What are you currently playing?


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I'm currently playing Diablo 4 'cause... I dunno, just 'cause.

But I also tried the demo for Ghost Trick Detective, and I was rather charmed. This cute puzzle game has you manipulating objects in a scene to change an outcome you're shone in order to advance a mystery. Presentation is a nice mix of Saturday morning cartoon and film noir which oddly works. The demo covers the intro and you can save your game for the full version. I didn't decide to buy it cause I'm in the mood for big new games but it's something I plan to go back to.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I'm currently playing Diablo 4 'cause... I dunno, just 'cause.

But I also tried the demo for Ghost Trick Detective, and I was rather charmed. This cute puzzle game has you manipulating objects in a scene to change an outcome you're shone in order to advance a mystery. Presentation is a nice mix of Saturday morning cartoon and film noir which oddly works. The demo covers the intro and you can save your game for the full version. I didn't decide to buy it cause I'm in the mood for big new games but it's something I plan to go back to.
Ghost Trick is fantastic. Loved it back on the 3ds, planning on getting the remaster but waiting for a sale since there are too many big games coming out soon.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Took a break from a second (and more recently third) character in Elden Ring to get back into Mafia 3 dlc. It’s still a fun change of pace that pretty much has GTA beat on all the core elements of gameplay, albeit just being rougher around the edges. The melee finishers and kill shots are satisfying (especially headshots when someone’s running at you or just trying to get to cover), driving is serviceable open world stuff with some cool cars available late game, dlc missions are fun and varied with everything from investigating a cult hideout with a black light to tearing up a town causing massive damage to draw the attention of the racist shitbag sheriff you later beat the shit out of. Also the late 60’s is a decent era for the radio tunes, but would’ve been nice if they added some more songs and DJ bantering/ads/etc. that give it more flavor.

It’s also crazy for all of the technical shortcomings, there are some really nice touches. The cloth physics are pretty neat like when I was up on a roof where someone had their clothes hanging, I just sorta walked slowly through them in different ways and they responded appropriately. Also I’m not sure how consistent this is or the amount of times it’s even possible, but it seems like on-mission locations that are playing music will have whatever song you left playing in the car. Maybe it’s a coincidence or the fact there aren’t a ton of songs, but it still reminds me of what happens IRL sometimes.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Still X4. Bought a bigger ship that my little ship sleeps on. Fuck yeah space piracy! (I am actually very much a bent cop in this game. Space piracy cop! Yeeeeeeah!)

My autopilot is absolutely pissed though.


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Finished the third case of Danganronpa 2. I had to do the PTA battle at the end 6-7 times before manging to get it through. And I did not have fun while doing it. If you ever find your self playing this minigame and are having trouble, I recommend that you button mash the tab key whenever you run low on ammo; as far as I can tell there is no penalty for mistiming it.

So far I think there's been two (2) mechanics in Danganronpa that I've liked. The first one was a real hit, but the other one is used so seldom that it feels like they only added it because they had already implemented it in last game.

The good mechanic is that they have spiced up the Weak Statements that you can break by using evidence as counter arguments with having Weak Statements you can also bolster by using evidence. That feels like a natural extension from existing mechanics and it spices things up sufficiently.

The other mechanic is that you can absorb a Weak Statement and use that as a counter evidence against another Weak Statement. That feels like a mechanical implementation of pointing out hypocrisy ("You just said that the company is running low on cash yet you also claim that a hefty bonus to the board is warranted?") and it is a way to make sure the player can be presented with a challenge where they have no prior information, giving them that feeling of fighting back when all odds are against them. Too bad that the amount of times you are meant to use that mechanic are so far and in between that I forget that it exists. If I were to suggest an improvement to the game: in the sections where the player is meant to absorb an argument to use as a counterargument, let the player have absolutely no arguments present, so that they know that the challenge lies in absorption (have the protagonist say something like "Damn it! I didn't find out anything that would be useful when it comes to this subject!"). Have more Weak Statements present as well, to provide a challenge.

So far the overall mood is more upbeat than in Danganronpa 1 and I like it more.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Still playing Iron Harvest. Its very good still, I love the clunky mech designs, they look nothing like the much sleeker Battletech or anime type mecha, they look like what a ww1 tank turned mech would look. All the 3 factions I've played are certainly different, infantry are somewhat similar, aside from the primary cheap infantry who all have comparable but different weapons, and ranges.

Beat Fashion Police Squad and it was just awesome, it takes a bit to get a challenge out of the game, but once it starts going its a nice one, even though its still not really hard. But the boss fights, holy shit they did a spectacular job with them, and the story is all the great drama and camp you would want out of a game called 'Fashion Police Squad'. Highly recommended if you like kinda old school fps games.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Finished Creeper World 4. The 20-missions campaign, that is (there's an infinity of custom or daily missions). The last two missions were almost challenging. But again, it's just a matter of managing the first minute. Once you stop the creeper in its tracks, time is usually on your side, and you can grind your way back to the whole map. Which is a satisfying feeling, but devoid of tension. Akin to popping wrap paper bubbles. And if you failed to stop the creeper at the beginning of the mission, then it's game over very fast anyway.

Anyway, it's still my favorite towerdefensoïd, if it even qualifies. Trying out Particle Fleet, but it's less convincing and it does feel like a draft version of Creeper World. Maybe it was.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Decided to get Street Fighter 6. It's been a long time since I've been motivated to pick up a new fighting game, since I'm never sure about the ones that just came out and the ones that have been out for a while are expensive because of all the DLC characters, but I've heard nothing but good things about SF6, here and elsewhere, and it looks fantastic. That, and I have prior experience with Street Fighter, having played a decent amount of 2, A3, 3rd Strike and 4 at various points in the past. Never much against other people online, but with 6's teaching tools it shouldn't be too hard to bridge that gap, hopefully.

I got it on PC; don't know if there's crossplay, but I probably wouldn't want to face BrawlMan in the ring on day one anyway. No offense, I'm just really rusty and never had much training to begin with.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
got it on PC; don't know if there's crossplay, but I probably wouldn't want to face BrawlMan in the ring on day one anyway. No offense, I'm just really rusty and never had much training to begin with.
No worries. I still haven't gone online yet. Right now I'm trying to save money, and I hope to get PS plus around the end of the month. The full year that is.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Gotta hand it to Capcom this time around. They actually cared about offline content!
Capcom has pretty much learned their lesson after Street Fighter 5. More fighting game companies need to look at what Capcom is doing and expand their fighting games. This is mainly a problem for a majority of Japanese fighting games. All you're getting is just an arcade game with sometimes training, survival, or both and that's it. You're really paying 60 to $70 for an arcade game without much bonus content. I give the Indie fighting games more leeway, as most of them are working with smaller resources and charge at a far cheaper price.
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At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
I find that person's style of delivery too grating to watch for more than a minute. Couple questions, are there any roguelike elements in the game? And would you (and Bartholen) say that the game is worth playing?
The game has two major roguelike aspects: the dungeon map is randomized for each playthrough, but stays fixed during it. The loot you get off monsters and containers is randomized on each restart. Getting a valuable item instantly makes the game more intense until you find a save spot, because if you die and have to restart from that last save, you're not getting that item back.

Considering it's only like 7 bucks I'd say it's very much worth playing if you have a stomach for really uncompromising and fucked up games. The gameplay's not very deep or tactical, the game's strong points are its atmosphere, exploration intensity and lore. It captures that same feeling of delving deeper and deeper into dangerous places that Dark Souls has, but Fear & Hunger explains itself even less. Using a guide is almost necessary. For example, in certain situations, save spots included, the game asks you to pick heads or tails on a coin toss. Not getting the side you picked can mean a save failing or certain death. What the game doesn't tell you (without reading item descriptions) is you can hold down shift to flip 2 coins instead, and if either one is the side you picked, the toss is a success. The game is absolutely full of stuff like that.

It can be fairly repetitive, since you'll have to retrace your steps quite a lot upon death, but it wasn't a dealbreaker for me because the map's fairly condensed, and learning all the routes felt like its own reward. The last thing to mention is that the game is rated adults only, which you'll have go specifically turn in your steam settings to show, since most AO games are just porn games. IMO Fear & Hunger earns its rating though: it's not the most graphically explicit game by virtue of being made in RPG Maker, but there's tons of references to horrific subject matter and the text descriptions are very blunt and evocative.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I did a few rounds of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. I've noticed the problem with the optional bosses from OG/Black/Sigma 1 and II/Sigma 2, is that they were just dragged and dropped into the game so lazily. It's literally their character models from either respective game thrown some extra sheen on, and call it a day. They don't gel well with this game's mechanics. You can't steel-on-bone them nor counter grabs. Which is something that can be done to bosses made for this game. It boils down either baiting or waiting for them to do a specific attack and whiff punish with light attacks. Rinse and repeat. You do the same with the actual bosses from 3, but the human sized ones you can bait into SOB and move the fight much faster. This has always been a problem with the 3D NG games since the first, but it gets really tiring hear. Unlike DMC, you can't afford to be stylish against the bosses, even in the hands of expert player. Especially on the higher difficulties.

I've been playing as Kasumi with the ninja trials and she's my favorite of the characters selectable. I actually prefer playing Kasumi, and her sister Ayane, over Ryu in certain cases. Yes, Ryu gets all the weapons and has more health and durability, but he moves way too slow here compared to his past outings. I'll take characters with weak health, if it means I can out maneuver my opponents faster than the main hero.


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
The game has two major roguelike aspects: the dungeon map is randomized for each playthrough, but stays fixed during it. The loot you get off monsters and containers is randomized on each restart. Getting a valuable item instantly makes the game more intense until you find a save spot, because if you die and have to restart from that last save, you're not getting that item back.

Considering it's only like 7 bucks I'd say it's very much worth playing if you have a stomach for really uncompromising and fucked up games. The gameplay's not very deep or tactical, the game's strong points are its atmosphere, exploration intensity and lore. It captures that same feeling of delving deeper and deeper into dangerous places that Dark Souls has, but Fear & Hunger explains itself even less. Using a guide is almost necessary. For example, in certain situations, save spots included, the game asks you to pick heads or tails on a coin toss. Not getting the side you picked can mean a save failing or certain death. What the game doesn't tell you (without reading item descriptions) is you can hold down shift to flip 2 coins instead, and if either one is the side you picked, the toss is a success. The game is absolutely full of stuff like that.

It can be fairly repetitive, since you'll have to retrace your steps quite a lot upon death, but it wasn't a dealbreaker for me because the map's fairly condensed, and learning all the routes felt like its own reward. The last thing to mention is that the game is rated adults only, which you'll have go specifically turn in your steam settings to show, since most AO games are just porn games. IMO Fear & Hunger earns its rating though: it's not the most graphically explicit game by virtue of being made in RPG Maker, but there's tons of references to horrific subject matter and the text descriptions are very blunt and evocative.
Ok, cool, maybe I'll give it a shot.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
This Way Madness Lies

Think Shakespeare + Sailor Moon + Lovecraft, but also jrpg. Newest game by the folks who did Cosmic Star Heroine and Cthulhu Saves The World. It's pretty fun, a nice sort of casual game with a sense of humor, some nice pixel art and a short runtime for an rpg, since it's apparently about 5-8 hours long. But I don't mind that, I enjoy these more bite-sized jprgs. Worth picking up if you can get it for a fiver or something.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Crowd Simulator.

I have nothing to say.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Betrayer is currently free on GoG, and it's... something. The premise is interesting- you're shipwrecked on the shores of 17th-century Virginia, only to find that color (except for red) has literally been drained out of everything and the landscape is filled with red-eyed conquistadores (who sound like bears) and natives, all of whom are mindlessly hostile. But there's also a mysterious shadow world accessible by ringing a bell, where you can begin to find out what happened from those who didn't survive it. Unfortunately the game is marred by a clunky combat/stealth system, and the stark black-and-white contrast really starts to hurt my eyes after not too long.


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Finished the fourth case of Danganronpa 2. The last thing I had to prove there was something so ridiculous that if I were to write it down(which I've done within the spoiler) you would go "Oh, it's one of THOSE games"). I will also share my speculation on the overarching plot within the spoiler.

One thing I can say for sure now is that if you were to play Danganronpa 2 ahead of Danganronpa 1 then this was the chapter that would make that ill-advised, since in this chapter they revealed several details about the end of Danganronpa 1.

So, the totally ridiculous thing I had to prove was that the killer used his trained hamsters to reach the murdered Robot's deactivation switch on the back of his head.

The speculation is in regards to who the traitor is. And I honestly don't think I have any solid clue about it. Danganronpa has the characteristic of having a very large cast so for the majority of the time most of them do not get to showcase their personality, meaning the murderer feels like they came out of the blue in most cases. For that reason I suspect basically everyone of being the traitor.

But for argument's sake, who would I put the blame on?
Hajime? He is the protagonist, so if he did it he must have not really acted as one once they lost their memories. The best I can offer is that Nagito once talked about a mystery novel he read where it turned out that surprise-surprise, the protagonist was the killer all along.
Nagito? Last I saw of him, he offered to work with Monokuma the teddy bear, provided he'd find out who the traitor is, so no, I don't think he's the one.
Chiaki? She's taken the role of Kyoko of last game, but slightly dimmer(the duty has honestly been split between her and Nagito), so I therefore like her, but I don't think I've seen any indication that she's a traitor.
Sonia? She claims to be a princess from a far off country, which makes me more suspicious of her, but again this is the series where a murderer uses his trained hamsters to help in murdering a robot, so fictional princesses is not weird. She mentioned India at one point but does not look Indian.
Fuyuhiko? The fact that he's with organized crime makes him highly suspicious, but I honestly think that given that we've been given his backstory as part of the main plot, and that he was portrayed with sympathy and humanity means that we've already been provided with all the backstory they intended.
Mechanic-guy? I've not been given any indication that he is the traitor, AND he already had a characterization as part of the main plot: he's the Casanova wannabe.
Gymnast-gal? She seems to not be bright enough to serve as the ultimate antagonist, and she reminds me a lot of Aoi from last game. If she were obfuscating stupidity I have not really been shown any spots of brilliance shining through.
Someone dead? Possible, but I already thought they cheated in last game when they tried to pull something like that in last game, and I suspect it would be boring if that's how it went.

When I write it out like this I become utterly convinced that Sonia is the traitor, but as I said, it could frankly be anyone.
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Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
So, the totally ridiculous thing I had to prove was that the killer used his trained hamsters to reach the murdered Robot's deactivation switch on the back of his head.
This was foreshadowed by having the hamsters press the elevator button a couple of times during the chapter, so that you know that the hamsters are trained to remotely press buttons. Hajime is also told in confidence by the murdered robot that he has a button that will turn him off. The combination of those two details wasn't that hard to put together, IMO. Out of context it seems ludicrous, but in context it's properly set up.

I liked Chapter 4 in SDR2 a lot, but Chapter 5 is easily the best one. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
[The thing you had to prove] wasn't that hard to put together, IMO. Out of context it seems ludicrous, but in context it's properly set up.
No objections here. I had to get to the end of the Panic Talk Action, see the sentence I could form, and I immediately went "Oh, yeah, now that I see what sentence I can form, it is obvious.". It was the fact that it was ridiculous out of context I was talking about.
I liked Chapter 4 in SDR2 a lot, but Chapter 5 is easily the best one. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Chapter 4 was probably the first time where it felt like I was ahead of the characters for the majority of the trial. At least the parts that involved figuring out something major about the case, namely the layout of the crime scene. I obviously also hope I will like the chapter, in particular now that you've acted as a teaser.
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