Uncharted is a shooter, it's not DMC.
No, it's just using basic action movie logic that like every action movie has had since forever; standard goons are standard goons. Nadine is probably the only expert in close quarters combat that Drake has faced in the series.
I don't even know what you're requirements for these games are since what you call stuff radical that nobody else calls radical. But Uncharted 4 and ME3. Dwarvenhobble had a whole list and going by what they put down; Life is Strange (since the sequel was mentioned), Overwatch (as Battleborn and Lawbreakers were mentioned). I recall some bitching at Horizon Zero Dawn. TLOU2 is the 3rd best selling game in PlayStation history apparently.
Yes I'll mention here that we've just seen in this tread that Houseman played Life is Strange differently and took different options to others and didn't see the first one as woke.
You know what happens in LIS 2?
At one point you get given a choice to steal supplies from a store or not.
No matter if you steal or don't the old guy who runs the store ends up grabbing you and later he says something about "Thieving Mexicans, that's why we need to build that wall". You have 0 way of not seeing that scene because apparently the creators wanted to take shots at [current year] politics and make the store owner into a Strawman for them. If you stole then he's literally right you were stealing anyway. If you didn't then he's wrong but either way he's portrayed as the villain. That's not getting into the sex scenes later on where the romance options are a guy who a half shaved head punk / redneck girl. Also the fact you know the characters are meant to be underage but apparently those scenes were fine but anime games on Sony systems can't show too much skin for some reason.
I already mentioned these women players already have the systems needed to play said games.
Yes and most of the ones who do who are into shooters will already be playing shooters anyway. So the appeal to try and pull people in isn't working there is it?
The appeal is meant to be to some supposed new audience chomping at the bit but it's not being shown to exist. The women into shooters, especially Spunk Gargle Wee Wee shooters are already playing them
Some of the games I haven't heard of at all yet they were heavily pushed? I'm someone whose currently most anticipated game is Gamedec so I don't just pay attention to major releases.
There's quite a few things Overwatch had over Battleborn. Overwatch was the next big thing from Blizzard, it had the better presentation/graphics, it had the more pick and play nature to its matches as Battleborn was a MOBA.
Also Overwatch had sexy butts. Around launch believe it or not Overwatch was kind of hated by the Woke crowd. A crowd that still gets mad at the game quite often:
Police outfits for charactrs
School girl D.Va
Lack of Strong Black woman stereotype character (and they ignore Paladins which has a Strong Black Woman character)
Torb being straight
Zarya not being the one revealed as a Lesbian but Tracer who was "Conventionally attractive"
The fact there's an implied romance with Mercy and Genji and Mercy and Pharah aren't in a Lesbian relationship
As far as Dishonored 2's DLC, DLC or standalone DLC doesn't sell as well as the game it's DLC of. The Lost Legacy didn't sell as well as Uncharted 4 when it's a far far better Uncharted game than Uncharted 4.
It's an effect that can be seen though that if an entry put people off they won't buy the next one. Lost Legacy might have suffered because of Uncharted 4's decisions.
Why did gamers let health regen become genre convention when it makes games worse and also isn't accurate/realistic? Gamers make dumb decisions as a group constantly like how the people that play "hardcore" modes think the game is more realistic when it actually plays less realistic than normal mode and also unbalances all the guns. I know the reload times in real life are much longer.
Idiot team mates in team based games.
Having to wait for an idiot medic to heal you when the person picked Medic just for the heavy machine gun is a pain. That's even if you get a medic on your side not 15 Snipers.
Listed games that done well with diversity in response to Houseman.
Diversity and Wokeness are different things as I've said before.
Stargirl is diverse as a show.
Batwoman is woke.
The difference?
No-one mentions that "yeh at last I'm a woman in this role" in Stargirl they just are. It's seen as nothing. Hell in Stargirl the villains are as diverse a cast as the heroes.
You're criticizing technique in a pulpy action game? Nadine's technique/animations are noticeably different and communicate to the audience that she's skilled. I'm sure there's plenty of moves in action movies that you can find the same issues with.
I'm criticising technique because as some-one who did Judo for a little while and BTW was only ever an absolute novice I can look at her technique and point out it's wrong, that's how bad it is a guy whose barely done 6 months of Judo can look at it and point out it's bad technique. If you want to portray her as skilled that's an amateur mistake to make and makes her look less skilled than the argument of "Oh she's just so skilled" really would need to work.
I'm not a fan of Neil Druckmann because I don't think he's a good director, it has nothing to do with whatever progressiveness he's pushing or not pushing. I knew TLOU2 was in bad shape from this
interview. Guess what that interview has literally nothing to do with? It's not like Abby beats up/kills Joel because she's better or stronger than him, it's cuz her group outnumbers Joel and his brother. Someone wanting revenge on Joel is rather expected, he is a bastard to a lot of people. I already went over this with Houseman, the reason Joel gets killed is so the game can continue with its stealth action gameplay loop. The game was FUBAR from the second it was decided it needed the same gameplay loop as TLOU1.
And there are so many other ways Joel could have been killed that would have worked better.
Also Abby is actually a bit of a problem due to believe it or not unrealistic body image standards of all things in that her look is unrealistic / unmaintainable. Like acual women doing that in the real world have highly specialised diet regimes etc and can only normally get that look for competitions and hold if for about 2 weeks in every 6 or so.