The Leto Joker was deeply deeply teenaged, so this is more or less in character.
Eh, honestly I don't really have a problem with the design of Joker in SS. I mean his entire original look is based on the fashion styles from back when he was first introduced. There's no actual reason, other than brand recognition, that a "modern" joker, would still be walking around in a suit and tophat or whatever.
So the idea of him being this inked up, urban tough, that thrills on intentionally making his victims unnerved, by doing things like holding up a smiling tattoo in front of his face, so he's hiding his real expression behind a mask (which is what clown paint has always implied anyway). I thought it worked well overall. Him dressed like a meat packer in an apron with a thorn crown just seems, well, silly. I'm expecting the shot to pan out, and it to really be he's on some sound stage, in some avantgarde photo shoot or something, for an Italian photographer named Bertoli Armando Pierre III. Not actually, you know, being legit scary.
You know honestly what it reminds me of, is a photo I posed for as a teenager, for a girl I was attracted to, who was an amateur photographer. She had me put on a crown of thorns, and lay out upside down on the hood of a car, shirtless, arms out JUST like that. So I don't take this seriously at all. I just think "wow, he looks like he's trying way too hard." My only real question is are we supposed to think it's the Joker acting like this? Or if it's just a fluff piece and it's mostly just Zack/Leto. I guess there is little difference, as they are collaborating on the design. But, it just feels more like real world shit, than something genuine to the character.