Honestly the movie is a solid B grade action flick. Reluctant Hero with a Family Tragedy, a villain he's Blinded by Revenge against, a Wise Mentor, basically every trope you can think of, they've got them. But they do them well. There's no real wasted screen time, the various fights establish the stakes, the motivations of the various main characters, hell they even utilize the Distressed Damsel in a way that actually is integral to the plot. Sonya's character flaw in that film, is her refusal to accept help. She constantly tries to prove "she can do it on her own!" and Raiden points out how this will be her downfall. And then, at the end, when she's abducted by Shao Khan, he's playing on that very flaw, saying how she's alone, noone is coming to help her, so she should agree to his terms, and give in. And she doesn't. She ACTUALLY grows, and while trapped, is actually stronger than she's been, personally, than any other point in the film. She refuses him, flat out stating "My friends will come for me." Showing that she actually trusts them to have her back. So she won't just give in. And her faith in her friends is proven out, as they are already there, and proceed to rescue her. It wasn't about her kicking Shao Khan's ass, narratively, that was Liu Kang's job. No, it was to show she could overcome her psychological hangups, and it was rewarded.
Another scene I love, is when the 3 heroes are in that big melee, and they win, and are talking after while they catch their breath. Sonya is giving Johnny shit, and Liu is just being indifferent, and Johnny is like "look, we're standing...they're not....what else do you want?" it then cuts to Raiden, slow clapping saying "Brilliant, absolutely brilliant" and it seems at first, that he's being sarcastic, but he's really not. He's genuinely applauding Johnny for understanding the premise of the Kontest. This is reinforced later, when Johnny declares the fight against Goro, and Raiden shows up and is like "what have you done?" and Johnny is like "Hey, you said it yourself, this is MORTAL kombat, WE fight it." And storms off. And Raiden smiles and is like "One of them gets it!"
It's really a lot better than I think it gets credit for.