To get a glimpse of why the baby boomers support Israel so one-sidedly, you have to know what their parents did. During the 1948 war people were still in shock of the Holocaust so the then-holocaust survivors decided they wanted their whole country. So they had two choices one was to go to America which was the most powerful country at that time, and the one credited with ending the war economically with the more autocratic soviets in terms of manpower. The other was to settle in then-British Palestine. Some of them went to the US, and many went to settle in then-British Palestine. When they did so they 'won against the Arabs' as my holocaust history teacher mentioned in a post-holocaust passage in grade school(nothing was mentioned about how this would create new problems or that 'winning against the Arabs' meant the Nakba and meant ethnic cleansing many of the Palestinians out of the area. It mentioned B-17s hitting Cairo as an implied way to compare doing so to the Germans who were also 'bad people'. This gives you a sense the the one-sidedness of American propaganda in a 2010s rich middle-class school in Delaware Ohio.
During the Cold War, the baby boomers ' generation would support Israel due to said holocaust, but the leaders of the US at the time were cold, ruthless people. JFK, and RFK(senior), supported Israel but were mildly progressive. Your LBJs were that ruthless towards the outside world due to the Cold War given Vietnam, and the horrors there.
Once JFK, LBJ, and the then-Soviet leader Khrushchev died left power, the ruthlessness began for both sides in the Cold War. I agree that Israel was right to preemptively attack Egyptian forces for building up an army alone in the SInal to attack Israel, but again this was based on anger at Israel for helping colonial powers France, and the British invade the Suez Canal. So basically one thing leads to another. Nixon was different. He was the most ruthless man to ever be president of the US, he was Trump if Trump was even more ruthless. He let Egypt, and Syria attack first in the Yom Kippur War leading to scores of Israeli losses in their military from Soviet anti-tank missiles, which Israel with US-supplied arms eventually pushed back, and Israel surrounded the third army in Egypt, and Israel would get more losses trying to invade deeper into Egpyt. Then Nixon presided over a ceasefire, and later Egypt and Jordan would recognize Israel much to the shock of the Arab world at that time.
So why was Nixon ruthless, and why is Biden trying to avoid his mistakes? Nixon had the right results in mind(peace, and forcing the region against the Soviets), but he had the wrong methods. So Biden is trying to deter another six-day war from Israel, and another Yom Kippur War from now Turkey, and Iran. The last time Nixon almost forced the Israels to nuke Cairo given they had nukes during the Kom Kippor war. Granted a lot of this stems from British colonization, and European anti-Semitism as well as American indifference to the needs of the arab world vs their European allies.
Hopefully, the next generation's US president will likely be a Gen X president who will do better but given how Gen X is mirroring the baby boomers more than 2000-era kids or Gen Z. I have little doubt this won't end until Gen Z gets a US president given my generation the 2000's era people or millennials still have that baby boomer propaganda in them.