I think you're largely correct over the Republican party as a whole. Their leaders, their strategists and their representatives. Their voters however are another issue. I don't think the typical MAGA voter was lying when they went on about how they hated Bush, and how the wars had been a disaster that they were sick of. Had this sentiment not lived in their base then the Republican party would have no need to scapegoat Bush and pretend to be isolationist. And in that sense the MAGA base really has radicalized and morphed into what they claim to hate.There was no morphing, they've always been this way. Take it from someone who spends a lil too much time observing their media, influencers and communities: the reality is far uglier than many assume, and they exploit your tendencies to want to see the best, the most hopeful within them. But it's an old con. People keep forgetting. People keep taking them and their vast highly-funded news/misinformation networks n ecosystem at face value, despite over half a century of consistent evidence that they'll say anything as long as it gets them to power, and when they're in power they'll say anything to deflect responsibility onto everyone else. Plz try to keep all this in memory, though is understandably difficult when lives have to lived, struggles have to be endured and tragedies have to be confronted both on the personal and societal level. But they've been taking advantage of this generational political amnesia for so long now, stripping every new event of context (or relying on mere omission, usually, thanks to inadequate political education provided in legacy news), morally flattening the rest to claim it's merely no different than what you'd do - we have to be serious about what needs to change to even have the slightest fighting chance, cos what's been tried is clearly not working and actively just helping them instead.
Through MAGA they've been ''re educated'' on the matter and now think foreign wars, even foreign wars in the Middle East are glorious. Or deep down they always felt losing the wars was the real reason they hated it rather than the morality and casualties and thanks to their radicalisation they learned to admit that to themselves.