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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Ah okay. Still... doesn't make sense though. When he gets punched or is too close to a grenade it's the same effect. 🤷‍♂️
When getting punched, either the punches barely connect, the players see something different from Drake, or Drake thinks he's been hit, psyching himself out for the actual death blow. As for grenades...he barely gets out of the way or has scratch damage???

This is why regenerating health in cover shooters is stupid.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Edit: ignoring the partially lame Sonic segment. Recollecting rings is not much of a hassle in most of the 3d Sonic games. Stop making crap up Yahtzee. By the way Yahtzee, you forgot that the whole luck health mechanic was already taken by Uncharted.
Anybody who wants "realism" in games should be happy putting up with having their character spend months in physical therapy.
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Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015

Is it weird that when I first heard about this case, my response was "Thank God, it's "only" insider training".
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
When getting punched, either the punches barely connect, the players see something different from Drake, or Drake thinks he's been hit, psyching himself out for the actual death blow. As for grenades...he barely gets out of the way or has scratch damage???

This is why regenerating health in cover shooters is stupid.
Whatever the case Drake has shit luck on Crushing. Also I’m pretty sure it only applies to getting shot (at), since he can clearly get hit by melee attacks and survive a few (again, depending on the difficulty setting). Grenades are more of an AoE thing, so he can be affected somewhat but too close to the blast and he’s toast.

Ultimately it’s half baked.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace

I was done with Assassin's Creed since Brotherhood.

Yep, pat and woolie pretty much summed up my thoughts on AC at this point.

I have fond memories of the series but there's just no room to breathe, too much of it and it's pretty much "Ubisoft game but in history" at this point. When it started, it was going somewhere in the overall plot, but it's pretty much just been fucking around since III ended and I just can't care anymore. Especially after the 100+ hours of mindless fucking around in Odyssey(as beautiful as Greece is) just broke me and i can't bear to play another one. I'll revisit the old games(well, the ones I like) but I'm not buying any more.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
This amused me. I don't know these people, but when that guy informed the other one that an AC:Japan was coming, I thought he'd react with "woah, awesome, I'm so totally playing that". Would have been hilarious.

In reality, I love AC. But... I don't get this discussion and these gripes, and this fatigue. I wouldn't even think of playing them all. It would be like... collecting them for some odd OCD-like reason ? I love AC, but I don't need another one, I already have one. Even people who like iphones don't buy every each new one, or at least, don't buy every differently colored version of the same one. And that's what it is. Various flavors of the same game, select yours. Or switch to a different one maybe, once or twice in the course of your life. It's a respectable car brand, I'm happy new ones come out but I don't need them...

In practice, I've completed AC1, I've played a bit of AC2, I've completed AC:FarCry Primal, and I've settled on AC Odyssey. My absolute disinterest for the others don't detract anything from these. I'll probably play Black Flag but because pirate games, not because assassin's creed.

A lot of things are like that. My favorite videogame franchise may be Total War, not all its settings interest me. I love Civilization and Heroes of Might of Magic, a couple of them suffice. I'm sure FIFA or F1 are enjoyable, but why would people play 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 ? For the plot ?

Anyway, this should have gone to "hot takes", I suppose... 😶
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
In reality, I love AC. But... I don't get this discussion and these gripes, and this fatigue. I wouldn't even think of playing them all. It would be like... collecting them for some odd OCD-like reason ? I love AC, but I don't need another one, I already have one. Even people who like iphones don't buy every each new one, or at least, don't buy every differently colored version of the same one. And that's what it is. Various flavors of the same game, select yours. Or switch to a different one maybe, once or twice in the course of your life. It's a respectable car brand, I'm happy new ones come out but I don't need them...
That's the problem: Ubisoft has kept shoving this shit right down people's throats, whether the gamers wanted to or not, and each game became more derivative than the last, less interesting, grindy as fuck, manipulative and preying on consumers addictive tendencies and FOMO, and plain not fun. There's a reason why Tsushima is consider the best Assassins Creed game ever made.

but why would people play 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 ? For the plot ?
In the case of AC, yes. There are people that obsessed with AC's dumb plot, certain characters, the historical settings, or just want to do "cool assassin shit!". That is not hard to understand.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
In the case of AC, Yes. There are people that obsessed with AC's dumb plot, certain characters, the historical settings, or just want to do "cool assassin shit!". That is nor hard to understand.
These are very different things. The plot (the animus thingy) is painfully grotesque and, if I judge by Odyssey, is being violently shoved to the backseat. But the "cool assassin shit" is cool, and the various historical settings have various appeals for various people. My point is that, precisely because it's the exact same thing with new varnish each time, at best a different flavor, it's like... choosing your favorite phone case. There is no point is owning them all, no point in covering your phone with all of them. They serve the same function. It's a good function. The variety should be treated as a menu choice, a buffet with no obligation to swallow everything.

Have your own "cool assassin shit" happen with either a pointy hat, or a flat hat, or no hat, and you enjoy a "cool assassin shit". Of course, if instead of choosing one hat (technically : one epoch/setting) you feel forced to inflict yourself the lot of it, then you reach oversaturation with no benefit. AC is enjoyable if you treat the franchise as alternatives, as branches, instead of an obligatory sequence. It's nice to have it available in all these settings, but it's only nice in terms of available selection.

Nothing forces you to swallow the lot of it to the point of nausea - and especially not the nonsensical overarching "plot". Trying to makes it a bad franchise. Selecting your preferred environment makes it enjoyable. It's like pinball tables. The diversity is great, even if it's "the same game" (flip the ball up and prevent it from falling through), but you're not supposed to play all the tables.

Each game is optional. Technically, AC (or "ubi") is simply a genre. In which to pick a game. Like Far Cry, or GTA. "A new AC" should be treated exactly the same way as "a new RTS", "a new FPS", "a new sim-like". Like "ooh, that one is underwater, cool, I wanted to play one set underwater" or "bleh, that one is underwater, call me when they make one in space" or "bleh, not in the mood for that genre". Telltale also produced the same game over and over again, but one appealed to the Walking Dead fans, the other to the Wallace and Gromit fans - neither group had to endure all their games. (And suddenly, oh look, that new one is for the Expanse fans, nice for them, the selection expands...)
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
These are very different things.
Yes. Your point?
These are very different things. The plot (the animus thingy) is painfully grotesque and, if I judge by Odyssey, is being violently shoved to the backseat. But the "cool assassin shit" is cool, and the various historical settings have various appeals for various people. My point is that, precisely because it's the exact same thing with new varnish each time, at best a different flavor, it's like... choosing your favorite phone case. There is no point is owning them all, no point in covering your phone with all of them. They serve the same function. It's a good function. The variety should be treated as a menu choice, a buffet with no obligation to swallow everything.
Depends on the person. I've met multiple people who own either all of the games or nearly all. Some people are there for one, the other, or all the above reasons for this franchise. I hate animus plot too, and so do certain fans, but I've seen just many try to patheticaly defend it or justify it.

Have your own "cool assassin shit" happen with either a pointy hat, or a flat hat, or no hat, and you enjoy a "cool assassin shit". Of course, if instead of choosing one hat (technically : one epoch/setting) you feel forced to inflict yourself the lot of it, then you reach oversaturation with no benefit. AC is enjoyable if you treat the franchise as alternatives, as branches, instead of an obligatory sequence. It's nice to have it available in all these settings, but it's only nice in terms of available selection.
Good point, but too bad Ubisoft has not treated as such, and they you have the sycophants justifying a yearly/bi-yearly release or brainwashed into believing this shit.

Nothing forces you to swallow the lot of it to the point of nausea - and especially not the nonsensical overarching "plot". Trying to makes it a bad franchise. Selecting your preferred environment makes it enjoyable. It's like pinball tables. The diversity is great, even if it's "the same game" (flip the ball up and prevent it from falling through), but you're not supposed to play all the tables.
Once again, Ubisoft never learns and many parts of the gaming audience. Especially when it comes to the super fans, or casuals who buy for the "realistic graphics" in an AC games. You won't believe how many of those I've encountered.

Each game is optional. Technically, AC (or "ubi") is simply a genre. In which to pick a game. Like Far Cry, or GTA. "A new AC" should be treated exactly the same way as "a new RTS", "a new FPS", "a new sim-like". Like "ooh, that one is underwater, cool, I wanted to play one set underwater" or "bleh, that one is underwater, call me when they make one in space" or "bleh, not in the mood for that genre". Telltale also produced the same game over and over again, but one appealed to the Walking Dead fans, the other to the Wallace and Gromit fans - neither group had to endure all their games. (And suddenly, oh look, that new one is for the Expanse fans, nice for them, the selection expands...)
Each game may be optional, but it does not excuse Ubisoft being this creatively bankrupt, nor consumers constantly settling for less each time. It's why I choose to never touch these bland and shitty games in the first place. There are about 100,000+ games more fun than anything AC related.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Good point, but too bad Ubisoft has not treated as such,
But the fact that ubisoft doesn't treat them as such (and tries to present them as one big don't-miss-an-episode story) makes it all the more enjoyable. 😊

My point is : these are "a" good game. And there's a way to enjoy it fully. In that video, these two commenters explicitly note that these games would be very welcome, just as they are, if they were more widespread. I agree, but... that's exactly what they were and are to me. I've ignored enough of the franchise to keep the occasionally played iteration very enjoyable. It's just up to us. We can take the good of it (the flavor choice) without giving in to their funny attempt at making it an all-or-nothing thing. In fact it's even much easier than the MCU's equivalent issue - the MCU is mostly about a story and character backgrounds, so the missing pieces are more noticeable. Yet, we (more or less) all manage to cherry pick the interesting bits and to snub the rest.

Also, the fact it gets xeroxed to infinity doesn't make "the" ubisoft game a bad game. It's still a good one (especially for weirdos like me, who value sandbox exploration above any other aspect of gameplay). It's not a reason to keep re-playing it over and over again, but it's enough of a reason to pick one of them and play it once (which wouldn't be advised if it was a bad game that was being duplicated).

...Also, let's be honest with ourselves, as a species : there are so many things that we enjoy seeing repeated over and over again : buddy movies, ghost stories, bond flicks, first person shooters, brawlers, monsters-of-the-week, etc. So many genres that are the same one thing repeated over and over with a different paint job. I don't think any of us has a high ground to criticize others for indulging in a perpetually repeated formula, we all have our favorites. We all have our hamster huey and the gooey kablooie. Some stay in UBI games like others stay in CoD-like shooters, Doom-like, Starcraft-like, Diablo-like, which, frankly, aren't, within their respective genre, much different from each others...
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
My point is : these are "a" good game. And there's a way to enjoy it fully. In that video, these two commenters explicitly note that these games would be very welcome, just as they are, if they were more widespread. I agree, but... that's exactly what they were and are to me. I've ignored enough of the franchise to keep the occasionally played iteration very enjoyable. It's just up to us. We can take the good of it (the flavor choice) without giving in to their funny attempt at making it an all-or-nothing thing. In fact it's even much easier than the MCU's equivalent issue - the MCU is mostly about a story and character backgrounds, so the missing pieces are more noticeable. Yet, we (more or less) all manage to cherry pick the interesting bits and to snub the rest.

Also, the fact it gets xeroxed to infinity doesn't make "the" ubisoft game a bad game. It's still a good one (especially for weirdos like me, who value sandbox exploration above any other aspect of gameplay). It's not a reason to keep re-playing it over and over again, but it's enough of a reason to pick one of them and play it once (which wouldn't be advised if it was a bad game that was being duplicated).
The problem w/Ubisoft games, especially AC, is that they've been making the same game since IV, but each game afterward gets worse or has minimal changes. Add into Ubisoft formula to nearly all of their AAA games, and it's a bland and homogenized mess. They all pretty much use the same fucking UI now. Add in Ubisoft acting like bitches, because Elden Ring kicked their asses, show how much pathetic complacent bitches they've become. In addition, this is the reason why I'll always play FC: Instincts, and Crysis 2 & 3 over FC2-6 (including the other spin-offs).

We can take the good of it (the flavor choice) without giving in to their funny attempt at making it an all-or-nothing thing. In fact it's even much easier than the MCU's equivalent issue - the MCU is mostly about a story and character backgrounds, so the missing pieces are more noticeable. Yet, we (more or less) all manage to cherry pick the interesting bits and to snub the rest.
For all of the MCUs problems, nearly anything from there is way more interesting than AC as far as I'm concerned. I rather marathon all of that, over the majority of the AC franchise, any day of the week.

...Also, let's be honest with ourselves, as a species : there are so many things that we enjoy seeing repeated over and over again : buddy movies, ghost stories, bond flicks, first person shooters, brawlers, monsters-of-the-week, etc. So many genres that are the same one thing repeated over and over with a different paint job. I don't think any of us has a high ground to criticize others for indulging in a perpetually repeated formula, we all have our favorites. We all have our hamster huey and the gooey kablooie. Some stay in UBI games like others stay in CoD-like shooters, Doom-like, Starcraft-like, Diablo-like, which, frankly, aren't, within their respective genre, much different from each others...
There's good repetition, and bad repetition. Something that is hard to balance, but can be done with effort. AC has not have good repetition since Brotherhood and IV. Plus, Ubisoft does not know how to mix it up at all, or doesn't even try. Gaming franchise like Doom, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Streets of Rage, Mario, Sonic, etc. usually know how to mix it up without being too repetitive, or make the combat so great that nothing else is needed.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
The problem w/Ubisoft games, especially AC, is that they've been making the same game since IV, but each game afterward gets worse or has minimal changes. Add into Ubisoft formula to nearly all of their AAA games, and it's a bland and homogenized mess. They all pretty much use the same fucking UI now. Add in Ubisoft acting like bitches, because Elden Ring kicked their asses, show how much pathetic complacent bitches they've become. In addition, this is the reason why I'll always play FC: Instincts, and Crysis 2 & 3 over FC2-6 (including the other spin-offs).
Eh, Valhalla,, Odyssey and Origins are clearly something different.

I don't think the "RPG" overhaul in AC was particularly needed or helpful to it (Given to my experience, it just came along with triple the bloat and repetition, but now with coloured item names and numers over enemies heads), but there's a clear switchover there.

AC, Far Cry, Ghost Recon and WatchDogs are also co-labelmates along with Just Dance, Trackmania, Mario Rabiids, the South Parks, The Division (which has some stylistic similarities but definitely does not play like the former group, even as someone who finds it a sluggish mess) and Rainbow Six. So even in their AAA offerings thats a less then 50% chunk.

Throwing FROM in as a comparison is kind of funny, since Demons Souls and AC 2 (the one that established the formula) came out in the same year and FROM has remained vastly more stagnant in their offerings, with only Sekiro to stand out. Change isn't success or inherently good, but if we're going by spending ~15 years stuck on one idea, FROM are the kingpins in this particular fight.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Eh, Valhalla,, Odyssey and Origins are clearly something different.
Not by much. I will give some credit to Origins to introducing ideas that are "new for AC", but they never refined on it, made things worse, or added in more bloat, unless you pay a hefty price to skip it all.

I don't think the "RPG" overhaul in AC was particularly needed or helpful to it (Given to my experience, it just came along with triple the bloat and repetition, but now with coloured item names and numers over enemies heads), but there's a clear switchover there.
Exactly my point. It went worse in the other direction, while still having the same problems as past games. Origins and Odyssey may be better than something like Revelations, Syndicate, and Unity, but that is not a milestone worth praising nor celebrating. Plenty of games are better than all of the 5 I just mentioned.

AC, Far Cry, Ghost Recon and WatchDogs are also co-labelmates along with Just Dance, Trackmania, Mario Rabiids, the South Parks, The Division (which has some stylistic similarities but definitely does not play like the former group, even as someone who finds it a sluggish mess) and Rainbow Six. So even in their AAA offerings thats a less then 50% chunk.
FC has been doing the same thing since 3, but with less interesting villains each time. Just Dance is nothing more than glorified shovelware that has been doing the same thing since 3 and 4. Trackmania I can't comment on, as I never once played the games. Rabbids really didn't get good until the crossover games with Mario. Before that, Rabbids were a huge annoyance Ubi shoved down peoples throats, when nobody wanted them (not the first time Ubisoft was shilling a character or franchise forcing people to like), and wanted new Rayman. It took until 2011 for Ubisoft to do so and give the fan and gamers what they actually wanted. Watch Dogs is just AC in modern day, with most fans only preferring the WD2 over 1. The third game that takes place in Brexit, a lot of people don't like. The Division just sucks in general. Ghost Recon they turned a tactical single player 3rd person shooting games, into another uninspired sandbox games most GR fans, didn't want nor give a shit about. Rainbow Six Siege is a live-service started horribly and only got better through patches and balances, but it's all Ubisoft even bothers with now. They have not made another single player based Rainbow Six game since the Vegas games. I care more for the movie being developed by Michael B. Jordan, than I do about Siege, or another game that is never happening. So there are huge problems. Let's get into the fact that Ubisoft can't commit politics for shit, more than happy to enable players acting like racists and sexists assholes (with assholes like that being in charge at the top in the company), could not give an actual shit about diversity and use it under the most shallowest terms, and said company let's sexual abusers/assaulters/rapist run free with little to no punishment. Can't blame a lot of people walking out on Ubisoft, and their games can continue to suffer from there own doing. I have nothing else to say on this part, and that is final.

Throwing FROM in as a comparison is kind of funny, since Demons Souls and AC 2 (the one that established the formula) came out in the same year and FROM has remained vastly more stagnant in their offerings, with only Sekiro to stand out. Change isn't success or inherently good, but if we're going by spending ~15 years stuck on one idea, FROM are the kingpins in this particular fight.
While FROM was stuck in Souls rut, they at least respected players' time, knew how to mix things up, and didn't treat their gaming audiences like they're thundering dumbasses, nor think they only have to appeal to frat-jock assholes. Also, Bloodborne plays nothing like Demon Souls, Dark Souls I & II. Dark Souls III takes more from Bloodborne any way. Elden Ring is basically Dark Souls IV, but you and your steed can jump with the grander open world exploration that puts many AAA sandbox games to shame. Not a Souls fan, but I respect FROM far more than Ubisoft, and rather play the former's games, any day of the week than whatever Ubi shits out. I'm happy we're getting an Armored Core 6, and it plays nothing like a Dark Souls games. I have no complaints.
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