Recent content by Cai1911

  1. Cai1911

    You're going to be stuck in power armour (forever!)

    Octocamo armoured kilt.
  2. Cai1911

    Games that have aged incredibly well.

    Baulder's Gate I&II Icewind Dale I&II Planescape Torment
  3. Cai1911

    last stand one-liner time

    Well........ Umm..... How do I send you one?
  4. Cai1911

    last stand one-liner time

    What flavor of cookie? These things matter you know...
  5. Cai1911

    last stand one-liner time

    "Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer...
  6. Cai1911

    Invasion of American done to death?

    Careful man your "enemy" is showing... you might get shot by the protagonist.
  7. Cai1911

    What's your "GET SHIT DONE" song?

    This. A little off the norm I would say... but amazing nevertheless...
  8. Cai1911

    Obsidian Promises No More Bugs with Dungeon Siege III

    I totally agree with you... I like that they are making the effort even if it fall through... Its the "hey we are gonna do our best for our fans because we love them vibe" makes me feel all nice and warm and fuzzy in the pit of my stomach.
  9. Cai1911

    Sequels you'd like to see.

    I second that!
  10. Cai1911

    Is the 9/11 Pokemon offensive?

    I'm an American... Who doen't find this offensive! I agree with him also! *powering up flame-shield* Granted I'm not saying it wasn't a horrible thing... But its in the past... We (americans) can't forget hat day.... But we sure as hell have forgotten the firemen and police officers who died...
  11. Cai1911

    Why modern fps aren't fun, or rather why some people feel they aren't.

    To back this guy up. In Black Ops, most of thier realistic guns didn't exsist yet... they all exsist now but not in 1968. I knew some of these but not all... Kinda shoot the whole "realism" thing down tho...
  12. Cai1911

    Dragon age 2 load failure.

    I don't know about everybody else but mine is as is one of my friends...
  13. Cai1911

    Dragon age 2 load failure.

    Yea I talked to gamestop today. They will replace the disc for free... Still sucks though.
  14. Cai1911

    Dragon age 2 load failure.

    So I let it load for 37 minutes last night... nothing still the same load screen. I trying to get intouch with EA tech support but.... I think I'm just gonna get another one from gamestop...
  15. Cai1911

    Dragon age 2 load failure.

    Thats the version I have as well. I'll try the cup of tea idea... gotta buy some tea first... Thanks for the help friends. I appreciate it. I'll let you all know what happens.