The Last of Us. Still playing it currently for first time.
I enjoy the story elements of the characters, and my wife and I especially enjoy the little "time-filler" bits of banter between characters. Like when Ellie gets out her book of puns and starts to tell them to Joel.
But the mechanics, holy shit I hate the mechanics. The stealth is shit, the combat is terrible, there is zero room for error if you are around a clicker, they just glom onto you and eat you, unless you've bothered to buy a very expensive shiv upgrade...which if you've run out of shivs you're fucked. The game will just sometimes decide that a stealth kill wasn't a stealth kill, for no discernible reason, and even though you are dozens of yards away from every other badguy, and you technically did a choke kill on a dude, suddenly EVERYONE knows exactly where you are, like laser focused on you, and come running all at once. There is no defensive mechanic like dodge or roll or anything if you get into melee. You can occasionally get a button prompt to block a melee attack, if you happen to have a melee weapon yourself. If not, well fuck you I guess. And it only works against one person, which means it's basically useless if you are getting mobbed, which you usually are.
It's not fun, it's just a session in frustration. I got tired of aggroing every infected in one particular sequence and bumped it down to Easy difficulty, because frankly fuck that games combat system.
Story's great, gameplay sucks ass.