Trump assassination attempt


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
anyone clutching their pearls over this should realize that Trump ordered people to be assassinated as president.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Thomas Matthew Crooks...

It's been confirmed by NBC Special Report.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I was already taking a break from any (American) political news. Looks like I'll be extending that even more indefitinely.


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
The only thing I have to say is that I disagree with political violence and think the perpetrator should be condemned.
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Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
anyone clutching their pearls over this should realize that Trump ordered people to be assassinated as president.
Remember when Paul Pelosi was attacked in his home and Trump and his supporters mocked him over it?
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Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Nor did he hang himself from a bunkbed using a sheet breaking his neck in two places while all the CCTV around that time stopped working and the guards checking on the prisoner every 2 hours mysteriously both fell asleep and were out for 4 hours........
Isn't that more a Donald style? Since he was in power and Epstein had dirt on him.
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
You know what would be hilarious ? If as a result of this, Trump decides to talk about banning guns.
i thought about this for about 3 seconds before remembering the JFK was actually assassinated, and nothing changed. And then all of the other assassination/attempts before and since.

Its obvious to the rest of the word, but America is just going to keep on trucking on.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
i thought about this for about 3 seconds before remembering the JFK was actually assassinated, and nothing changed. And then all of the other assassination/attempts before and since.

Its obvious to the rest of the word, but America is just going to keep on trucking on.
Oh sure (though IIRC, Reagan ended up a bit anti-gun after being shot, though he waited until he left office). But Trump is...Trump enough that totally going off the rails like that isn't impossible. I don't expect it to happen, though.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Honestly America, your long sad history of letting the mentally ill have access to guns and the one time it could of been a good thing, the guy can't hit a fat orange target in the middle of a stage.

Oh well, with any luck his ear will get infected and Sepsis will take him down.


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
Olympian levels of reaching lmao

The news constantly going mad like "oh no how could this possibly happen in our god fearing country of all countries oh noes, this isn't who we are, what's going on, this is unheard of madness" - from the country founded almost entirely on president assassinations, indigenous genocide, violent political rhetoric, international war crimes/coups, daily mass shootings and monthly school shooting massacres what the fuck are you talking about you dumbass amnesiac cuntwombles for fucks sake try practicing even a tiny bit of object fucking permanence for once! This is who you are and who you've always been.

for context;

WASHINGTON (AP) — Before Saturday’s apparent attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, there have been multiple instances of political violence targeting U.S. presidents, former presidents and major party presidential candidates.

A look at some of the assassinations and attempted assassinations that have occurred since the nation’s founding in 1776:

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, the 16th president

Lincoln was the first president to be assassinated, shot by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865, as he and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, attended a special performance of the comedy “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theatre in Washington.

Lincoln was taken to a house across the street from the theater for medical treatment after he was shot in the back of the head. He died the next morning. His support for Black rights has been cited as a motive behind his killing

Two years before the assassination, during the Civil War, which was fought over slavery, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation granting freedom to slaves within the Confederacy.

Lincoln was succeeded by Vice President Andrew Johnson.

Booth was shot and killed on April 26, 1865, after he was found hiding in a barn near Bowling Green, Virginia.

JAMES GARFIELD, the 20th president

Garfield was the second president to be assassinated, six months after taking office. He was walking through a train station in Washington on July 2, 1881, to catch a train to New England when he was shot by Charles Guiteau.

Alexander Graham Bell, the telephone inventor, tried unsuccessfully to find the bullet lodged in Garfield’s chest using a device he designed specifically for the president. The mortally wounded president lay at the White House for several weeks but died in September after he was taken to the New Jersey shore. He had held office for six months.

Garfield was succeeded by Vice President Chester Arthur.

Guiteau was found guilty and executed in June 1882.

WILLIAM McKINLEY, the 25th president

McKinley was shot after giving a speech in Buffalo, New York, on Sept. 6, 1901. He was shaking hands with people passing through a receiving line when a man fired two shots into his chest at point-blank range. Doctors had expected McKinley to recover but gangrene then set in around the bullet wounds.

McKinley died on Sept. 14, 1901, six months after opening his second term.

He was succeeded by Vice President Theodore Roosevelt.

Leon F. Czolgosz, an unemployed, 28-year-old Detroit resident, admitted to the shooting. Czolgosz was found guilty at trial and put to death in the electric chair on Oct. 29, 1901.

FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, the 32nd president

Roosevelt, at the time the president-elect, had just given a speech in Miami from the back of an open car when gunshots rang out.

Roosevelt was not injured in the February 1933 shooting that killed Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak.

Guiseppe Zangara was convicted in the shooting and sentenced to death.

HARRY S. TRUMAN, the 33rd president

Truman was staying at Blair House, across the street from the White House, in November 1950 when two gunmen broke in.

Truman was not injured, but a White House policeman and one of the assailants were killed in an exchange of gunfire. Two other White House policemen were wounded.

Oscar Callazo was arrested and sentenced to death. In 1952, Truman commuted the sentence to life in prison. He was released from prison in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter.

JOHN F. KENNEDY, the 35th president

Kennedy was fatally shot by a hidden assassin armed with a high-powered rifle as he visited Dallas in November 1963 with first lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Shots rang out as the president’s motorcade rolled through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas.

Kennedy was rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he died soon after.

He was succeeded by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was sworn into office in a conference room aboard Air Force One. He is the only president to take the oath of office on an airplane.

Hours after the assassination, police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald after finding a sniper’s perch in a nearby building, the Texas School Book Depository.

Two days later, Oswald was being taken from police headquarters to the county jail when Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby rushed forward and fatally shot Oswald.

GERALD FORD, the 38th president

Ford faced two assassination attempts within weeks in 1975 and was not hurt in either incident.

In the first attempt, Ford was on his way to a meeting with California’s governor in Sacramento when Charles Manson disciple Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme pushed through a crowd on the street, drew a semi-automatic pistol and pointed it at Ford. The gun wasn’t fired.

Fromme was sentenced to prison and released in 2009.

It was 17 days later when another woman, Sara Jane Moore, confronted Ford outside a hotel in San Francisco. Moore fired one shot and missed. A bystander grabbed her arm as a second shot was attempted.

Moore was sent to prison and released in 2007.

RONALD REAGAN, the 40th president

Reagan was leaving a speech in Washington, D.C., and walking to his motorcade when he was shot by John Hinckley Jr., who was in the crowd.

Reagan recovered from the March 1981 shooting. Three other people were shot, including his press secretary, James Brady, who was partially paralyzed as a result.

Hinckley was arrested and confined to a mental hospital after a jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity in shooting Reagan. In 2022, Hinckley was freed from court oversight after a judge determined he was “no longer a danger to himself or others.”

GEORGE W. BUSH, the 43rd president

Bush was attending a rally in Tbilisi in 2005 with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili when a hand grenade was thrown toward him.

Both men were behind a bulletproof barrier when the grenade, wrapped in cloth, landed about 100 feet away. The grenade did not explode, and no one was hurt.

Vladimir Arutyunian was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

THEODORE ROOSEVELT, presidential candidate

The former president was shot in Milwaukee in 1912 while campaigning to return to the White House.

Roosevelt had previously served two terms as president and was running again as a third-party candidate.

Folded papers and a metal glasses case in Roosevelt’s pocket apparently blunted the bullet’s impact and he was not seriously hurt.

John Schrank was arrested and spent the remainder of his life in mental hospitals.

ROBERT F. KENNEDY, presidential candidate

Kennedy was seeking the Democratic presidential nomination when he was killed at a Los Angeles hotel — moments after giving his victory speech for winning the 1968 California primary.

Kennedy was a U.S. senator from New York and the brother of President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated five years earlier.

Five other people were wounded in the shooting.

Sirhan Sirhan was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to death. That was commuted to life in prison, where Sirhan remains after his latest petition for release was denied last year.

GEORGE C. WALLACE, presidential candidate

Wallace was seeking the Democratic presidential nomination when he was shot during a campaign stop in Maryland in 1972, an incident that left him paralyzed from the waist down.

Wallace, the governor of Alabama, was known for his segregationist views, which he later renounced.

Arthur Bremer was convicted in the shooting and sentenced to prison. He was released in 2007.
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Elite Member
May 28, 2020
United States
Political violence isn't acceptable in America...

...unless it's against black, brown, or LGBTQIA+ people wanting equal rights, or at the very least, not to be summarily executed by a cop in the street...

...or community organizers/activists leaning anywhere to the left of Genghis Khan...

...or homeless or desperately poor...

...or an immigrant not from "respectable" (read, predominantly white) countries...

...or anti-Zionist Jews; actually, practicing non-Christians in general...

...really, anyone who isn't a social, political, or economic elite. But like 90% of the test to determine against whom political violence is acceptable is the paper bag test.

Geriatric Dixiecrat bastard wants to wag his finger at people drawing iron at the guy the center and center-right demonized for nearly a decade straight, because he mildly inconvenienced the neocon/neolib camarilla that runs DC and the oligarchs that fund it. Every single person on Earth knows he'd have the drones circling like vultures and the CIA crawling through the sewers to murk a black or brown person anywhere else on the planet, if they in the process of being legitimately elected decided their country doesn't exist to serve US global hegemony.

There's one differences between now and when Sarah Palin and Sharron Angle were on cable news in prime time talking about "second amendment solutions" and like nonsense, and putting on their Surprised Pikachu Faces when someone took their bullshit to heart. The Palins and Angles this time represent the other cheek of the same ass.