Recent content by Burld

  1. B

    How aware are you of your accent? (Read the whole OP before answering, yeah that's right, all of it)

    I think I have a fairly generic, slightly posh English accent. But while in London I was listening to myself compared to other people, and I thought hmm, these people sound like Londoners, and actually, I can hear the Bristolian (I am from Bristol) accent in my own voice. Nationally, you might...
  2. B

    Poll: Online Gaming Insults

    Actually, most American accents have some British roots; particularly south-west England roots, because alot of the ships sailed from there. It's no coincidence that 'pirates' in all kinds of media have an (at least vaguely) south-western accent. I suppose I'm just going to have to hear a...
  3. B

    Webcomic recommendations?

    Some that haven't been mentioned yet: Kate Beaton's webcomics. The art isn't great, although there's something intrinsically funny about the way she draws people, but the humour is consistent and rare. And excellent. this guy does a great webcomic about a hapless...
  4. B

    Poll: Online Gaming Insults

    To be honest, two of those three really don't work with a non-British accent. The consonants just wouldn't sound forceful enough. Americans have some great insults of their own though. Insulting anyone who doesn't deserve it is bad no matter what the insult, really. I think what's overused on...
  5. B

    Poll: Which of the following series need to be brought back from the dead?

    A good point, but I think alot of people wanting Shenmue's return want to see what happens. I know you haven't played it, so let me tell you, the game ends abruptly on a big cliffhanger. The gameplay was enjoyable but that's not what I miss about the game the most.
  6. B

    reality is unrealistic

    That is exactly my point. I gave that example to show how believability is preferable to realism, and that rejecting realism can make a game more fun, more well balanced etc.
  7. B

    Poll: Have games started getting more innovative?

    Games are always becoming more innovative as new games have new ideas, but some people want very obvious originality, which is a tall order that is rarely achieved. We always moan about constant sequels, a lack of new games etc., and sometimes fail to notice the way that these games have evolved...
  8. B

    reality is unrealistic

    Yes, but COD4 has both Stun grenades and Flash grenades, and as far as I can tell they're the same thing in real life, yet in COD do not have the same effect.
  9. B

    Yatzhee Mentions Objectivism a Lot

    You can evaluate something without expressing an opinion, for example by saying what might be thought of certain parts of it. Yes, it's not pure objectivism, but then you'd need something inhuman and without emotions etc. for that. A review should be about informing the reader on whether they...
  10. B

    im an author

    I don't have much experience with writing, but one tip I will give is that if you want to read and learn from a good short story, read Raymond Carver and possibly some Chekhov as well.
  11. B

    Tell me, o muse...

    Whenever I need to write anything, I imagine that I am an esteemed academic (I stop short of impersonations), or whoever fits what I am writing. It sounds stupid, but it works for me.
  12. B

    Yatzhee Mentions Objectivism a Lot

    Why can't game reviews be objective? Simply talk about what the game contains and what you have experienced in it, and there you have it. An objective review. Of course there's a slight problem if you are constrained by a word limit, since what the writer edits out is down to them.
  13. B

    reality is unrealistic

    Cod4 is an excellent example actually. When playing, some might whine that the guns don't make the right sounds, or that there's no such thing as a stun grenade, or that you can't take that many bullets without some lasting effects, but I still feel in the midst of chaos and battle.
  14. B

    Poll: The secret ingredient is...........

    It was a really hard decision for me between Fable Two and Fallout 3, but surprisingly for a Bethesda game, Fallout 3 was more polished, complete, ran better, better combat in my opinion. Although both are steps in entirely different right directions.
  15. B

    reality is unrealistic

    To sum up my opinion in 4 words: Realism no, Believability yes. There's a big difference.