No it isn't, the situation is more complex than that, and you need to learn to
listen, least of all to people who don't just tell you what you want to hear, instead of wait your turn to repeat the same talking points you just did that you know damn well didn't work the first, second, third, or any other time.
And it's
real funny you want to talk about this now, after having been proffered the opportunity to compare Gilded Age Republicans to contemporary Democrats, when you asked what the point of historical comparison is.
All that shit you said? They know coal is going away and isn't coming back, and they also don't trust Democrats and believe Democrats have no plan forward to offer them. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden can say whatever the fuck they want,
they don't trust Democrats and for good reason. You have to have
trust for campaign promises to mean anything, least of all to people with long memories and who believe in the importance of earnestness.
You know why they don't trust Democrats? Bill Clinton offered all that shit. What happened? Barack Obama offered all that shit. What happened? By the time Bill's wife came sniffing around for votes making the same exact promises except in slightly meaner language, do you think her word was worth the toilet paper it was scribbled on?
Now at this point you'll say, "buh, buh meanie Republicans won't let Democrats help those people!". I got Congressional supermajorities in both chambers of Congress under a Democratic president between 2009-10 that says otherwise, fuck off with that busted talking point. Funny how these big, ambitious sweeping bills Democrats
love to talk about only surface when Democrats know they can't pass, or know they'll get poison pilled. But when something
can pass, suddenly it's all "oh we need incremental reform, we need to take it slow and do it right!".
And here's the thing. Let's assume literally every word in this post is bullshit until now. Let's assume Clinton and Obama didn't fuck over middle America. Let's assume blue dogs didn't fuck over the entire country when Democrats had supermajorities in both chambers in 2009-10. Let's assume Democratic politicians were trustworthy. And let's assume rust belt and coal belt voters are actually driven by being "moderate" and "conservative", not "populist" and "desperate". Let's assume, should Biden win, something actually will be done to "help" those people.
Rust belt and coal belt voters saw what's happened in Seattle, Portland, the Bay Area, LA, NYC, DC, and Atlanta. They know, even if the promise is fulfilled, it still ends badly for them because "reskilling" and "new infrastructure and tech jobs" aren't for them. They know it's Democratic weasel-speak for "gentrification", they know what gentrification does to poor and minority communities, and they know goddamn well Democrats are the party of gentrification.
Hillary, Biden, any one of them, may as well get up on stage and say, "a vote for me is a vote for tech corporations to do to you what the coal bosses and Pinkertons tried to do to your great-granddaddies".