Never seen or heard of that, but it does look like fun.
But see what I'm talking about,
@BrawlMan? The characters move at "normal" speed and all sense of scale is pretty much lost; you just become normal-sized creatures in what effectively feels like a miniature city. And the buildings, yes, they're "destroying" them, but in no way any more appreciable than we've been experiencing "blowing shit up" in almost every game for the past couple of decades.
The closest I've seen to a game capturing somewhat the sense of scale that makes giant monsters fun to play
as was 2014's "Godzilla" on PS4, and that game sucked. While they did replicate the slow, plodding steps which gave you the feeling of immense weight, the cities were largely empty and flat (y'know, for the gameplay arena,) and the buildings just crumbled or exploded. I'd like to see buildings topple over and remain apart of the navigable landscape instead of just imploding like Lego sets under controlled demolition. Don't how to make this work either, but make the camera angle very low; maybe not street-level, but definitely give the sense of looking up at your character.