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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Yep. It's rare when works out well.
It can work fine, but it will always be hated for at least the first outing of that new character.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Sometimes it does work, but most times it doesn't.
When does it work? Cause at most an old character will get a moment of badass then fade into the background.

I'll take your word for on this one, but I am sure there will be a bunch of others that will disagree with you on this. One of them being GGManLives, if I remember correctly. I could be wrong.
I have very little trust for GGmanLives since he thought the trapped vases in Powerslave were good design. Even when they go from just enemy traps to instant kill snakes. He would also just be wrong, BL3 plays so much better then 2 and 2 plays so much better then 1.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It can work fine, but it will always be hated for at least the first outing of that new character.
Like I said before, depends and YMMV. Most didn't.

When does it work? Cause at most an old character will get a moment of badass then fade into the background.
Minus the whole killing off character thing, it worked for Devil May Cry 4 & 5, but as we all know with Nero, everyone didn't start accepting him until after the "reboot" was announced. Then all of the sudden, the haters began loving him, because they don't wanna deal with DINO's bullshit. I never hated Nero to begin with, so I always appreciated him.

I am not going to come up with every single example as nearly everything is different. It didn't work for Soul Calibur V, and the reception towards (big spoiler here for a Nintendo Switch Exclusive here) when Bayo died in Bayonetta 3 many fans didn't enjoy. Viola is still love it or hate it. Not so much for her personality, as it's too soon for many fans to be the new protag this early, and nearly every returning character bit dust. While I do like Bayo3 and Viola, Platinum was just copying Capcom's DMC5, but all the worse for it.

Though as I've seen most media, it doesn't work out. It depends how attached the audience is, how loveable the characters are, and often they show up in said game, TV show, or movie. Jojo and Castlevania can get away with this, because nearly each installment or game is different with a different or new protag, and takes place in a new timeline/era. As we are seeing with the upcoming Castlevania Nocturne TV series, it's going to work out fine.

I have very little trust for GGmanLives since he thought the trapped vases in Powerslave were good design.
Ha! Even Civvie11 said those were bad designs. This isn't the first time GGMan has said a controversial or inherently wrong opinion. I lost lot of trust with him when it came to Evil West. He was so wrong or missed the point on so mant design elements, it was not funny. I can never watch his review on that game ever again.

He would also just be wrong, BL3 plays so much better then 2 and 2 plays so much better then 1.
I can agree with 2 > 1. Like said before, as for 3 or 2 being better than each other, it boils down YMMV and other fans. I never touching games, so I have no stake in this opinion.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Borderlands 3 is absolutely unplayable to me, for the fact that due to circumstances, I play using the arrow keys instead of WASD- and in BL3, the arrow keys are hard-coded to emotes. No PC game should have controls hard-coded to anything.
Well, Laggyteabag's post got me thinking I should finally play BL3, but reading that has instantly changed my mind. Why on earth would you do that? Especially with the arrow keys? Luckily I got it free on EGS so no money lost.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Minus the whole killing off character thing, it worked for Devil May Cry 4 & 5, but as we all know with Nero, everyone didn't start accepting him until after the "reboot" was announced. Then all of the sudden, the haters began loving him, because they don't wanna deal with DINO's bullshit. I never hated Nero to begin with, so I always appreciated him.
Its one of those weird things where the introductory outing for the new character will have that character be hated, but fans will soften on further releases. We even saw that in Indiana Jones and the big red button where even Red Letter Media was lamenting Mutt being just killed off and wondering if they had been too hard on his character.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Its one of those weird things where the introductory outing for the new character will have that character be hated, but fans will soften on further releases. We even saw that in Indiana Jones and the big red button where even Red Letter Media was lamenting Mutt being just killed off and wondering if they had been too hard on his character.
RLM are bandwagon jumping, hypocritical shit, film critics! Now you all give shit? What changed? I am not a hardcore Mutt fan, but even I knew the hate was overblown back in 2008.I did always prefer Shortround and wanted see an adult version of him. The other reason being it was when Sheia LeBouf was the new hotness and lots of hardcore Jones, Transformers, or plain anti-Leouf fans were already tired of seeing him or playing characters they didn't like. This actually the second time they killed a Shiea character off-screen because "nobody liked him/got sick and tired of him". Transformers 5: The Last Knight was the first to do so. BTW, I still have not seen the newest Jones film, nor am I interested.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Dead Space Remake - I'll add in more thoughts later as I've barely started. Loving the redone visuals with the same scary atmosphere and redone level design. The game is even more like System Shock 2 now.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I played a bit of the Sea of Stars demo. Old-timey NES style games are not really my thing, nor turn-based RPGs nor a lot of reading for dialogue, so I was never gonna personally like this per se, but there's a lot of buzz around this one so I was curious to just check out the style and tone and art. And I can certainly see the appeal- it's both cute and action-y and dynamic, as far as that sort of thing can go while being reverent and nostalgic for video games from like 30 years ago.
One thing that was clever was during the turn-based combat, you can experience immediate interaction- like for one character I played, there is this boomerang that you hit a button when it comes back and hit more enemies, so a little "action" in your standard RPG.

The part of the demo I quit one is this sort of puzzle room where you go around finding light sources and each one makes a new room with enemies to kill, which is a clever way to pack in content in small spaces. If this game turns out to be as good as people hope, I imagine the best parts will be from such intricate level design. I obviously can't see if the game will love up to the expectations but of course I hope it does for those that are anticipating and buying it.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
One thing that was clever was during the turn-based combat, you can experience immediate interaction- like for one character I played, there is this boomerang that you hit a button when it comes back and hit more enemies, so a little "action" in your standard RPG.
There's a lot of JRPG that uses these kid of mechanic, mario RPG/paper mario probably being the most obvious example, if you want to play more of that. There's also some variation of that, like legend of dragoon and shadow hearts having little button timing sequence when attacking.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Hi Fi Rush is giving me war flashbacks to music class in school. I am just not built for an inclination to music. I cannot move to the beat to save my life. But I'll keep trying, because the concept of the game is just too fun.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Hi Fi Rush is giving me war flashbacks to music class in school. I am just not built for an inclination to music. I cannot move to the beat to save my life. But I'll keep trying, because the concept of the game is just too fun.
There is an optional bumper you can turn on to help you out timing your rhythm. It's awkward at first, but you'll get the hang of it. I know that rhythm bumper helps.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I forgot to mention, but I finally managed to make it to Level 42 in Mr. X's Nightmare yesterday afternoon.....

I think I'm done with SOR4's survival mode now.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Completed Chapter 1 of Dead Space Remake. What a great way to start! I went out of way for the off beaten path to get more items and will continue to do so for most of the playthrough. I love how you can use the tram system to travel back to areas you cleared in previous chapters. The risk of course being that new and random enemies spawn now.

I am going to try upgrading the Plasma Cutter as early as possible. I got the Pulse Rifle too, but I don't know if I plan on keeping it. My plan is to stick with 3 weapons for the entire playthrough. My ideal weapon selection will be Plasma Cutter, Line Gun, and Ripper-chan! Like in the original the player is better off having less weapons, so they can get more ammo for each respective weapon. Maybe I might switch the Line Gun out for the Force Gun, or add the latter as my fourth weapon, if I decide.

My only gripe with the game, like the original, is how upgrading your weapons work. I don't mind using nodes, but it's used in a skill tree style manner. Unlike in RE4/R, you can't upgrade in any order or do them separately. You have to upgrade damage first, then capacity, then add another node to do reload speed so you can access another damage upgrade. Let me just upgrade what I want in any order! I know it's for balance, but it's one design philosophy I never agreed with. Stopping for tonight, and will tackle Chapter 2 tomorrow evening.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Yesterday was my last attempt at playing Diablo 4 after completing the main campaign.
This is not a complaint about the patches and nerfs and all that stuff you may have seen going around- I was never going to get far enough to notice any of that anyway. I just was going to play until I got bored. And my preference, instinct, whatever you wanna call it to treat a story campaign as "the game" and everything else as extra just has become overwhelming other gaming instincts recently.

So that means I started season 1- with a different class, of course (Rogue), and when I saw that the season campaign is mostly just doing the same old ARPG stuff of dungeon crawling and leveling up, and my eyes hurt from all the stuff exploding- I mean, it's fine, i know that's that point, it's just not for me. At this point, I fulfilled my main goal of trying out a modern RPG, discovered that these games that are intended for forever-play only amuse me in for a brief time, and I can move on.

And no I'm probably not gonna try Path of Exile, that skill "tree" scares me, hah. But who knows...

Today the new stuff come out on PS+ and it includes my favorite indy/smaller game from last year- Death's Door! I played it on another system but I'm gonna attempt the broken umbrella run- this means playing the whole game using a joke "weapon" instead of the actual melee weapons, which of course is like a challenge or expert run. I know it'll be hard so I'll see if it'll be fun hard or just annoying hard and if the former, pursue the platinum trophy for it.
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Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
Morrowind with mods. And not the kind that tries to "improve the gameplay" I.E make it like Skyrim gameplay wise or graphical also.

The mods I use are the things that just gives me more to play with like Project Tamriel that tries to recreate the rest of Tamriel though most of the effort goes to recreating the rest of mainland Morrowind.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I went back to Double Dragon Gaiden. I managed to beat the true final boss, but The Mysterious Warrior and the stage cheap. For the final battle, I stuck with Jimmy and Marian. Like I said before, she is kind of a game breaker, but can't take a hit. I was down to my last continue and last blip of life. I don't think I am ever doing the true final stage ever again. Not without some patch update.

I like the game, but there are issues. Certain enemies can't get whiff punished and will auto-dodge/attack again, even though your fists clearly made contact. And certain other ones get way too overpowered come end game. I hate the large hammer and uzi enemies! Also, there should have been some universal vertical dodge roll/dash. I am glad a run button exists, but certain enemies do have diagonal attacks that you can't exactly counter, and can be hard to dodge depending on the character. I end abusing the jump or tag mechanics to damage or stun enemies. There's even an upgrade to do more damage, if you get it. There's one more playthrough I have to do, and that is beating the Triangle game last. I'll save that run for another time.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Dead Space Remake - Chapter 2 Completed. The game is starting to really open up now. Zero Gravity controls in Remake kills the original. I completed an easy side mission as well. I will start Chapter 3 later on.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Getting close to the end of Ratchet and Clank a rift in time. Its been quite good, but still has those weird difficulty spikes, where most of the game is pretty easy but certain encounters are rather brutal. Weapons are fun, characters are fun, writing it fun. Its still overpriced for an older game, but it is a rather solid release in a year with some iffy pc versions. Have seen a few graphical errors caused by RTX but other then 2 crashes in 16 hours its been very stable.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I'm a good 40 hours or so into Persona 5 Royale. I played the base game back when it was released, but quit due to primarily the "shocking" twist/betrayal as the game caught up to the in media res, and once I was heavily annoyed by that the rest of the issues I had with the game suddenly started weighing everything down even more.

So far I'm still having fun, so we'll see. Just finished the Kaneshiro chapter, probably the weakest villain, both narratively and gameplay wise. The way the red ponytail girl gets spliced into the old narrative kinda sticks out though, there no real organic presence to her.