Complaining about people being wrong is inherently being a dick on the Internet? Because that's like the entire internet. What does it matter if its about weight or movies? It's not like that Reddit is about people just straight up making fun of fat people.
It's not really about eating less, it's about eating real food. If someone tries continuing their current bad diet but just eating less of it, it's not gonna work; they will be hungry all the time and eventually give up and say diets don't work. After just switching to eating real foods, I can go basically all day not eating and I'm not even hungry until dinner time. There's a few days that I don't eat dinner until 9:30-10:30pm so I have to do lunch those days. Dieting shouldn't ever be a struggle to where you're trying to not eat when you're hungry. I never ever counted calories (or did some point system) and never didn't eat when I was hungry.
I have one friend that complains that her doctor says she has to lose weight because she says no matter how little she eats, she can't lose weight. It's not how much, it's what. I have another friend that says her medicine made her fat (delusions). I have another friend that's probably 500 pounds at least and he's gonna get that surgery to remove part of his stomach next year fortunately as he has tons of health issues and it's all due to his weight (and he's not even 35). The last friend story that I have is a friend about 5 years ago seemed like he was doing good a losing weight but then gained most of back and told me recently that was like the most miserable he's been because he was hardcore working out and using basically sheer willpower to eat less.
School and the government has taught everyone to eat poorly; the war on fat, the backwards food pyramid, heart checkmark on cereal, eggs are bad, etc. About 80% of the grocery store isn't real food. Of course fast food is even worse. I don't even understand why people go to fast food, you can get real food just as fast if not faster. For example, if I want Mexican food to go, I go to a real Mexican restaurant (there's tons of them) and place a carry out, the food is ready in like 5 minutes tops, and it's way better tasting and way better for you than Taco Bell (I don't understand the point of Taco Bell honestly).
Most medicine for weight loss is pretty bad for you and just incentives people to continue eating poorly. Like ozempic has horrible side effects, I know people who've been on it (and don't change their diets), and you're supposed to constantly take it for life, I'm thinking a recall on that drug is gonna happen at some point. I can see using ozempic as a tool for weeks/month worth of its appetite suppression to get people off their sugar/carb addiction easier but that would be it.