Funny events in anti-woke world


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Would you simp as hard if you saw the match? Like, the reason why Trump's rant is predictable is because he already ranted about Megan Rapinoe before and she played embarrassingly bad in the match. Though it's the coach's fault for fielding her in the first place, but she's taking some deserved heat. Then again it's heat off the backs of the rest of the team.
Would you be as quick to defend this tweet if you weren't so eager to put 'the wokes' in their place?

Go on. Regale me on how that's a measured and proper criticism of a poor performance rather than Trump doing what he always does and making a non-sequitur and hatemongering to drum up his political base by attributing the loss to buzzword politics he knows they'll latch onto. You know, like when he blamed "leftist maniacs" for the team earning the bronze at the Tokyo Olympics? Or when he said "Woke means you lose, everything that is woke goes bad, and our soccer team certainly has"? Or that they "spend too much time thinking about radical left politics and not doing her job!"

Go on, tell me about how you think his claim that the players hate America, how "woke equals failure", and "the USA is going to Hell!!!" is anything but him trying to attribute the loss to political strawmen rather than a poor performance.
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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Just to also be clear, the defamation lawsuit was against a newspaper in the UK under the standard of professional due diligence and the standard was not truth but based on the evidence that could reasonably be expected to be available to the reporter at the time. Thus Johnny Depp's evidence was essentially thrown out as it couldn't be expected to be available for the journalist to easily access.
This is complete bollocks, of course: you really need to start doing your own due diligence. You can read the judge's own notes on the case and see for yourself he found the assaults were true by the standard of a civil court:

It's just such incredibly wrong bollocks, I can only wonder where you came across it, because I seriously doubt you thought of that wheeze yourself. This is incredibly typical of your contributions to this forum: a load of fantasy that must have been dredged from completely unreliable sources. And even after one easily disprovable pratfall after another, you just line yourself up for more. I just don't see what you get from storming into a forum and posting a load of crap that you must know by now that other users will check up and destroy. Why spend so much time making yourself look foolish?

Next, you said there were "allegations with no evidence". But there is evidence - sufficient for Heard to have won any court case at all. And therefore sufficient evidence that anyone can reasonably believe that Johnny Depp was violent towards Amber Heard.

I think you have a very particular take on this because of how you feel about women. And I can sum that up in one description. You're a man who can watch a video of a man viciously and controllingly insulting his wife when she wants to use the car, and conclude that she's the abusive one for wanting to use the car.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
No I'm saying not being super polite to colleagues is very different to actual relationship abuse.
You would characterise that account as "not being super polite"?

You're minimising abuse and PTSD. Not for the first time, I'm concerned for the people you interact with in the real world, because you simply do not recognise/ acknowledge concerning or abusive behaviour.
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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
You're minimising abuse and PTSD. Not for the first time, I'm concerned for the people you interact with in the real world, because you simply do not recognise/ acknowledge concerning or abusive behaviour.
Well, not towards women, anyway.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
It's not about "simping". It's about treating these players and athletes as human beings. Not as objects to be tossed aside or soul is machines to always expect peak performance.
Nah, they're women, so any defence of their basic human dignity is 'simping'. /incel logic

Would you be as quick to defend this tweet if you weren't so eager to put 'the wokes' in their place?

Go on. Regale me on how that's a measured and proper criticism of a poor performance rather than Trump doing what he always does and making a non-sequitur and hatemongering to drum up his political base by attributing the loss to buzzword politics he knows they'll latch onto. You know, like when he blamed "leftist maniacs" for the team earning the bronze at the Tokyo Olympics? Or when he said "Woke means you lose, everything that is woke goes bad, and our soccer team certainly has"? Or that they "spend too much time thinking about radical left politics and not doing her job!"

Go on, tell me about how you think his claim that the players hate America, how "woke equals failure", and "the USA is going to Hell!!!" is anything but him trying to attribute the loss to political strawmen rather than a poor performance.
Holy crap, that man is a deranged lunatic.

Not for the first time, I'm concerned for the people you interact with in the real world, because you simply do not recognise/ acknowledge concerning or abusive behaviour.
I have a bad feeling that he is employed in the field of education of actual human children.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Man you gotta actually start reading what I said.

Ongoing case vs random accusations of social media with no real substantive evidence and not the same thing.

You're pushing the "He was arrested for Child Kidnap" because I've only seen 1 source out of many actually do more than report just that bit and that one source tried to get more information and so contacted the guys lawyer who provided additional information regarding the case.

But the hilarity is when it's say Hasan Piker accused of it then it's rapidly buried.
I did read it. You proved my point

This all started with YOU stating that we aren't cleaning up bad people on our side. Here is YOU NOT cleaning up bad people on your side. You go out of you way to justify actions beyond what is reasonable. Solely based on what side you think they are on

For example, Johnny Depp is woke as fuck. That does not mean I stop criticising him just because he's woke. For some reason, people on the right claimed Johnny Depp so now they will defend unreasonably and claim he never did DV.... after Depp admitted to doing DV

I wont defend Amber Heard for her nonsense. Nor am I currently defending Lizzo for her work behaviour. I'm not defending Hunter Biden over anything except let's pixelate his dick... please

This is a base minimum standard


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
I only commented on BrawlMan's simping and Trump being predictable, because everybody knew he was seething already, and waiting for the opportunity. I don't even know what he wrote. I only read the headline.
Would you be as quick to defend this tweet if you weren't so eager to put 'the wokes' in their place?
Now that's cringeworthy. The players want nothing more than to play, and the media makes it a circus.
It's not about "simping". It's about treating these players and athletes as human beings.
You are too funny.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
You are too funny.
What I said is not a joke. How about learning some actual humanity? If you think being a kind and respectful person to others and people (not every single person) is a dumb thing, that's a you problem.

If you're yanking my chain right now, you can stop, because I am not in the mood.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
I only commented on BrawlMan's simping and Trump being predictable, because everybody knew he was seething already, and waiting for the opportunity. I don't even know what he wrote. I only read the headline.

Now that's cringeworthy. The players want nothing more than to play, and the media makes it a circus.
Ok, let me be more direct then. What you characterized as "simping" was BrawlMan's reaction to that very tweet. That's what the linked article was about: a public statement from Trump that - upon viewing - you yourself describe as cringeworthy and worth criticizing. Perhaps you jumped the gun a bit in characterizing the disgust at Trump's commentary as simping?


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
Accusing others of virtue signaling is itself virtue signalling: implying those others can't be trusted, but hey not me....I'm above that, so you know you can trust me cause I called out virtue signaling first. In fact any time anyone shares an opinion they care strongly about then obviously it must also be virtue signalling. Really, everyone should stop saying anything in a public space at all, cause unless I agree with it already, it's always nowt but virtue signaling. And me saying I'm above it all is totes defo not the same thing I'm accusing everyone else of.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Ok, let me be more direct then. What you characterized as "simping" was BrawlMan's reaction to that very tweet. That's what the linked article was about: a public statement from Trump that - upon viewing - you yourself describe as cringeworthy and worth criticizing. Perhaps you jumped the gun a bit in characterizing the disgust at Trump's commentary as simping?
It must come naturally to him. Through his comment we now know he's mad at Trump's retarded comments (and likes to pretend Donald is in the same room as him) and since the comment was aimed at women we also know he's a big respecter of women.
If you think being a kind and respectful person to others and people (not every single person) is a dumb thing, that's a you problem.
It's treating them like dolls that you gracefully shower with praise and support. You didn't watch the match. I think being a poser for women online is weird to begin with but here? I found it funny. This line
I didn't see the game -- but I know you did your best ladies. There's always next time and don't let this fuck nut ruin things for you.
is hilarious in context. Now that I read Trump's comment I share the sentiment over it: it's insane and offensive to anyone with half a brain (except the last line about Rapinoe).


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It's treating them like dolls that you gracefully shower with praise and support. You didn't watch the match. I think being a poser for women online is weird to begin with but here? I found it funny. This line is hilarious in context. Now that I read Trump's comment I share the sentiment over it: it's insane and offensive to anyone with half a brain (except the last line about Rapinoe).
It ain't about being a poser. I don't know what your projecting, but you can stop because you clearly don't know a God damn thing about me or being a decent human being. I don't care what the results were for the game. If they played that terribly, I don't care. I'm not treating them like dolls; I'm treating them like actual people. I made this stance before when it came to male and female athletes at the Tokyo olympics. If you don't remember, look back at the sports ball thread.

I've noticed this pattern: what is it with you and always being up your own butt about my opinion or just showing positive support for people? If you don't have an answer for that, then you are wasting my time. I shouldn't be surprised; it's the same guy who got upset because I called out black face in a European country and you're going on about how it's "traditional" and I "don't understand". So I expect nothing less. You go ahead and win whatever argument you have imagined your head. I don't care and I'm moving on. It's called being good to yourselves and others that deserve it. Trump is a shithead, and if you like to follow him, you clearly have free will. You have fun with being his pawn.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I shouldn't be surprised; it's the same guy who got upset because I called out black face in a European country and you're going on about how it's "traditional" and I "don't understand".
Gee, I wonder what European country that's about? :sneaky:
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Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
I've noticed this pattern: what is it with you and always being up your own butt about my opinion or just showing positive support for people?
First of all you write a lot of comments and thus some are bound to be relevant to me sometimes.

In this case I find funny that you wrote a comment like those people (Trump and the US Women's soccer team) were in the same room as you. Moreover, I think the actual distance is so vast between any comment here and those people in the real world that you can't treat them like actual people. And thus it sounds ridiculous.

And I like to challenge your opinion every once in a while because especially on movies our taste is very different, and I find your way of describing it (for example you often call something else a better adaptation than the actual adaptation) entertaining and maybe, possibly somewhat creative.
I called out black face in a European country and you're going on about how it's "traditional" and I "don't understand".
Naturally, you don't get it.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
It must come naturally to him. Through his comment we now know he's mad at Trump's retarded comments (and likes to pretend Donald is in the same room as him) and since the comment was aimed at women we also know he's a big respecter of women.
...Really, dude? By your own account, you share the sentiment that the comment he was reacting to is "insane and offensive to anyone with half a brain", but you're still trying to paint BrawlMan's disgust with it as a failing, as simping? As "treating them like dolls you gracefully shower with praise and support"? As "being a poser for women online"? Is it really so hard to own up to the fact that you were too hasty to be dismissive and condescending towards a view you actually empathized with once you understood the context?