Finished manga volume 10 of Made in Abyss, I have 3 episodes of the anime to go and then I think that's as far as I go. There's still 1 volume and a couple chapters to go, but I can't stand it any longer.
I refuse to read any further if Faputa is joining the party. It's as bad as Vegeta joining the team in Dragon Ball and shacking up with Bulma. Faputa is irredeemable, and yet everybody is constantly treating her with kid gloves. It's infuriating! In the very first encounter we see with Reg she stabs her claw into his wounded belly button and draws blood. This is our introduction to the character, and it's only downhill from there. Later she shoves her arm down his throat into his stomach and beats him from the inside, because he tries to stop her from slaughtering all the villagers. It's really horrible, and probably the second worst assault Reg has ever received, but afterwards, he's all "don't ever do that again!" like this is some little spat between friends. Then she attacks Riko, but her own robot friend steps in to take the blow instead. Then she slaughters all the villagers. And eats them. But I guess it's ok, even though most of them are innocent, and they don't really mind being killed and eaten if it's for the princess for whatever reason. I hate it! I hate her! She's been completely irredeemable from the moment she's been introduced and the only reason she wasn't branded as the villain of the arc is because she was holding a protagonist card. I have no idea why the fandom seems to love her so much. In my opinion the character has crossed the moral event horizon, I don't care how cute they look when they are curled up sleeping!
Like, what the heck happened to the writing since they entered the 6th layer? It used to be really good! Nanachi's whole introductory arc beginning at Orb Piercer was absolutely fantastic, and Mitty's death is probably in my top 10 most heart-wrenching moments in anime. And that was set up in less than 2 hours. I also teared up a bit at the end of episode 3 when Riko started out on her journey into the abyss. The second season is 5 hours long, is one arc, and nothing in it comes close to being as effective. I don't care about any of the new characters that are introduced, and our established protagonists are pretty well side-lined for large segments at a time, especially Nanachi. Frankly, I was laughing at how ridiculous some of the supposed tragedies were. I don't know, I guess the writer must be getting burned out or something. That or he's too busy jerking off to loli porn to construct a proper plot any more.