What are you currently playing?


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Trover Saves the Universe from the people that make Rick and Morty. Very funny and so far, fun and an amazing VR experience. Goes for $30 on Steam. Humble Bundle sells it and a number of other games in a bundle for only $15 for another dozen days or so. ($30 would have gotten me another game and some DLC. Pass). Some of that money goes to charity, so there's that.
Unusual gameplay, even for a VR game. One stick controls me, the chairorphean while the other controls the purple critter.
Warning, adult language. Like, a lot.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Pretty fun VR game but I had to stand while playing. For an old guy like me, that's a big no-no.
May I ask how old you are? Just curious- VR isn't something I partake so it's one of those gaming things I need to learn about from others.
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Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Still Fear & Hunger but I think I'm going to quit. I got the escape ending after I found the guy I was looking for dead, and after already reading somewhere that you need to find him within 30 minutes for him to be alive I decided I would restart and get him in the party. It wasn't too difficult to rescue him with the Dash ability that doubles your overworld move speed. This ability is so good, not having it would just make the game so tedious. Anyway, after finding him and opening the doors to the forgotten city or whatever I find myself in a new sprawling city with a dual world mechanic and I find I just don't have the will to go on. I just don't want to do it. The problem is that it's not a difficult game, it just wastes your time. Once you understand an enemy's attack pattern it's usually not too difficult to defeat them, but there's always a possibility that you'll miss and then get hit with one of the games permanent, uncurable status debuffs and that's pretty much cause for a restart in my opinion. Yeah, maybe I could win the game with severe anal bleeding, a broken bone, and after losing an arm and a leg, or maybe I'll run up against a wall and just need to restart anyway and go back through 3 hours of progress and do it better anyway. And almost every attack causes a status debuff, so if you get hit at all you pretty much need to restart. It sucks. Saves are also far too infrequent for all the RNG in the game and the 50/50 chance to not save and be forced into combat is pretty much the worst idea I've ever seen in a game.

And it's not like the game is any fun to replay either. The random maps are very limited in their generation and seem to always have the same elements in them but just shuffled around a little. The random items are mostly useless, and I never really know what I have because every time I reload I pick up different items, not that this really affects strategy at all. All in all the game is not fun, and not very difficult, but just ridiculously tedious. I really think that turn based RPGs are just not suited to high difficulty. Between this and Darkest Dungeon they just seem to tend towards very tedious repetition and extremely punishing RNG. Like it's never going to be fun to lose the game because you lost a coin flip or an enemy gets a critical hit or whatever.

Also, for a game called Fear & Hunger, they are both ridiculously easy to manage. On both playthroughs I've yet to come close to running out of food or sanity restoring items. Granted I don't use spellcasting because it doesn't seem worth the cost, but still.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
May I ask how old you are? Just curious- VR isn't something I partake so it's one of those gaming things I need to learn about from others.
You can ask :) Not as old as my nearly 70 year old former boss who says he uses the Quest 2 for exercise but getting there. If he can do it, I really should step it up and do so as well.

But I am spoiled. 2 zombie shooters I play online with my nephew allow me to sit down (Arizona Sunshine 1 and After the Fall).


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
You can ask :) Not as old as my nearly 70 year old former boss who says he uses the Quest 2 for exercise but getting there. If he can do it, I really should step it up and do so as well.

But I am spoiled. 2 zombie shooters I play online with my nephew allow me to sit down (Arizona Sunshine 1 and After the Fall).
Don't play Halflife Alyx till you have a bit more time in VR, its good enough that it kinda messes up other VR games for you. Also, Moss 1 and 2 are awesome.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I'm pretty sure the HL2 VR mod allows for it as well, and I honestly wonder why it's not a more widespread option.
Someone also made a Doom 3 VR mod and I've heard its the definitive way to play that game.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Did a bit of Juno. Landed on a moon. Didn't like it. Really doesn't feel as "physical" as KSP. Far from being as satisfactory. KSP had a sense of awe, at build, at launch, in space... Juno feels like... well, as satisfactory as sketching rockets on your in your notebook's margins while going prrrboom with your mouth. Even as you land, you feel like you're just preparing a flight in a simulator... No involvement, no immersion.

Makes me all the angrier at the KSP2 scammers.
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Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Grabbed a free copy of The Force Unleashed 2...and was glad I didn't pay for it.

I played the original on PS2 back when it was released, and - problems with the port notwithstanding - had a good enough time with that. Granted, that could be because I was younger and stupider then, but even so, it still managed to be a clever bit of pseudo-canon that told a story that neatly slotted into the gap between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope without rocking the boat too much. And while most of its major plot threads were telegraphed from a mile away, it still turned out to be a fun romp.

Its sequel, however? ...I mean the long and short of it is that it's a Fix Fic, the entire purpose of which is to undo the canon death of Starkiller in the first game. No, seriously. You enter into the game as a supposed clone of the first game's protagonist, promptly escape Kamino and start searching for the first game's love interest. You reunite with your mentor from the first game, make a brief detour to Dagobah for a vision quest, rendezvous with the nascent Rebel fleet just in time to see the aforementioned love interest be abducted and brought back to the first world, leading you to pursue and - upon learning that Vader had been making an army of defective Starkiller clones - trash the place to end those operations, then beat Vader and take him into custody (with his hired bounty hunter tailing you)...and then the end credits roll. The entire thing takes maybe 5 hours.

Whereas TFU tells the story of how the disparate discontents came together and became the Rebel Alliance, TFU2 contents itself with just undoing Starkiller's death and getting his posse back together, and the gameplay isn't nearly deep or engaging enough to make up for that. Rather, it's clunky and repetitive. So yeah, not an installment I'd personally recommend.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Grabbed a free copy of The Force Unleashed 2...and was glad I didn't pay for it.

I played the original on PS2 back when it was released, and - problems with the port notwithstanding - had a good enough time with that. Granted, that could be because I was younger and stupider then, but even so, it still managed to be a clever bit of pseudo-canon that told a story that neatly slotted into the gap between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope without rocking the boat too much. And while most of its major plot threads were telegraphed from a mile away, it still turned out to be a fun romp.

Its sequel, however? ...I mean the long and short of it is that it's a Fix Fic, the entire purpose of which is to undo the canon death of Starkiller in the first game. No, seriously. You enter into the game as a supposed clone of the first game's protagonist, promptly escape Kamino and start searching for the first game's love interest. You reunite with your mentor from the first game, make a brief detour to Dagobah for a vision quest, rendezvous with the nascent Rebel fleet just in time to see the aforementioned love interest be abducted and brought back to the first world, leading you to pursue and - upon learning that Vader had been making an army of defective Starkiller clones - trash the place to end those operations, then beat Vader and take him into custody (with his hired bounty hunter tailing you)...and then the end credits roll. The entire thing takes maybe 5 hours.

Whereas TFU tells the story of how the disparate discontents came together and became the Rebel Alliance, TFU2 contents itself with just undoing Starkiller's death and getting his posse back together, and the gameplay isn't nearly deep or engaging enough to make up for that. Rather, it's clunky and repetitive. So yeah, not an installment I'd personally recommend.
The Switch version of the first Force Unleashed is actually the best version and port of the game. It's the Wii version with all of its bonuses and and HD up rez. The only thing the port is lacking, is some of the cool features from the PSP version. Which is not too big a deal, but the PSP port did have some unique bonuses that added some replay valie.
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Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
The Switch version of the first Force Unleashed is actually the best version and port of the game. It's the Wii version with all of its bonuses and and HD up rez. The only thing the port is lacking, is some of the cool features from the PSP version. Which is not too big a deal, but the PSP port did have some unique bonuses that added some replay valie.
Mmm. I remember learning about how different ports got different content and even back then that just weirded me out so much. That does remind me though, I did also pick up free PC copy of TFU "Ultimate Sith Edition" some time ago. Might have to see how that compares/holds up.

Addendum: To the prior point, I find it interesting that while The Force Unleashed (Ultimate Sith Edition) requires installation space of 28.77 GB, The Force Unleashed 2 only clocks in at 9.48 GB. Now, ordinarily I wouldn't put a lot of emphasis on file size, but in this case, I do find it telling that the sequel only has 1/3 of the filesize of the prior installment.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Mmm. I remember learning about how different ports got different content and even back then that just weirded me out so much. That does remind me though, I did also pick up free PC copy of TFU "Ultimate Sith Edition" some time ago. Might have to see how that compares/holds up.

Addendum: To the prior point, I find it interesting that while The Force Unleashed (Ultimate Sith Edition) requires installation space of 28.77 GB, The Force Unleashed 2 only clocks in at 9.48 GB. Now, ordinarily I wouldn't put a lot of emphasis on file size, but in this case, I do find it telling that the sequel only has 1/3 of the filesize of the prior installment.
Loved both of them. They seemed to get the Star Wars Universe better than those making the movies after The Empire Strikes Back. But... 2 was... a cheat. Example: he goes to Degobah and... there is NO gameplay. Cut scenes and that is it.

I had a lot of fun with both. Part 1 is much better than 2, but in the end, fun is what its about. And... I had that. Glad of it.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Just finished Hi Fi Rush. I'm glad it didn't outstay it's welcome, because I did feel like the combat was getting just too much.

There's just way too much going on at a time, all the visual and audio cues get mashed together. I especially did not like that the game hid very important upgrades behind a "paywall". These are whole ass abilities that you should unlock the base versions and get to purchase upgrades for. And what was the point really? I had a ridiculous amount of money, I could have afforded all these upgrades.

I also found the game's attempts to feel emotional underwhelming, maybe because all the emotion was undercut by me failing the quicktime event like 5 times in a row.

But overall, definitely enjoyed the game. This is one the first indie games I've bothered trying out (thanks Gamepass), and it made me more interested in trying out more.

Also I'm currently listening to the ending credits song and it's fucking hilarious. You really can feel the love the devs put into this one.


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Finished Wonderful 101 Remastered. I don't regret playing it, but I can't really say I liked it. Like I said before, the style is campy action fun and it's great. I especially liked a scene in the final battle where you are mashing the circle button during a cutscene QTE like you've done countless times before, and the camera changes to show the W101 inside their giant mech mashing the controls in the same way. It's great, but even to the end I never really feel like the combat clicked for me. Some enemies would do this block move that would break my weapon and I just never got what I was doing wrong, and that's just one example the combat was just very complex and I couldn't fully grasp it and didn't really like it. And the way English subtitles worked with the Japanese voices was obviously untested and the game shouldn't have been shipped like that.

I liked it for it's uniqueness, but I don't think I'll ever want to play it again.

I have one lingering question, though. Every once in a while the game would pause itself and my controller would say something to me without subtitles. As I was playing with Japanese voices I didn't understand a word of it. Can anybody who played in English tell me why this happened and what they were saying?
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Can anybody who played in English tell me why this happened and what they were saying?
Were you playing the PS4 version or switch version? This might be a hold over from the Wii U version, though I don't remember any of this in English. I never played the Japanese dub, so I never knew that was a feature they put in.


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Were you playing the PS4 version or switch version? This might be a hold over from the Wii U version, though I don't remember any of this in English. I never played the Japanese dub, so I never knew that was a feature they put in.
PS4. It's the voice of the General that talks to you too.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Don't play Halflife Alyx till you have a bit more time in VR, its good enough that it kinda messes up other VR games for you. Also, Moss 1 and 2 are awesome.
Been playing some of Moss 1 and it is charming.
Interesting warning about Alyx! If I see it on sale, I may not be able to resist.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Been playing some of Moss 1 and it is charming.
Interesting warning about Alyx! If I see it on sale, I may not be able to resist.
It's extremely good, but its also a really hard act for other VR games to follow since a lot of VR games tend to be fun but kinda janky since they are made by small teams.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
It's extremely good, but its also a really hard act for other VR games to follow since a lot of VR games tend to be fun but kinda janky since they are made by small teams.
This too is supposedly a must play. I'm a cheap gamer! $40 pretty rich for my blood, also in that I have the OG on PC already. But I hear it is great.