No. My brother and I couldn't even bother to finish final fantasy XIII. We barely made it to the second disc. it takes a minute for the game to get going. For me it took about an hour or two, but I had so much fun exploring that it didn't bother me. Plus I've been doing a lot of the side quest and liberating camps, so I can unlock more stuff quicker or gather resources. My main focus has been getting samurai and stances upgrades. with the ghost upgrade Stone in between. I try to keep it mostly even, but my play style is a mix and match of both. this game is just so gorgeous to travel through that there are times where I don't want to use the Fast travel. And speaking of the fast travel, it is near instantaneous. Only will take you about two to four seconds total. I mainly use it for what I know I have to upgrade stuff and I have the resources for it.Phew. Is it like Final Fantasy 13... Do you agree with GGmanlives that you have to play for a dozen hours before you really enjoy it?
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