Funny events in anti-woke world

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Although here's a mindblowing concept: I find both the real-life model and the in-game model attractive for different reasons. It's almost like different strokes, different folks is a thing.
*squints* I don't know, this is sounding a suspicious amount like communism.
Well we can argue the whole "eye of the beholder" stuff if you want or accept that there are certain traits generally seen as attractive my a large majority of people

It's not muscle girl fetish........... it's a more niche one linked slightly to that generally called session wrestling but even that term doesn't fully fit it as it's a kind of extreme femdom subfetish. Part of it being the women involved have to look more brutish.

*points to Hollywood and the film industry*

It happened in gaming out of some misjudged sense of doing good mixed with a level of malice on the part of some others very much the green eyed monster at play. The argument of "They don't reflect real women" while ignoring actual women who do look like that or worse trying to frame said women as genetic freaks shows it was a malicious act. It's like people who've not left high school mentality behind.
I'd laugh if I had any respect for what you said.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
*squints* I don't know, this is sounding a suspicious amount like communism.
I'd laugh if I had any respect for what you said.
And I'd have an actual reply here if you'd made a cogent argument in response not the normal deflection and proverbial chest beating display of illusory superiority I've come to expect.


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Congratulations, more than admitted that you'll side with angry grifter bigots and will sympathize and constantly suck their genitals just to feel better about yourself and not be a responsible person and not learn to be considerate. You earned it; be proud of your insecurity and selfishness. But remember people like that don't give a shit about anyone, but themselves. That's snowflake definitely don't give a rats ass about me, barely you, and he only cares about your attention and money. Have fun being parasites with each other. It usually works well for most people.
Whuh...what? I thought it was clear @Schadrach went "If the pronouns upset you why not troll the heck out of ya". Or possibly "You wouldn't like the changes you are proposing; implementing them should make that clear.".
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Heh. Don't be too fast to congratulate that (or self-congratulate), Dwarvenhobble. What makes me laugh is how conservatives need to define as "perverse" or link to weird kinks anything that doesn't directly echo their canons (oh noes the ungoldly counter-natural deviance of not being me). And how you get all offended by an ad hominem while implying that a poster right above you is secretely fantasizing about being beaten up by women. We could play that. For any praise of (games featuring) a muscular male hero, I could post some news about a woman beaten to death, or some gay BDSM, as the proof of that fetish driving it.

Seriously, this whole thing is ridiculous. It only stems from the sexist, conservative worldview according to which the difference between men and women is that women's function is to be wanking/fucking material - and therefore have to match visual guidelines that men are free from, or else their function is perverted. There's nothing to be taken seriously in these teenagey complains. Except the harm they indirectly inflict on women who, for all their charm, charisma and induced sympathy, get treated like trash or lose confidence and self-worth under the constant pressure of ordinary chauvinist twats.

Your point only deserves to be derided. And society has to move on fast, leaving that sort of shit far behind it.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
So, Dwarven's entire position (if you strip away the sophistry) is "I don't find this character sexy so it's bad". Whining because the fictional character isn't attractive enough. That about it?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Whuh...what? I thought it was clear @Schadrach went "If the pronouns upset you why not troll the heck out of ya". Or possibly "You wouldn't like the changes you are proposing; implementing them should make that clear.".
Read that again.

You know what, I'm with them. There should be an option to not have pronouns, wherein everyone only ever refers to you by your full name regardless of how awkward that would sound, and everyone in the universe is somehow mysteriously aware that this is the only acceptable way to refer to you. This is one of those scenarios where the right answer is to give them exactly. what. they. ask. for. Monkey paw that request.
He's clearly in favor of whiny man babies like What's-his-name Babyface and those that think like him. Which is something Babyface wanted, except he shouted that he didn't want them there in the first place. I highly doubt Schadrach was agreeing with Act Man, Dunkey, nor Stephanie Sterling, when he said them. BTW, this is the same guy that supports a wannabe cop vigilante going across a different state and shoot people "for the good of country". I don't trust his words for shit, and you might want look carefully next time.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Heh. Don't be too fast to congratulate that (or self-congratulate), Dwarvenhobble. What makes me laugh is how conservatives need to define as "perverse" or link to weird kinks anything that doesn't directly echo their canons (oh noes the ungoldly counter-natural deviance of not being me). And how you get all offended by an ad hominem while implying that a poster right above you is secretely fantasizing about being beaten up by women. We could play that. For any praise of (games featuring) a muscular male hero, I could post some news about a woman beaten to death, or some gay BDSM, as the proof of that fetish driving it.

Seriously, this whole thing is ridiculous. It only stems from the sexist, conservative worldview according to which the difference between men and women is that women's function is to be wanking/fucking material - and therefore have to match visual guidelines that men are free from, or else their function is perverted. There's nothing to be taken seriously in these teenagey complains. Except the harm they indirectly inflict on women who, for all their charm, charisma and induced sympathy, get treated like trash or lose confidence and self-worth under the constant pressure of ordinary chauvinist twats.

Your point only deserves to be derided. And society has to move on fast, leaving that sort of shit far behind it.

And don't be too fast to congratulate yourself on thinking you have found a something other than a straw to grasp onto.
When the argument is "Well Abby is more realistic and more like a real woman". Yeh the realism argument back is entirely valid to destroy the argument.

If suddenly people don't care about realism then realism isn't a defence of Abby at all. Thus Abby is how she is for ideological or personal reasons and well some people aren't keen on the former and if it's the latter, I've got no issue with it but Neil Druckman needs to be honest that it's his fetish like how Tarantino is know to have a foot fetish as is very clear in his films.
wow it's almost like this was a predictable tactic on your part or something that I preempted. But please do continue your entertaining self righteous posting about how evil I am for something you've now made up.

Also at no point did I imply a poster was fantasising about that, I was under the belief you were sniggering at it being a subfetish of the femdom fetish. Sub, dom, unplanned little bit of a joke there........

Also this is a game we're talking about where a previous male protagonist is beaten to death by a muscular female character........ not something that's regularly done by male heroes to women........... unless your name if Kratos.

Oh and the biggest critics of other womens looks.......... is women not men lol


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
EDIT: Howard Stern can fuck off too, for sucking up to Wenner, just because the latter put Stern on Rolling Stones
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So, Dwarven's entire position (if you strip away the sophistry) is "I don't find this character sexy so it's bad". Whining because the fictional character isn't attractive enough. That about it?

My position is:

The great defenders of women are hilarious hypocrites defending Abby because.

1) She's literally a combination of 2 different women thus not actually a realistic look.
2) Even leaving aside 1 her look isn't realistic (see the Liana K videos covering it including where Abby's own body model says how long she can maintain the look for even with a specialised routine to achieve said look)
3) For all the defence of her on the grounds of her not being fap material and people just wanting fap material it's very possible she is fap material just not traditionally what people would consider fap material.
4) Even leaving aside her looks there was a clear set of things laid out to try and make her more likeable while making Ellie less so.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023

My position is:
I think the general problem is you just dump any old random crap into the thread which has the form of an argument, except that it tends to lack any of the supportable facts and reasoning that people in this forum generally expect a repectable argument to have.

Point (1) is gibberish
Point (2) is at best spurious
Point (3) is just bizarre
Point (4) doesn't really have any point

Argument is futile, because someone not willing to tether their points in reality can't ever be dissuaded by reference to reality.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I think the general problem is you just dump any old random crap into the thread which has the form of an argument, except that it tends to lack any of the supportable facts and reasoning that people in this forum generally expect a repectable argument to have.
And yet you're still unable to counter my points or create a cogent argument and instead have to rely of ad hominem esc tactics to pretend that what I've said is already debunked without actually being able to do the work to debunk it just relying on people to fall for the move in a desperate bid

Point (1) is gibberish
No it's not as when you have to combine multiple women to get the specific look it is very much not realistic as they were clearly unable to find even 1 woman with the look they wanted.

Point (2) is at best spurious
How so when the words literally are from the person who was used as Abby's body model? The literal person whose body was used to base Abby's body on is saying the competition ready look shown is not a realistically maintainable look for more than a short period of time due to the requirements to create that look.

Point (3) is just bizarre
And yet entirely right in it's logic.
Point (4) doesn't really have any point

Argument is futile, because someone not willing to tether their points in reality can't ever be dissuaded by reference to reality.
And yet the evidence of reality I have presented in this thread supports my claims. While you and others have not presented counter evidence just deflection.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
That's because women better have a damn good reason to be in any action oriented franchise. If a man is in an action movie or game it's par the course, but a woman... we'd better pull out that scrutiny kit.

- Does she look strong enough?
- Is it realistic for her to be that strong?
- Does her being and looking strong make her come across too much like a man?
- Is she likeable i.e. not too feminist?
- Is she hot enough?

To be fair, the Left is guilty of this too, focussing heavily on whether or not a female character in a regularly male dominated genre is good enough to leave the right impression, instead of just letting these characters be warts and all.
I remember this interview/article about how Priyanka Chopra's character in Citadel was action heroine who didn't sacrifice her femininity. Apparently, Chopra and the writer were unaware than action heroines being feminine has been the standard not the exception for decades. Nikita, Charlie's Angels, virtually every capable Bond girl, Kim Possible, Totally Spies, just to name a few.

Ironically, Chopra's character is only seen fighting in a dress in the first episode and wears more practical or "masculine" clothing for the rest of the show.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
When the argument is "Well Abby is more realistic and more like a real woman". Yeh the realism argument back is entirely valid to destroy the argument.
I haven't seen anyone claim Abby's body is realistic. At most, I've seen her defenders simply say that she has an in-universe explanation for why she looks like that and appreciate that she doesn't have the skinny waif with balloon breasts look that is so common among female characters in video games, comics, manga and animation.

I find it hard to believe anyone ever saw the Last of Us as a realistic story or enjoyed it because of that.

If suddenly people don't care about realism then realism isn't a defence of Abby at all. Thus Abby is how she is for ideological or personal reasons and well some people aren't keen on the former and if it's the latter, I've got no issue with it but Neil Druckman needs to be honest that it's his fetish like how Tarantino is know to have a foot fetish as is very clear in his films.
When Druckmann writes a movie where he licks a muscular woman the same way Tarantino wrote a movie in which he licks Salma Hayek's feet, we can have a conversation about whether or not Druckmann has a fetish.

Abby saves a Zebra and plays with the dog.

Later Ellie kills the dog.

Abby finds out a character is pregnant and relents.

Ellie later kills a pregnant woman.
This is what I mean about people not paying attention to the cutscenes. Ellie killed the dog in self-defense and killed the pregnant woman by accident and only learned she was pregnant afterwards. She was also horrified when she found out.
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Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Real woman the character is based off is better looking than the character.
The "Have you not seen real women" argument kind of collapses badly and the argument is now, I have so why is Abby still so less attractive again?
Why do you care so much about a fictional character being attractive? Especially one in a post-apocalyptic setting where beauty is not going to be a priority compared to survival?

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
You know what, I'm with them. There should be an option to not have pronouns, wherein everyone only ever refers to you by your full name regardless of how awkward that would sound, and everyone in the universe is somehow mysteriously aware that this is the only acceptable way to refer to you. This is one of those scenarios where the right answer is to give them exactly. what. they. ask. for. Monkey paw that request.

This is more or less a direct consequence of various talking heads proclaiming that the existence of traditionally attractive female characters was akin to bigotry. After enough of that, it's not unexpected to see the absence of it as intentional.
And we're not supposed to see the abundance of traditionally attractive female characters as intentional?

It would be one thing if every female character now looked like Abby but that is far from the case.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Why do you care so much about a fictional character being attractive? Especially one in a post-apocalyptic setting where beauty is not going to be a priority compared to survival?
Because woman. He doesn't care if a male character is attractive or not.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I haven't seen anyone claim Abby's body is realistic. At most, I've seen her defenders simply say that she has an in-universe explanation for why she looks like that and appreciate that she doesn't have the skinny waif with balloon breasts look that is so common among female characters in video games, comics, manga and animation.

I find it hard to believe anyone ever saw the Last of Us as a realistic story or enjoyed it because of that.
So why have people other than me in this very thread made reference to real women

When Druckmann writes a movie where he licks a muscular woman the same way Tarantino wrote a movie in which he licks Salma Hayek's feet, we can have a conversation about whether or not Druckmann has a fetish.
and then it turns out Druckman plays the character who shags Abby in TLOU season 2 on HBO lol