You said we "don't need to worry" about the others. So yes, you sort of did say they aren't issues.
Semantics, thy name is Silvanus.
Not that you haven't pulled this stuff before, but to repeat myself (again), Christian and Jewish terrorism exist. They are absolutely dwarfed by Islamic terrorism on a global scale. This is a fact. You can engage in as much whatboutism as you want, you can shed crocodile tears over Koran burnings as much as you want, it doesn't change the facts on the ground.
You said we needn't worry about X because Y is worse. I applied the same reasoning to point out how silly it is.
Difference being that those examples were terrorism, climate change isn't. I can find something bigger than climate change to worry about (the sun will swallow Earth in 1 billion years, the heat death of the universe will be in 100 trillion years), and I can find something smaller than Islamic terrorism to worry about (scientology). In the specific context of religious terrorism (y'know, the actual subject), there's more to worry about from some religions than others.
Goalposts. You didn't say theocratic dictatorships. I said Christian dictatorships, and you said you were unaware of them. Those are four examples.
For what its worth, all four employ elements of Christian nationalism, particularly for domestic repression of minorities and justifying aggression outside. Remember Medvedev screaming about how Ukraine is run by "Satanists" and that the invasion is required to protect Christian values from Western liberalism? It's not a coincidence.
The difference being that no-one in the Russian government seriously believes that Ukranians are Nazis or Satanists, and are using religion as an excuse. Russia isn't a Christian dictatorship, it's a dictatorship that's using Christianity to justify its actions. The same cannot be said for places like Iran, Afghanistan, or Pakistan, which are explicitly Islamic states, no ifs, no buts.