Your video game hot take(s) thread


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Oh, the Ninja Theory game has its own issues with female characters as well. I'm not quite sure if it's worse than 4 and 5, though. I'd put it on par with 5, if not a few notches below and slightly above 4.
For me Ninja Theory is worse in this regard, because they constantly boasted and preached about how they have great female characters and there's nothing wrong with them, while promoting DmC (2013 ) and afterward.

Basically when it comes to women, 2, the anime and 3 are great, 4, reboot and 5 are awful, and 1 is a mixed bag, skewing slightly better.
I wouldn't go that far with the anime. While Trish and Lady are more active, in turn, the director of the anime turned them into assholes. Not complete assholes, but they got a bit more bitchy. Then again, Dante ain't exactly right either, and the director clearly had little idea how these characters actually functioned. 4 is okay, barring Trish giving Sparda to the Order of the Swords. At least both characters are playable in 4SE. 5 I did not find that bad, but it still sucks Trish nor Lady are playable in any capacity, and a great waste of character models. Once again, Team Ninja got this right a decade ago! Twice! What's your excuse Capcom?!

Oh, and I liked that little moment with Lady trying to convince Nero not to kill his own father. We could have used more of that.
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Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Yeah, I more or less feel the same. It's basically a more casual (for lack of a better term) version of Batman and Catwoman.

I think the idea of Leon being obsessed with Ada is a symptom of the fandom's need to infantilize him.

To elaborate, the DMC series isn't all bad when it comes to female characters. Trish's arc in DMC 1 is a bit underdeveloped and I'd say 2 is a step in the right direction when writing female characters. But Lady in 3 seems to be their peak. Enough jokes have been made about Kyrie being the kind of bland damsel in distress that Peach is often mistaken for always being. The fandom basically had to create memes about her having a fetish for Nero's demon form just to make her more interesting than what we got in the games. The issues of Trish and Lady's designs in 4 are obvious but there is the fact they contribute little to nothing of value. Lady just tells Dante about the Order being possibly malicious with little evidence to back up her claims and Trish actually helps the villains by giving them the Sparda sword.

And then DMC 5 doubles down on the problems with 4 by having Lady and Trish reduced to jobbers who get captured, stripped naked and used as living batteries for demons and Kyrie not even appearing on screen. Nico basically wins the status of "best girl" in that game by virtue of being the only female character who does something useful while having a fleshed out personality. She's great but it would be nice if she weren't the only female character handled competently.
I would mark DMC1 as a neutral example. While Trish is sexy, we don't get the kinds of shots that DMC 4 had. It was more like a film noir woman coming in with a request for a detective (Most likely intentional), and while she doesn't do too much, there's actually not that much characterization and plot (As in, plot that moves things forward) outside of the beginning and end for anyone. Dante has his thing with Vergil but Lady also has her thing with being a copy of someone as use as a pawn by her creator.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
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Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Just to clarify:

Trish - a demon created by Mundus to resemble Dante's mother Eva.

Lucia - one of many demons created by Arius to be his servants. Her dark skin and red hair are traits shared by her fellow "Secretary" demons but she is not really a clone of anyone.

Lady - is not a demon and isn't a clone of anyone.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Speaking of one long running hack and slash franchises, Ninja Gaiden really needs a main character that's not Ryu. They don't have to do what they did with Yaiba, but a new face will be nice. Or have a game focused on one of the DOA ninja girls. I'll take an NG4 where Kasumi and Ayane are the main protagonists, and Ryu is off on the wayside, or not as involved.

The Lollipop Chainsaw remake I do not look forward to. Grasshoppers not developing it, and a developer still hasn't been chosen yet. For some reason it's one of those games that really doesn't need to be remade, but I can see why they are attempting. A remaster with gameplay modifications and accessibility options would have sufficed.
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Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Speaking of one long running hack and slash franchises, Ninja Gaiden really needs a main character that's not Ryu. They don't have to do what they did with Yaiba, but a new face will be nice. Or have a game focused on one of the DOA ninja girls. I'll take an NG4 where Kasumi and Ayane are the main protagonist, and Ryu is off on the wayside, or not as involved.
Kratos has a son, Bayonetta has a daughter and Dante has a nephew. Ryu's the only one of the four iconic hack n slashers of the 2000s who doesn't have a kid that aids him on adventures or is primed to take his place. I wouldn't be surprised if Koei Tecmo finally pulls the trigger on giving him and Irene a son next time we see him.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Kratos has a son, Bayonetta has a daughter and Dante has a nephew. Ryu's the only one of the four iconic hack n slashers of the 2000s who doesn't have a kid that aids him on adventures or is primed to take his place. I wouldn't be surprised if Koei Tecmo finally pulls the trigger on giving him and Irene a son next time we see him.
There's also Aya and Saki, but they're lesser known. They don't have kids either. The most a franchise has ever done was aged them by 2 years, and then it went back to rebooting/making a remake, putting them back of their default ages. The older sister is is in an early 20s, and the younger is a teenager, so they really don't count much, because Tamsoft doesn't bother to age them much.

As much as I like Viola, we both know she's a base breaker, and I have a funny feeling Platinum is going to backpedal and make Bayonetta the main protag again. Origins aside.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Ok, call me crazy, but as someone who was there when Sonic The Hedgehog first became a thing, I distinctly remember who you all call “Dr. Eggman” nowadays being “Dr. Robotnik,” and he was “Dr. Kinkrobot,” a benevolent scientist, until an accident in his lab mutated him and also gave Sonic his powers, at which point, he changed his name to “Robotnik” (in a poor attempt to cleverly transpose/reverse “Kinkrobot.”) While I can find evidence of Robotnik everywhere, “Kinkrobot” yields me nothing online. I haven’t cared about the Sonic franchise since Sonic and Knuckles (yes, I’m that old,) but it’s driven me crazy to see “Dr. Eggman” coopt “Robotnik,” and even more so that the “Kinkrobot” origin story simply doesn’t exist despite my remembering it very clearly for over 30 years.

Don’t bother correcting me on the canonically-accepted origins today; I’m more curious if anyone else has any recollection at all of what I remember.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Ok, call me crazy, but as someone who was there when Sonic The Hedgehog first became a thing, I distinctly remember who you all call “Dr. Eggman” nowadays being “Dr. Robotnik,” and he was “Dr. Kinkrobot,” a benevolent scientist, until an accident in his lab mutated him and also gave Sonic his powers, at which point, he changed his name to “Robotnik” (in a poor attempt to cleverly transpose/reverse “Kinkrobot.”) While I can find evidence of Robotnik everywhere, “Kinkrobot” yields me nothing online. I haven’t cared about the Sonic franchise since Sonic and Knuckles (yes, I’m that old,) but it’s driven me crazy to see “Dr. Eggman” coopt “Robotnik,” and even more so that the “Kinkrobot” origin story simply doesn’t exist despite my remembering it very clearly for over 30 years.

Don’t bother correcting me on the canonically-accepted origins today; I’m more curious if anyone else has any recollection at all of what I remember.
It was always Kintobor. You simply misspelled it.

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Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
There's also Aya and Saki, but they're lesser known. They don't have kids either. The most a franchise has ever done was aged them by 2 years, and then it went back to rebooting/making a remake, putting them back of their default ages. The older sister is is in an early 20s, and the younger is a teenager, so they really don't count much, because Tamsoft doesn't bother to age them much.

As much as I like Viola, we both know she's a base breaker, and I have a funny feeling Platinum is going to backpedal and make Bayonetta the main protag again. Origins aside.
I think there's a 50/50 chance they'll stick with Viola like how Capcom stuck with Nero. Sure Viola is contentious now, but the same could be said of Nero when he debuted in DMC 4.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I think there's a 50/50 chance they'll stick with Viola like how Capcom stuck with Nero. Sure Viola is contentious now, but the same could be said of Nero when he debuted in DMC 4.
But even Nero didn't get this much hate at the start and during the middle. Granted, it's more so certain YouTubers being highly vocal about it (Pat especially), but don't be too surprised if they decide to drop Viola all together. I want to see her character, and move set expanded, but I'm not counting on Platinum to follow through on her.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Paging Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Sigmund Freud.... ;)
Ha! Fortunately, none of my google searches yielded anything that put me off the case, but yes, the thought had crossed my mind that perhaps the absence of any Sonic-related searches yielded anything that " Kinkrobot" might might be tied to... other interpretations.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Right, listen. This goes for videogames or any other media really.

When you start a franchise, that you intend to develop through many sequels, do not use the word "final" in its title, okay ?

To be fair to Final Fantasy, I don't think they planned to make 16+ games at the time. But nobody bothered to change the name after the first one so here we are.

Granted, it was bad enough that for longest time you had FF1, FF2, FF3 and then FF7 in the West because they skipped 3 games and just renumbered the ones they did release in the west.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
When you start a franchise, that you intend to develop through many sequels, do not use the word "final" in its title, okay ?

To be fair to Final Fantasy, I don't think they planned to make 16+ games at the time. But nobody bothered to change the name after the first one so here we are.

Granted, it was bad enough that for longest time you had FF1, FF2, FF3 and then FF7 in the West because they skipped 3 games and just renumbered the ones they did release in the west.
If it makes you feel any better, there's only one Final Vendetta and only one The Last Story. The latter doesn't exactly have a choice in the matter, and I don't know the full financial reception of FV.

I'm gonna be "that guy": To those that says RE4R is a "soulless" game; you don't know dick! I am not going name users on this forum, but I will call out people like Yahtzee, evidence altering and manipulative editing biatch mother-fucker. Crowbcat , and Electric Underground. The problem with people like them is that want the same fucking game, with nearly all the same exact lines or story content. They cry things to be different or "done better", but they're lying to themselves, each other, or trying to gaslight their own target audience (Crow & EU), while insulting others from just having fun and enjoying the game. Blinded by nostalgia, looking for that exact same second high that is impossible to reach.

You wanna soulless remake of RE4? Look no further than Evil Within 1! EW1 is literally just RE4, but not as entertaining, worse in certain regards, and takes itself far more seriously than RE4R or RE4 ever could. Not to say, EW1 doesn't have humor, but don't expect the unintentional humor of even RE4 or even the original PSX Trilogy. Another reminder, Capcom didn't even want to remake RE4, because of high expectations! So if you should blame anyone, it's the people who kept demanding, begging, or asking for it since the mid 2010s! Yet, they more than surpassed expectations and put all of their heart and soul into this fucking remake!

One more thing: I do respect RE4 OG and what it brought into revolutionizing gaming and changing 3rd person shooters forever. I was there when it all happened. I was 15. Yet, at the same time, I am not going to over praise and over hype the game, nor put down other games for being "lesser" than it. Nor am I going to downplay the importance (Yahtzee and MB!) of other and older RE titles in the franchise. I find the original hard to go back to for several reason:
  1. I don't like controls. I don't like Leon/Ada/whoever I am playing going into tank siege mode!
  2. Babysitting Ashley is the worst!
  3. The game drags on too long.
Not to mention, I only did about two playthroughs total of the original. RE4R pretty much ironed all of the issues I had with the original. Before that, it was Shadows of the Damned and Evil Within 2. Those I like and find better than RE4 OG as well. I've made this case before, and I have no probs doing so again. For the record, you all still have the original available on almost every console known to man since the 6th generation and PC. You have no right to complain, and I will not hear otherwise, not listen to the babbling. Rant over; moving on and don't bother responding, if there's anything else you disagree with. I've heard it all already, and don't care to listen again. All I'll give you is the lightning in the original is better, and the codec conversations are king. Enjoy it.

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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Ok, call me crazy, but as someone who was there when Sonic The Hedgehog first became a thing, I distinctly remember who you all call “Dr. Eggman” nowadays being “Dr. Robotnik,” and he was “Dr. Kinkrobot,” a benevolent scientist, until an accident in his lab mutated him and also gave Sonic his powers, at which point, he changed his name to “Robotnik” (in a poor attempt to cleverly transpose/reverse “Kinkrobot.”) While I can find evidence of Robotnik everywhere, “Kinkrobot” yields me nothing online. I haven’t cared about the Sonic franchise since Sonic and Knuckles (yes, I’m that old,) but it’s driven me crazy to see “Dr. Eggman” coopt “Robotnik,” and even more so that the “Kinkrobot” origin story simply doesn’t exist despite my remembering it very clearly for over 30 years.

Don’t bother correcting me on the canonically-accepted origins today; I’m more curious if anyone else has any recollection at all of what I remember.
Oh, I remember, but it's basically a case of Sega and America and Sega of Japan pursuing different backstories for Eggman/Robotnik. It's not the only case of this happening - there's a reason why Amy is called "Princess Sally" in the US/PAL manual for Sonic CD for instance, and why in SoA canon, Sonic's world was called "Mobius," while in SoJ canon it was called "Earth."

This is arguably off-topic, but I've generally found that the Western versions of Sonic seem to have more 'edge' to them and certainly be more creative in their settings than their Japanese counterparts, but for better or worse, the games' canon is dominant, and Sega seems intent on hemogenizing the IP. You could get a show like Sonic SatAM and the Archie comics in the 90s, but compare that to Sonic Prime or the IDW comics for instance.