Gaming Journalists Make No Damn Sense

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Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
When is Drake fighting all these guys hand-to-hand?
All the time. In every game. Hand-to-hand combat is a major part of all of the games. There are even combos you can do.

. Haven't you heard of basic action movie concepts? Like the standard goon or foot soldier? They're the cannon fodder enemy that just went through like basic training.
And you're claiming that no soldier that Drake ever fights has ever been instructed in a manner that makes them better than a "good bar-room brawler".
This is the fatal flaw in your argument. It relies on making absurd claims about the Uncharted universe like that Nadine is the only one who was ever trained in hand-to-hand combat.

Unless you manage to stitch up this gaping wound, nothing else needs to be said.

Again, if "progressiveness" is why games are selling less, then why are there games with "progressiveness" that are selling more?
Such as?
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Well oddly male characters do get scrutiny and generally have to have some explanation these days. I mean Buckaroo Banzai was a parody taking the piss out of such impossible over the top male characters and that film was in 1984
First of all, like who? Secondly, because so many people remember Buckaroo Banzai.

Well do do see Yoda training him and the improvement etc there
Yes we do. And that one or two days of training is enough for him to ultimately defeat Darth Vader; the biggest dick-swinging Sith in the Galaxy. This gets even more ridiculous considering how much stronger Vader gets with every new modern appearance or cameo.

There's actually a few lines than explain that. At one point it's mentioned Luke has been training as a Pilot (at the Rebel base) and it's meant to be implied some time has passed. As for pin point accuracy, that's meant to be a combination of latent force ability and the fact as Luke says he used to shoot Womp rats while going round on his Land speeder. It doesn't do a good job of making it clear it's meant to be more than a few days later though.

He does get a new arm however the new robotic arm is kind of meant to be a constant reminder of his defeat. It doesn't just go away, he has that robot arm for life now.
And with Rey it's established that her having to survive on this planet on her own meant she was a capable fighter, and because she's been pulling apart ships all her life as her job she knows a good deal about that too. Is it a typical set-up, sure, but no more than most other typical action-adventure movies.

And the arm may be a reminder, but only in one specific scene. Apart from that one scene it's just a normal arm. The instant it gets attached and activated it functions the same as his old one, so he expreriences zero physical limitations from it. His severe injury dealt by Vader just gets erased, like they just put a band aid on it

Also Rey is basically more powerful and competent than almost any Male character that's been in the franchise.
Except for Obi Wan, Qui Gon, and Anakin in the Prequels, who were pulling off flips and lightsabering juggling all over the place. What does Rey do? Defeat some jumped-up punk with a bad injury, and awkwardly mind-controls a hapless soldier. And I'm only going off The Force Awakens here, since that's when these complaints started.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
You got any proof to show they wouldn't?
Would you drop $300 on something you may not even like?

Looks like quite a few indies that don't have the marketing of AAA releases so it's common for those games to get small sales numbers because they're indie and usually less popular genres to begin with.
Yet some on that list were heavily pushed one by a studio well known enough MS gave them a 1 year exclusivity contract.

They were also pushed by a lot of games journalists in lots of articles but they were reported as underperforming.

Sunset got glowing reviews from outlets and coverage but fail to sell copies.

Some of those games don't even make sense to me. Firewatch/Lawbreakers is EssJayDubya?
Firewatch was more the result of the developers targeting PewDiePie in the end plus the general "Oh we talking about series stuff in our walking sim game" Attitude.

Lawbreakers was thanks to Cliff shooting his mouth off on twitter in that games case

Why was Life is Strange successful then if said EssJayDubya-ness doesn't work?
Hella Cringe. Same reason people were going to see the film Cats mostly lol

Dishonored 2 sold quite a bit less already and brought back the voice actor from Thief. But the DLC to a game that was less popular is less popular because of a woman protagonist but not Dishonored 2? That doesn't make sense. Battleborn got taken out by the Overwatch train basically. There's tons of reasons games don't sell as well as hoped for and tons of reasons why games sell more than expected.
Dishonoured Death of the Outsider was a stand alone expansion.

Battleborn was taken out by Overwatch but you know what Overwatch had?

Sexy Butts

There's nothing major on the side of Overwatch vs Battleborn really but players flocked to one over the other.

Other Battlefields had full on regenerative health, nobody was throwing a hissy fit over historical accuracy then. BFV has a bit of an altered regen health system. Nobody complains about how fast reload times are or how low the recoil of the guns are.
And others have had other health systems too. Sorry but it became a genre convention and it's a gameplay convention not an Aesthetic one mostly just mostly out of convenience at the time.

BF is a blockbuster video game series. You should expect the accuracy you'd get from a blockbuster war movie. Again, there's tons of reasons that go into a game being successful/unsuccessful. BFV missed out on the battle royale train for example. DICE has lots of problems with simple shit that they can't get right like TTK and general balance of guns. There's plenty of games that are selling that have "diversity". And, no, potential new women playing BF or COD or whatever already have consoles or PCs if they're interested in those types of games already.
Yeh which was funny because of idiots who complained that I think it was Dunkirk didn't have women soldiers storming the beaches too.

Some things are far more obvious.

Do you know the exact reload time or recoil patter of WWII guns?

So what are these games selling so well with Diversity again?

When is Drake fighting all these guys hand-to-hand? Uncharted is a shooter. Haven't you heard of basic action movie concepts? Like the standard goon or foot soldier? They're the cannon fodder enemy that just went through like basic training. Why can the Ninja Turtles take out hundreds of foot clan but 4 of them can't beat Shredder? Why are the stormtroppers such bad shots in Star Wars? Drake is akin to characters like aforementioned Indiana Jones and John McClane, everyman heroes. Nathan Drake is not John Wick. Nadine wins in a fair fight because she's far more skilled. Same reason why it takes Jackie Chan so long to defeat the final guy from Drunken Master 2 when he's been taking out the other "goons" like nothing all movie.

Again, if "progressiveness" is why games are selling less, then why are there games with "progressiveness" that are selling more? If "progressiveness" was causing games to sell less, it would be happening consistently across the board and it's not.
Nah Nadine man handles the pair because Neil Druckman has a femdom fetish. That's why it's shown as so effortless almost.

The arm-throw she uses on Nathan at the start literally wouldn't work as her technique is terrible, To throw him using technique that poor and proper positioning you have to be hugely strong like Strongman contest strong.

Worth pointing out that Nadine is also in Lost Legacy but has no such scenes.

You know what who didn't work as the director? Neil Druckman.

You know what other game Druckman did work on?

The Last of Us Part II

Which features hugely buff Abby beat the Joel then ultimately kill him.

Yeh funny how the game he doesn't direct has Nadine not able to fairly easily take down two grown men by herself yet two Druckman games now features women violently beating up main characters seemingly effortlessly.

What are these games that are so progressive selling well?

Uncharted 4 was the 4th in an ongoing series so which hadn't been going that way before so yeh it likely wouldn't impact sales as people would likely buy in.

How many of the games you're going to claim are "progressive" are sequels in franchises?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
First of all, like who? Secondly, because so many people remember Buckaroo Banzai.
Well I don't think there's been a truly Gary Stu male characters for a while not since the days of like Doc Savage series or whatever.

There's aren't really many hyper competent male characters who are the hero who never lose. I even pointed out earlier John Wick having to seek help and get medical treatment etc

Yes we do. And that one or two days of training is enough for him to ultimately defeat Darth Vader; the biggest dick-swinging Sith in the Galaxy. This gets even more ridiculous considering how much stronger Vader gets with every new modern appearance or cameo.
More like 1 month or so on top of however long he was in the swamp. Also during the fight Luke basically calls out Vader saying he won't destroy him suggesting Vader isn't fighting full on as such.

And with Rey it's established that her having to survive on this planet on her own meant she was a capable fighter, and because she's been pulling apart ships all her life as her job she knows a good deal about that too. Is it a typical set-up, sure, but no more than most other typical action-adventure movies.
Yet she knows more about Han's ship than Han and also Staff fighting is very different to sword fighting and it's staff fighting she's capable in

And the arm may be a reminder, but only in one specific scene. Apart from that one scene it's just a normal arm. The instant it gets attached and activated it functions the same as his old one, so he expreriences zero physical limitations from it. His severe injury dealt by Vader just gets erased, like they just put a band aid on it
Yet it's what Luke looks to having cut off Vader's robotic arm he also wears a glove over that hand for much of the films after that as though trying to disguise that it's not a real hand.

Except for Obi Wan, Qui Gon, and Anakin in the Prequels, who were pulling off flips and lightsabering juggling all over the place. What does Rey do? Defeat some jumped-up punk with a bad injury, and awkwardly mind-controls a hapless soldier. And I'm only going off The Force Awakens here, since that's when these complaints started.
Qui Gon dies. Obi Wan gets nearly thrown off a platform Anakin loses his arm in Attack of the Clones

Rey out force pulls a lightsaber Kylo is trying to pull oh and it's kind of a minor shoulder Injury Kylo has but it apparently didn't stop him much while fighting and beating Finn (who is a trained Soldier)


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I don't really know anymore, it's hard to follow this. It's clear people aren't interested in understanding each other but are just entrenched in their positions
I think its quite clear some people don't actually understand what they are saying and in any other circumstance would probably be horrified at what they are saying


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
I think its quite clear some people don't actually understand what they are saying and in any other circumstance would probably be horrified at what they are saying
At the end of my argument with you, it boiled down to you calling me out for wrongthink. You lose track of the argument and just try to contradict the other party regardless of if you even agree with them or not, just for the sake of argument
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Worth pointing out that Nadine is also in Lost Legacy but has no such scenes.

You know what who didn't work as the director? Neil Druckman.

You know what other game Druckman did work on?

The Last of Us Part II

Which features hugely buff Abby beat the Joel then ultimately kill him.

Yeh funny how the game he doesn't direct has Nadine not able to fairly easily take down two grown men by herself yet two Druckman games now features women violently beating up main characters seemingly effortlessly.
And you don't think that has anything to do with the fact that in [i[Uncharted 4[/i] Nadine is the villain and thus needs to come across as threatening, and in Lost legacy she's an ally? Because you're right, it is weird how Nadine suddenly isn't as capable a soldier in Lost Legacy. She's even presented on the cover with a big assault rifle that she never actually wields (only pistols). And that's probably because you play the game as Chloe, and it's not exactly fun to have Nadine wreck everything for you. Naughty Dog A.I companions are notorious for having zero gameplay interactions, apart from the typical button-prompted boost or lift, and as soon as Nadine became one she was relegated to exactly that.

Also, I wouldn't exactly call Abby surprise shotgunning Joel's knee off, having two others restrain him, and than beating him to death with a golfclub as Naughty Dog pushing female empowerment over men. I think that's supposed to be an actual evil moment.
More like 1 month or so on top of however long he was in the swamp. Also during the fight Luke basically calls out Vader saying he won't destroy him suggesting Vader isn't fighting full on as such.
What exactly are you basing that one month on?

Yet she knows more about Han's ship than Han and also Staff fighting is very different to sword fighting and it's staff fighting she's capable in
So did C3P0. Han isn't exactly that tech savey, he has Chewie for that. And yes, let's get into proper fighting techniques in a Star Wars movie; Rey is shown to know how to handle melee weapons. Boom, done. Not being experienced in sword fighting didn't stop Luke from, again, beating Vader. And nowhere is it even implied Yoda taught him to sword fight. Star Wars rules are basically 'you're good at the Force, than you're good at lightsabering'.

Yet it's what Luke looks to having cut off Vader's robotic arm he also wears a glove over that hand for much of the films after that as though trying to disguise that it's not a real hand.
And this physically effects his fighting how? That robot hand is there as symbolism that he's in danger of joining his father, not an actual physical injury.

Qui Gon dies. Obi Wan gets nearly thrown off a platform Anakin loses his arm in Attack of the Clones

Rey out force pulls a lightsaber Kylo is trying to pull oh and it's kind of a minor shoulder Injury Kylo has but it apparently didn't stop him much while fighting and beating Finn (who is a trained Soldier)
He's actually shot in the gut by that crossbow laser thing that Chewie used to blast stormtroopers off their feet. So yeah, not exactly a minor injury. And again, Kylo is revealed to just be some punk who likes to play at being Vader. And Finn is as much a trained soldier as any other stormtrooper, nuff said.

And are you seriously going to compare Rey force grabbing a lightsaber to Obi Wan jumping out a window and catching a drone, holding on to it while it's flying at super speed, and Anakin just jumping out of a speeder and falling, like, 500 feet onto another speeder with zero injury? And you're conclusion is that she's obviously stronger than them? What?!

What are these games that are so progressive selling well?
Life is Strange, Undetale, Celeste, Dream Daddy?
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And you don't think that has anything to do with the fact that in [i[Uncharted 4[/i] Nadine is the villain and thus needs to come across as threatening, and in Lost legacy she's an ally? Because you're right, it is weird how Nadine suddenly isn't as capable a soldier in Lost Legacy. She's even presented on the cover with a big assault rifle that she never actually wields (only pistols). And that's probably because you play the game as Chloe, and it's not exactly fun to have Nadine wreck everything for you. Naughty Dog A.I companions are notorious for having zero gameplay interactions, apart from the typical button-prompted boost or lift, and as soon as Nadine became one she was relegated to exactly that.
There are ways to that without Nadine being able to single-handedly take on Nathan and his brother with relative ease in a first fight.

Maybe if they'd have given her a weapons of some kind I could see it as more plausible.

Also, I wouldn't exactly call Abby surprise shotgunning Joel's knee off, having two others restrain him, and than beating him to death with a golfclub as Naughty Dog pushing female empowerment over men. I think that's supposed to be an actual evil moment.
What exactly are you basing that one month on?
You will note I said Femdom not female empowerment. The two things really aren't the same thing and Abby really does fall into what you could call a Trope of said fetish.

I mean it's not like other creatives haven't had their fetishes slip into their work (See Tarantino and feet)

So did C3P0. Han isn't exactly that tech savey, he has Chewie for that. And yes, let's get into proper fighting techniques in a Star Wars movie; Rey is shown to know how to handle melee weapons. Boom, done. Not being experienced in sword fighting didn't stop Luke from, again, beating Vader. And nowhere is it even implied Yoda taught him to sword fight. Star Wars rules are basically 'you're good at the Force, than you're good at lightsabering'.
Staffs are very different to blade fighting technique. Also Luke literally started training to use a Lighsaber in A New Hope. His first sword fight in in the Empire Strikes back where he loses.

And this physically effects his fighting how? That robot hand is there as symbolism that he's in danger of joining his father, not an actual physical injury.
Not physical pain but again it's still a reminder of the loss. One he can't ever be truly rid of and has to literally wear for the rest of his days.

He's actually shot in the gut by that crossbow laser thing that Chewie used to blast stormtroopers off their feet. So yeah, not exactly a minor injury. And again, Kylo is revealed to just be some punk who likes to play at being Vader. And Finn is as much a trained soldier as any other stormtrooper, nuff said.

And are you seriously going to compare Rey force grabbing a lightsaber to Obi Wan jumping out a window and catching a drone, holding on to it while it's flying at super speed, and Anakin just jumping out of a speeder and falling, like, 500 feet onto another speeder with zero injury? And you're conclusion is that she's obviously stronger than them? What?!

Life is Strange, Undetale, Celeste, Dream Daddy?
Still didn't stop Kylo Ren from easily taking down Finn

Obi Wan and Anakin were both force trained as such at that point along with the rest of the Jedi training.

Life is Strange = People played it cause Hella Cringe in some cases like Cats the film, the see the madness for themselves. Also Life is Strange 2 is seemingly a flop.

Undertale = Toby Fox literally has refused to take sides in politics so much so even the Subreddit is or was a Politics free zone so no I don't think that one counts.

Celeste = Ok that's 1

Dream Daddy = Which was also a project with the Game Grumps so how much of it is the game itself and how much of it was the quite big popular youtubers is up in the air there.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
At the end of my argument with you, it boiled down to you calling me out for wrongthink. You lose track of the argument and just try to contradict the other party regardless of if you even agree with them or not, just for the sake of argument
The part where you were pro-burn shit, I pointed out, you asked for evidence, I provided evidence and then you asked for evidence again? No. It wasnt me who contradicted myself there

Also, wrongthink. This whole thread is a bunch of people literally telling people they cant do various thing like make games because vaginas.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
The part where you were pro-burn shit, I pointed out, you asked for evidence, I provided evidence and then you asked for evidence again? No. It wasnt me who contradicted myself there

Also, wrongthink. This whole thread is a bunch of people literally telling people they cant do various thing like make games because vaginas.
What evidence did you provide for when I was supposedly pro-burn shit? I didn't ask for evidence again because what you gave me for the first time wasn't evidence for your claims.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
What evidence did you provide for when I was supposedly pro-burn shit? I didn't ask for evidence again because what you gave me for the first time wasn't evidence for your claims.
Thanks for the troll

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
There are ways to that without Nadine being able to single-handedly take on Nathan and his brother with relative ease in a first fight.

Maybe if they'd have given her a weapons of some kind I could see it as more plausible.
Unless you're arguing that Nadine beating both Drake and Sam (which by the way she doesn't) is utterly impossible, I don't get why you're questioning the plausibilty of this fight as opposed to... pretty much everything else that happens in Uncharted. Most of the characters are able to climb shit like it's nothing, including a nearly 70-year old Sully. People are able to punch others in the face frequently without sustaining any injury to their hands. People can just walk away from explosions by dusting themselves off. Get dragged behind trucks, get into car crashes, jump off cliffs. But this buff chick, her beating the crap out of two middle-aged treasure hunters... nah, that's just implausible. This nearly 50-year old dude gets completely run through by a steel bar and not only survives, but makes a full recovery thanks to a 14-year old kid who isn't Doogie Howser nursing him back to health. This girl with muscles though, thats just totally unbelievable in the apocalypse.

You will note I said Femdom not female empowerment. The two things really aren't the same thing and Abby really does fall into what you could call a Trope of said fetish.

I mean it's not like other creatives haven't had their fetishes slip into their work (See Tarantino and feet)
Exactly, it's not like other creators haven't had fetishes slip into their work. Hence why people need to make such a big fucking deal about Nadine and Abby, right?

Staffs are very different to blade fighting technique. Also Luke literally started training to use a Lighsaber in A New Hope. His first sword fight in in the Empire Strikes back where he loses.
Dude, it's Star Wars. There has never been sword fighting technique in Star Wars.

Still didn't stop Kylo Ren from easily taking down Finn
Yeah, because Finn's a stormtrooper. You know, the grunts that get mowed down like they're nothing.

Obi Wan and Anakin were both force trained as such at that point along with the rest of the Jedi training.
And you claimed Rey was stronger than them, which is BS.

Life is Strange = People played it cause Hella Cringe in some cases like Cats the film, the see the madness for themselves. Also Life is Strange 2 is seemingly a flop.

Undertale = Toby Fox literally has refused to take sides in politics so much so even the Subreddit is or was a Politics free zone so no I don't think that one counts.

Celeste = Ok that's 1

Dream Daddy = Which was also a project with the Game Grumps so how much of it is the game itself and how much of it was the quite big popular youtubers is up in the air there.
Like you said "in some cases", not all, not even most. Most people that played LiS actually liked it. And Undertale features a genderless protagonist and has gay characters galore, so how is that not progressive or "woke"? And if progressivism is really such a turn-off the Game Grumps name wouldn't have mattered.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
Most people that played LiS actually liked it. And Undertale features a genderless protagonist and has gay characters galore, so how is that not progressive or "woke"? And if progressivism is really such a turn-off the Game Grumps name wouldn't have mattered.
I liked LiS. I didn't think there was anything progressive at all about it. The only thing that comes to mind was that slapping your child across the face was internally treated with the same weight as if the character had been punching and kicking them down a flight of stairs.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I liked LiS. I didn't think there was anything progressive at all about it. The only thing that comes to mind was that slapping your child across the face was internally treated with the same weight as if the character had been punching and kicking them down a flight of stairs.
It's heavily implied that Chloe and Rachael were into each other. I don't know if the prequel series "Before the storm" confirmed that or not. I believe Chole is more or less written as Bi, if not gay.

For some people, that's enough to mark it as progressive.
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