So the new episode is pretty good. Ashoka Tano does indeed make her first on-screen appearance since the end of Rebels and it felt like it was worth it. Kinda surprised she didn't use her "Not a Jedi" response at any point, but since Mando doesn't know squat about the Jedi I can see why. I half expected her to make a snarky comment when Mando called the lightsabers "Laser Swords", but then again, she's no longer a teenager and, well, the last 25ish years haven't been fun for her.
Interestingly she's apparently no longer "Ashoka the White" as she was in Rebels and I'm curious what the story behind that is.
Also, Baby Yoda now has a name, Grogu(no word if Grogu does that wierdass speech pattern too or if that was a Yoda only thing). Also, a little bit of retconning(though none that really matters). Grogu apparently was being trained at the Jedi Temple during the Clone wars by the various Jedi Masters and then someone got him out when the Purge went down. Who this mysterious Jedi is/was is unknown but at least we can narrow down who it wasn't
Also, sounds like Thrawn is gonna make a reappearance eventually. Man, the FanService is strong with these recent episodes. Also, kinda nice to see Micheal Biehn again. It took me a second to recognize him, doing that "Why does that voice sound so familiar?" before looking at his face up close and making the connection.