If your principle move towards trans inclusivity is giving players control over their characters genitals and breasts, then the implicit assumption is that these are the things that matter in terms of expressing trans and non-binary identities.
What you are asking for is freedom beyond what the contores of the linear writing can play off. You forget that in order to add transgenderism upon the player character in more than physical ways, requires additional voice lines, additional story beats, and probably a completely different way of reacting to the events of the game as a whole.
As expansive as video games have become, there is a limit to the freedom that can be offered. A character like V is pre-written, it isn't the perfect representation of the player's avatar because there is a specific story trying to be told with specific characters and in order for that experience to be presented the way they want, personality freedom cannot be given to the player. That's why in games that offer true player freedom, the player character is mute, because that opens up the way that the player character can then react to things that are presented to them.
So yes in this case the character can only physically be trans. But that's a lot further than a lot of games. And hopefully more games will let you do this in the future, maybe even going further by letting you assign the voice you want as well, because it was mentioned earlier that the voice was tied only to body type which could have been an easy change to make.
I think you are falling into the idea that sexuality makes the person and that simply isn't the case. A person can be any number of things that have nothing to do with their gender or sexual desires. And much of a person's orientation is about as useless to other people as vegan's bragging about how cool they are being vegan. People don't care and it's not really something that needs to come up in normal conversation, which is why I've always been pretty vocal about sexuality not needing to come into play in a video game if there are no romantic reasons for it.
Let's use Overwatch as an example. Tracer, Soldier 76, and maybe the hamster are cannonically gay within the Overwatch story. But does that make them better characters? Does that have any impact on how they are viewed in the game? Does it bring about any moral questions to their actions? Does it mean anything within the game you are playing? The answer is no, or if you want to argue that it does, then it can only do so superficially.
However in Mass Effect 3, you can openly have Shepard be homosexual because it does present itself as a meaningful part of their personaliy within the game because the player can act on it. They can develop relationships for Shepard in anyway that they want, because the story is crafted around giving such a choice meaning.
I've praised other games for using LBGT characters in subtle ways, not because i don't want that kind of thing shoved in my face, but because i don't find a character's sexuality important. If I'm talking to a character about needed a car to get out of zombieland, the fact that they are gayer than a rainbow is meaningless. It's just asking another human for help, and what color they are and what kind of porn they like is completely irrelevant to the situation.
The same can be applied to Cyberpunk, because to me that "Mix It Up" ad, showcases the total freedom people have over there bodies in this world. Expression of the mind can also be expression of the body in almost any regards. And the rest of the NPC's showcase this as well. You see people all over the place that could be anything they want, and many have the modifications to show this. Now that's a sexualized ad sure, but there are many sexualized ads all over the place in this world, sex sells and the game showcases that to an extreme to make a point. But I don't believe that they are trying to pain trans-people as any kind of joke simply because they are trans. I believe it's just a commentary of true inclusion means trans-people get to be just as objectified as anyone else because in Cyberpunk you are more object than person quite literally because of all the cybernetic parts that people have installed into them.