Trump assassination attempt


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
This is the first time I've seen it in video form so I never shared it in case the photo was taken out of context (blood is in this video if that makes you feel iffy)

If you don't want to watch the video, this is the picture I have questions about

View attachment 11482

Watching the video, that sniper was looking right in the direction of that roof. Did the agent somehow not see the guy with the rifle army crawling his way into position? Did he think it was a secret service agent for some reason? What the hell is that dude doing...

I'm not going to be jumping on the conspiracy theory wagon and join the people saying this is fake but like...SOMETHING is absolutely off about this entire event. Whether the Secret Service here are just grossly incompetent, for some reason they wanted the person to get the shot off and go for Trump, or something else, there has been an avalanche of WTF decisions that I'm really hoping in the coming days gets answered because like...WTF?

This entire thread is neat. The explanation they give (in their opinion given they are retired and were not in the detail) is that the Sniper would be looking out for far out threats (so hundreds of yards out). The roof being that close would have been the job of local cops/security so the sniper would have never seen the guy because it's WAY below the yardage he's supposed to be covering (as the roof that guy was on was approx 120 yards away)

When you watch the video, you see the sniper look up and then drop his rifle much lower than where he was aiming it. He probably had to find the guy with his eyesight and then try to get the rifle trained on him since his scope would be zero'ed in for much farther distances.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Surprised the dem aren't at least trying to pass another bill to ban AR15, force republican to go "well actually no, we think what just happen is okay". Once again, disappointed by their incompetence.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Which is funny cause in my head, I always thought Secret Service was supposed to be like....not the TOP dogs like Delta or Seals or whatnot but at like...the top end of law enforcement (like SWAT for example).

Now maybe I'm now biased because a stupid movie told me this (The Beekeeper, you should watch it if you miss incredibly stupid 90s action movies) but the characters talk about Secret Service and one of the big dawgs says they're the C Team at best. And based on this story, I'm starting to wonder if that movie was being more truthful about it than I expected...
So, I was listening to an ex-operator, but not SS

There was a marksman but 300 m is the middle ring of security and is someone else responsiblity to secure and the marksman needs a spotter for that area. The assumption is that it's not just the marksman responsibility


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
This is the first time I've seen it in video form so I never shared it in case the photo was taken out of context (blood is in this video if that makes you feel iffy)

If you don't want to watch the video, this is the picture I have questions about

View attachment 11482

Watching the video, that sniper was looking right in the direction of that roof. Did the agent somehow not see the guy with the rifle army crawling his way into position? Did he think it was a secret service agent for some reason? What the hell is that dude doing...

I'm not going to be jumping on the conspiracy theory wagon and join the people saying this is fake but like...SOMETHING is absolutely off about this entire event. Whether the Secret Service here are just grossly incompetent, for some reason they wanted the person to get the shot off and go for Trump, or something else, there has been an avalanche of WTF decisions that I'm really hoping in the coming days gets answered because like...WTF?

OK so time to go amateur investigator and piece together some bits.

So we'll start with the BBC breakdown of events

So this shows the events the witness stuff saying about the shooter so if police relayed info to the sniper team or if they saw people gathering.

The building's roof is slanted on both sides.


Yes this is the building the shooter was on the roof of on google maps I found enough info to locate it and locate a good angle to show it and here's an angle showing the buildings the snipers were on the roof of


Due to the slope of the roof it's not a major slope but enough of a slope that a person would be fairly easily concealed until they were ready or mostly ready, the pop over apex of the roof and take the shots. Basically the secret service line of sight of where the shooter set up was blocked by the roof and the only reason the sniper team were looking there was possible police radio chatter or noticing a commotion and gathering of people in that direction.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So to change the tone of the thread a bit what do you think Trump will come out to at his next rally?

I'm thinking maybe Staying Alive?

I was going with Still Standing but I'm pretty sure Elton John would refuse permission.

If Trump is feeling really ballsy maybe Guns of Roses Civil War



Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Let's go conspiracy.

Trump is a secret whistleblower from Boeing. That's why all those documents were in a bathroom
Trump is an interesting animal in that regard. Hes been openly for sale to US corporations but his pigheadedness and lack of education has ultimately been a bit of a pox on corporate America. I actually attended a conference where the former fcc chair basically said "Ignore Trump, he can't actually deliver" because he was unwilling or unable to play the games. Like that dumb war he started with California over minimum mpg reqs on gas vehicles. It ultimately failed because he lacked any bite beyond directives which is of fuck all value on a 20y development timeline.

That said if he does end up back in office, Id put 100$ right then that within 6 months he directs all federal government within his control to battle and squash any investigation and prosecution of Boeing. Trump most definitely takes those calls.
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Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Watching the video, that sniper was looking right in the direction of that roof. Did the agent somehow not see the guy with the rifle army crawling his way into position? Did he think it was a secret service agent for some reason? What the hell is that dude doing...

I'm not going to be jumping on the conspiracy theory wagon and join the people saying this is fake but like...SOMETHING is absolutely off about this entire event. Whether the Secret Service here are just grossly incompetent, for some reason they wanted the person to get the shot off and go for Trump, or something else, there has been an avalanche of WTF decisions that I'm really hoping in the coming days gets answered because like...WTF?
It was gross incompetence, or to say it nicely, it was just humans being humans. We mainly view the secret service through the image of the secret service and through Hollywood, but ultimately they're just dumb human beings like the rest of us.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Goddamn, the shooter being a white, presumably straight registered Republican is really throwing these guys so hard they're trying to make the issue about female Secret Service agents

If someone's trying to knock off the president, you don't want the Secret Service to be HOLSTERING their weapons. They should in fact be doing the exact opposite.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
WTF that gotta do with him going after Trump? Sucks kid got bullied, but why jump to targeting him, unless he was trying get famous and be "a somebody" than a nobody.

More on the security detail. Or lack of security detail in this case.

The guy with the cap being interviewed asked "How does it comes this?". Gee, your precious former president tried insurrection because he didn't win the last election, is a petty fuckwad who doesn't care about anyone but himself, and betrayed the US government and its citizens several times over. Why are you this surprised or asking now? You're only asking that, because it's somebody within your pathetic little circle you do give a shit about!
Jun 11, 2023
United States

Registered Republican voter but donated to a progressive political action committee the day Biden was sworn in. That’s…interesting.

Irony not lost on the shooter’s last name either.

About that -

Huh…so basically nothing beyond the “usual”.
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Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
On a weird pseudo off-topic note reddit comments are literally broken atm. Theres been a pic posting spree, not like anti-pro trump just like media spree around the shooting and it superficially looks like a bug but if you go on reddit atm most comments sections are empty despite showing hundreds of # comments.

Its interesting that we live in a post 230 age where all sites live in fear of user post accountability.
Extremely large comment threads just break Reddit, and not necessarily just that thread. Pretty much always have. One of those things people complain about every major event and that never gets fixed.

I feel like the best case scenario (as unlikely as it would be) is that the shooter is one of those "anti-pedophile" MAGA people, like the pizza-gate guy, who finally learned about Trump's alleged Epstein island child rapes and decided to do something about it.
So a MAGA pedo hunter who missed the message that "pedo" was supposed to be the mask-on word for "LGBTQ+", and not actually pedophiles?

My brain understands why Democrats are wishing Trump a speedy recovery but I do find it funny that Trump is basically the next Hitler who plans to take away Democracy as we know it and strip everyone of their rights but they all wish a speedy recovery...
I've believed that anyone serious in the Dem establishment doesn't actually believe the whole "end of Democracy" spiel they're using to sell voting for Biden. They just keep saying things that imply that they don't think losing is actually as bad as they sell it as.
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