolly said.

U.S. Capitol Police said in a statement that the suspect was identified as Xuan Kha Tran Pham, 49, who lives in Fairfax County. He entered Connolly’s office around 10:49 a.m. ET, police said. Connolly wasn’t in his office at the time.

Pham faces charges of one count of aggravated malicious wounding and one count of malicious wounding, the agency said, and it’s not clear what his motivation may have been.

The alleged attacker hit staffers with a metal bat, according to Connolly’s chief of staff, Jamie Smith, who told NBC News that the man is a constituent.

The alleged assailant also damaged parts of the office by breaking glass and shattering computers, Smith said. CNN first reported some of the details of the attack.

Connolly, 73, represents Virginia’s 11th Congressional District and has served in the House since 2009. His district office is in the city of Fairfax, Virginia.

One of the victims of Monday's attack is an intern who was on her first day on the job. It’s unclear who the other injured staffer was. Connolly later told reporters on Capitol Hill that he visited the two staffers in the hospital and that they have both been released.

Fairfax City police said a police officer also sustained a minor injury and was receiving medical treatment. Police arrested Pham within five minutes of having received an emergency call, and he was being held at the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center without bond.

"Based on what we know right now, investigators do not have any information that the suspect was known to the USCP," said Capitol Police, which also said that special agents from Capitol Police's police threat assessment section were dispatched to Fairfax, which is just miles outside Washington, D.C., on Monday. The agency also coordinated with local police and the FBI's Washington field office.

Pham sued the CIA last year claiming it had been “wrongfully imprisoning [him] in a lower perspective based on physics” and alleging that he is being “brutally tortured … from the fourth dimension.”

The complaint, which seeks $29 million in damages, aligns with the beliefs of conspiracy theorists who claim they are being “gangstalked,” or secretly watched and psychologically tortured using nonexistent technology. Pham asked to be “cured” by an unstated “digital technology.” The CIA moved to dismiss the trial last month. Pham represented himself in the trial.

Connolly expressed exasperation over the incident at his district office, saying: “My District Office staff make themselves available to constituents and members of the public every day. The thought that someone would take advantage of my staff’s accessibility to commit an act of violence is unconscionable and devastating.”

Asked by reporters if he was considering increasing security following the incident, Connolly said, "We are going to absolutely look at security and consult with the Capitol Hill police," adding that Democrats and Republicans alike "don't have the kinds of security we have up here in the Capitol at the district level."

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said in a statement that he spoke to Connolly on Monday to offer him and his staff the full support of the House Democratic Caucus. He also said Congress has to take "every available precaution to protect Members and our staff."

"The safety of our Members and of our staff remains of paramount importance, particularly given the increased instances of political violence in our country," said Jeffries, who added that he has asked the House sergeant at arms and U.S. Capitol Police "to continue their focus on collaborating with our Members."

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., tweeted: “Intimidation and violence — especially against public servants — has no place in our society. This is an extraordinarily disturbing development, and my thoughts are with the staff members who were injured.”

Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., who represents another district in Northern Virginia, tweeted: “This is very, very scary. Sending my best wishes to @GerryConnolly and his team, with hopes for swift recoveries of his staffers who were injured in this violent attack. My thanks to the authorities working to keep everyone safe.”

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, a Republican, denounced the attacks in a tweet, saying that "violence does not belong in our political system."

Members of Congress have expressed concern about security at their offices or at their homes, especially since the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

In October, a man with a hammer attacked Paul Pelosi, the husband of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., at their home in San Francisco.

In 2017, a man shot several people as a group of Republican lawmakers were practicing for a congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia. Then-House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., was among them and had to undergo surgery and physical therapy.
Still awaiting to hear any solutions to mental health crisis from those who use the subject to deflect from the other US epidemic killing ppl.


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Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Apparently the very notion that white supremacists exist and can organise is a government psy-op (for unspecified "reasons") that only the truly smartest of intelligent citizens of the Modern World aren't fooled by.



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Apparently the very notion that white supremacists exist and can organise is a government psy-op (for unspecified "reasons") that only the truly smartest of intelligent citizens of the Modern World aren't fooled by.

I find it funny whenever these shit heads go public, or get caught and face consequences, they or others will try to divert attention and say "they're not with us!". Who the fuck are they trying to fool? Their own base? The same ones who happily abandon each other at the slightest convenience?

Joe Rogan doubts white supremacist march: "Where's the fat people?" "Look at these guys, where's the fat people?" Rogan asked as he casted doubt as to whether Sunday's march was organized by a white supremacist group.
Of course the cowards would do that. He knows his own fan base and caters to them while pretending to be "fair and unbiased". This is the same asshole who downplayed the seriousness of COVID and once again appealing to conspiracy theory jack asses and fake ass "medical experts" for a cheap buck or out of fear of upsetting their fan base. People on this forum who tried defending him during his "COVID isn't so bad; I survived" schtick ain't looking to hot now. Hope it was worth defending a KKK and Neo-Nazi dick sucker.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
The same ones who happily abandon each other at the slightest convenience?
I'm actually amused by the speed at which they disown each others. There's like an underlying sense of shame and inappropriateness that facilitates this, similar to tstorm's when he gets all elusive and allusive to avoid the ban he'd have long gotten nevertheless on most forums. We should worry when such hypocrisy won't be needed anymore, when people will feel confident enough with evil to carry and openly support its flags in all circumstances, because that's the tipping point. Full open endorsement, full collective "common sense" integration.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Did you know that they have released a bunch of documents on the FBI infiltrating BLM? One guy sort of fell for it and bought the informant a guy which means he sold dangerous items to a terrorist. Even though the informant pushed his way to the head of the Denver chapter of BLM, no one followed him into violence.

So, FBI/CIA infiltration does happen. Can't wait to see what the FBI documents say about this event. I'm sure I'll be shocked
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
The US Air Force is rethinking where Space Force bases should be placed

Primary reason. Recent restrictions of health in Alabama

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
Apparently the very notion that white supremacists exist and can organise is a government psy-op (for unspecified "reasons") that only the truly smartest of intelligent citizens of the Modern World aren't fooled by.

Joeyroges seemingly unaware of the connection between militant fascists and physical fitness, or at least the surface appearance of physical fitness. The fat ones ain't gonna be the ones you see on the frontlines. They'll be the politicians, media moguls/writers, internet goblins etc, but not their idolisation of the "soldier" or "warrior" they project for their strongman patriot propaganda. It's kinda intrinsically linked to their ideologies.

In 1931, Bernarr MacFadden, America’s self-proclaimed prophet of physical culture joined forces with Italian dictator Bennito Mussolini in an attempt to train a new generation of Italian soldiers. Done as part of MacFadden’s own attempts to secure a position within President’s Roosevelt’s cabinet, MacFadden’s trip has typically been depicted as an odd quirk of Italian-American relations during this period. Italian historians have viewed the collaboration as an indication of Mussolini’s commitment to strength and gymnastics for nationalist ends. For MacFadden’s biographers the trip is depicted as a new turn in MacFadden’s business enterprise which sought to heighten MacFadden’s socio-political importance. Building on previous studies, the proposed article depicts MacFadden’s fascist flirtation as a new turn in American nationalism which both admired, and sought to emulate, European fascism. Touching on issues of gender, race, and transnationalism, MacFadden’s trip exemplifies the well-established relationship between sport and nationalism.

And no that doesn't mean physical fitness is bad or makes anyone a nazi, before some bad-faith kunt wastes anyone's time trying that half-assed opportunistic strawman here.
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