8 People Killed In Atlanta Massage Parlor Shootings


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Right, but nobody in this thread is condemning others for being personally sexually liberated, doing what they want. I'm condemning a set of social restrictions and expectations placed on young women, which act to constrict and limit what they can do.
The thing is that the way in which people manifest their sexual liberation is being blamed for these expectations and social restrictions. And a link is often made between the two. If you enjoy a certain type of thing, you can be thought of as being the cause of these issues or can be seen as enjoying them being a thing. If we are to be truly socially liberated, we need to be able to see the nuance between someone enjoying something and someone thinking it's a moral good. We can do this with fast food, we know it's bad for us but we still enjoy it and we understand that we are capable of holding both thoughts in our head at the same time, but oh if you enjoy this sort of anime or videogame you must also think that the only thing women are good for is being broodmares or whatever hyperbolic term was being thrown around willy nilly here. It betrays that all this talk of liberation is hollow. You're only liberated to do these specific pre-approved things that back in the day people weren't permitted to do but if you go outside of the new boundaries you're still chastised.

Liberation is only when there are no boundaries at all.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Anyway, do you want to discuss the influence the shooter's religion had on his decision, or not?
Sure. There's probably something to be said about a highly political congregation of a denomination known for historical racism contributing to the creation of a murderer targeting a specific population. I don't mean to diminish the personal agency of the murderer, but you could reasonably suggest that this crime might not have happened if he hadn't attended that specific church.
You can stop making excuses. Either be honest about your assholery or not. That will tell you what kind of person you are.


Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
There is a lot to take into thread and while I would love comment on the takes here I am save my blood pressure and just go this route.

This were people who got murdered because some assclown no monster yeah monster is a better word did not see these people human beings. What got him here was a terrible mix but these people who had audacity to just live their life got killed because of the way they look and the where they come from along with people who were caught in the crossfire.

Its sickening and we need take a long look at this deal with some uncomfortable truths.


Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
What I am just getting annoyed by is the cowardice.

They refuse to own up to their racism and say "I killed them because they are sub-human (insert slur word) and infesting my serene white country"

They all deflect and double speak their way out of responsibility and owning up to what they think about other people.

Racists are cowards and scared to fully admit that they are.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
The thing is that the way in which people manifest their sexual liberation is being blamed for these expectations and social restrictions. And a link is often made between the two. If you enjoy a certain type of thing, you can be thought of as being the cause of these issues or can be seen as enjoying them being a thing.
What manifestations are you talking about, here? This tangent started out discussing erotica, but I think we both know well enough that it's not "sexually liberated" women making, producing and selling "titty books" by-and-large. Maybe a few, but certainly not most of the time.

But my understanding was the conversation had moved on from that. I'm not talking about people being free with their sexuality; I'm talking about people not being allowed to be. People being pigeonholed in specific domestic roles. As Agema has pointed out, educational institutes have been found to be artificially depressing the grades of female students, which is an effort to force people into specific roles. The overwhelming pressure placed by parents is another form of social coercion.

This isn't perfectly free choice I'm talking about, here, and it's the opposite of sexual liberation. If you want people to feel sexually liberated, then this is the kind of stifling influence you should be standing against.

If we are to be truly socially liberated, we need to be able to see the nuance between someone enjoying something and someone thinking it's a moral good. We can do this with fast food, we know it's bad for us but we still enjoy it and we understand that we are capable of holding both thoughts in our head at the same time, but oh if you enjoy this sort of anime or videogame you must also think that the only thing women are good for is being broodmares or whatever hyperbolic term was being thrown around willy nilly here. It betrays that all this talk of liberation is hollow. You're only liberated to do these specific pre-approved things that back in the day people weren't permitted to do but if you go outside of the new boundaries you're still chastised.
OK, I think there's an element of defensiveness here, probably because you're a big fan of anime & Japanese video games.

So am I. You can enjoy whatever content you want (within reason obviously); this is not about judging anyone for liking Japanese stuff. In every medium on the planet, some stuff is going to get created with some poor depictions or shoddy idealisations in it. If we're reasonable human beings, we can consume this stuff, but still recognise if/when it gets to the point of adversely affecting how people are treated in real life.

Look at 50 Shades. Real shitty depiction of the BDSM subculture in there; idealisation of abusive behaviour, etc. But I don't doubt most readers are able to consume it, and would still recognise and decry if abusive behaviours started to get idealised IRL. Ditto anime: have your fill, but be willing to recognise that if real women are getting restricted to certain domestic positions in life, then that's unhealthy. There's a difference between art and life.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
What I am just getting annoyed by is the cowardice.

They refuse to own up to their racism and say "I killed them because they are sub-human (insert slur word) and infesting my serene white country"

They all deflect and double speak their way out of responsibility and owning up to what they think about other people.

Racists are cowards and scared to fully admit that they are.
This is getting towards some struggle session shit here based on peoples personal beliefs about certain groups and I do not think this is a good direction.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
What I am just getting annoyed by is the cowardice.

They refuse to own up to their racism and say "I killed them because they are sub-human (insert slur word) and infesting my serene white country"

They all deflect and double speak their way out of responsibility and owning up to what they think about other people.

Racists are cowards and scared to fully admit that they are.
I know the media loves slapping "hate crime" and "racist" on everything bad that happens, but do we know this was motivated by racism? Because i thought it was sex addiction and a bad day.

I think it the news like to use those words to add drama and rile people up, but did they find out that he just hated asians?

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Technological advancements give us the leeway to implement or more fully realize human rights, and the free time to analyze other ones that we may deserve but not yet have implemented. I don't see why in a more advanced future it wouldn't be a right for everyone to have a house and food and belongings because technology allows such things to be manufactured without much cost any longer for example. Hell, we may even have human rights to immortality at some point. I'd love for that to be a human right.

Intersectionality is a limitation that tries to put people in boxes. In actuality people are infinitely more complex than the categories which intersectionality allows for. It's pretending to be more cognizant of the individual circumstances of people but in effect all it does is elevate a certain small part of each person (stuff like race and gender and sexuality and general "privilege points"), just treating each person as a fully different and individualized being is way more cognizant of those person-specific circumstances that we have to adapt how we treat that person based on. Instead of having a twitter bio worth of information suffice for determining how we have to perceive someone, we now have to actually do the hard work of meeting them and getting to know them and forming an individual impression of them and using that information to calibrate our attitude towards them. I see it as totally dehumanizing to ignore all of a person's being outside of the few bits of them that intersectionality elevates to god status at the expense of the majority of who that person truly is.

For me, what things people choose to do in their fun time, such as being a gamer or reading books or what have you, is infinitely more important about who they are than the privilege points they have or lack. If I see a new person in my locals I won't ask them who they fuck, I'll ask them what game they play. If you can't see why such a thing would be more informative then you're indeed that bored funless person who only has their happenstance identities and nothing else to define themselves by. We're not all like you. But if you tried to treat those things as being of the same gravitas as someone's race or what have you the intersectionality people would laugh at you. This is enough to tell me that they don't actually care about learning about people's lives.
Intersectionality does the exact opposite of what you are claiming. It actually acknowledges complexity rather than ignoring it.

Also, this conversation isn't about what type of games you play or what type of books you read.
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Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
I know the media loves slapping "hate crime" and "racist" on everything bad that happens, but do we know this was motivated by racism? Because i thought it was sex addiction and a bad day.

I think it the news like to use those words to add drama and rile people up, but did they find out that he just hated asians?
According to a Korean news outlet, he was screaming about how he was going to kill all Asians based on the alleged testimony of a surviving witness.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
For fuck's sake, nobody gives a shit about what porn you like. Can you not soapbox about how porn of fictional high schoolers shouldn't be criticized on the basis of some hilarious argument on sexual liberation when we're talking about moms and grandmas getting shot by a walking colon.

The discussion was about how the idea that "Asian" women are submissive and how the idea that Asian spas are automatically hotbeds of sex work get propagated, assuming we take "sex addict having a bad day" at face value. Porn and ethnic stereotyping play a part in that, and misinformation is *rampant* on both fronts. Just ask your average weeb what the age of consent in Japan is for a long lasting and depressing example.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I know the media loves slapping "hate crime" and "racist" on everything bad that happens, but do we know this was motivated by racism? Because i thought it was sex addiction and a bad day.

I think it the news like to use those words to add drama and rile people up, but did they find out that he just hated asians?
Wait... you actually believe it's sex addiction? Because that would mean that brothel and street workers should be targets....


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I know the media loves slapping "hate crime" and "racist" on everything bad that happens, but do we know this was motivated by racism? Because i thought it was sex addiction and a bad day.

I think it the news like to use those words to add drama and rile people up, but did they find out that he just hated asians?

So far the Sheriffs department suggested it wasn't racially motivated after his arrest, and promptly had people accusing them of being racist / covering up for racism.
The Killers statement said it wasn't racially motivated and people were rejecting that going "Oh this time we can't believe what the killer says but all these other times the killer said they were doing it for whatever reason we should totally believe".
The FBI have come out and said they don't believe it was racially motivated.

But apparently people are rather determined to have this claimed as a racial hate crime they just can't let it go for some reason (likely extreme partisanship)
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Intersectionality does the exact opposite of what you are claiming. It actually acknowledges complexity rather than ignoring it.

Also, this conversation isn't about what type of games you play or what type of books you read.
No the modern incarnation very much does put people into boxes far more.

E.G. Guyswill only play and guys, girls can only feel connected to female characters in games. That kind of nonsense.

For fuck's sake, nobody gives a shit about what porn you like. Can you not soapbox about how porn of fictional high schoolers shouldn't be criticized on the basis of some hilarious argument on sexual liberation when we're talking about moms and grandmas getting shot by a walking colon.

The discussion was about how the idea that "Asian" women are submissive and how the idea that Asian spas are automatically hotbeds of sex work get propagated, assuming we take "sex addict having a bad day" at face value. Porn and ethnic stereotyping play a part in that, and misinformation is *rampant* on both fronts. Just ask your average weeb what the age of consent in Japan is for a long lasting and depressing example.
On the first part, you have a point.

On the second part about massage parlours or spas, not so much as there have been a fair few reports in the past of such places being a cover for shadier stuff (feel free to google it to save me having to do the song and dance of having to present a load of sources after being called out)


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Sure. There's probably something to be said about a highly political congregation of a denomination known for historical racism contributing to the creation of a murderer targeting a specific population. I don't mean to diminish the personal agency of the murderer, but you could reasonably suggest that this crime might not have happened if he hadn't attended that specific church.
Then we're in agreement.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Wait... you actually believe it's sex addiction? Because that would mean that brothel and street workers should be targets....
I dont really care why the piece of shit did it. I do care if the media is spreading race baiting panic because that just fuels hateful people all on bogus fear mongering.
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Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
I should also point out that the guy never targeted strip clubs and none of his victims have thus far been proven to be involved in any sex work.