Recent content by ejrocksthisworld

  1. ejrocksthisworld

    Poll: Jedi or Sith Philosophy: Who is right?

    I've been watching a ton of Star Wars films, shows and playing a lot of games and I've come to realize that I don't necessarily agree with the philosophy of the Jedi. Then again in nearly all portrayals of the Sith they are villainous and pure evil, yet their philosophy runs more in line with...
  2. ejrocksthisworld

    Poll: Knights of the Old Republic and other Star Wars Titles

    I've been playing a lot of Star Wars games as of recently, amongst movies and tv shows and what not, and it occurred to me that most list compilations of a top 10 Star Wars games have either one or both Knights of the Old Republic (NOT THE MMO) near the top, if not the top. But for years I have...
  3. ejrocksthisworld

    Poll: Which Westerosi House do you Swear Fealty To?

    Game of Thrones Season 5 is out in less than a month. Book 6 should be out within a year or so (by the old gods and new I hope so). This post is for both. Which major house of Westeros do you swear fealty to? Select, provide your reason, and as always, provide Spoiler Warnings for content both...
  4. ejrocksthisworld

    Characters Who Should be in 'Game of Thrones' But Probably Never Will

    "Game of Thrones' starts back up in a few weeks, and with it will probably catch up, if not pass, Books 4 and 5 in the process of the 10 episode season. Obviously, the responses to this form will contain spoilers, so if you haven't read the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' source material, I'd advise...
  5. ejrocksthisworld

    Poll: Elder Scrolls Online: Faction Preferences

    Although still in beta testing, much of the Elder Scrolls Online has been firmly established for quite some time. In beta testing, thousands of players have been able to test, play as and enjoy the starting zones, expansive world and PVP zone provided for them. In your pursuits, which faction...
  6. ejrocksthisworld

    Poll: Favorite Dragon Age: Origins Character

    I just finished the first two games of the Dragon Age franchise. I really do enjoy this series, so I wonder, which Dragon Age: Origins character is your favorite and why? Two things of note, I realize that Dog should be up there and that Shale is a dlc character so not everyone may receive her...
  7. ejrocksthisworld

    Poll: Are you a cat person or a dog person?

    I believe it all depends on the nature of whichever pets you grew around. For example, I have had way more dogs while growing up, but the vast majority of them except for one, were and are terrible. On the contrary, I've only had three cats and all three have been and are incredible companions...
  8. ejrocksthisworld

    Poll: The Hate Train: Desmond Miles

    Desmond Miles, we all love to hate him... right? I'm not sure if I'm weird or am simply blind, but I have found myself attached to the modern story in the Assassin's Creed franchise, as well as the fate of Desmond Miles, as opposed to being hateful towards it. To be honest, I'm not really sure...
  9. ejrocksthisworld

    Poll: Man of Steel: The Good, the Bad, and the future of the DC Cinematic Universe

    So far, I find that the vast majority of the population is in love with 'Man of Steel' and the direction Warner Brothers is taking the franchise with the recently announced Superman & Batman movie. However, I cannot bring myself to say that this was a good entry into the DC Cinematic Universe...
  10. ejrocksthisworld

    Poll: Dragon Age vs Dragon Age: The Battle Continues!

    I've recently purchased both Dragon Age: Origins as well as Dragon Age 2, and have found myself quite swept up in Bioware's world. With this in mind, I've come to find that there is a very distinct divide amongst fans of the series. So now I ask you, the player, which game did you prefer?
  11. ejrocksthisworld

    What Do You Name Your RPG Characters?

    I played D&D with a few friends one time and built a backstory to my character, whom I named Graidelse. I enjoyed his persona so much that I now name all of my RPG characters after him.
  12. ejrocksthisworld

    What's YOUR Top 10 Games of the Past Console Generation?

    With this most recent generation of consoles coming to a close, I want to provide gamers the opportunity to express their own list of the top ten games they've played since the release of the Wii, Xbox 360 and the PS3. Chances are we will be hearing of other sites listing their own top ten...
  13. ejrocksthisworld

    Poll: The Legacy of Cole MacGrath

    WARNING: The following comments on this page will most likely contain spoilers as to the events of Infamous, Infamous 2 and the recently announced Second Son. For those of you who are aware, InFamous: Second Son is the recently announced sequel to the hit Playstation Exclusive franchise...
  14. ejrocksthisworld

    Post-Avengers: Marvel's Cinematic Universe

    This is somewhat off topic, but I have been watching The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (pretty good animated show, entire series is on Netflix) which has opened my eyes to characters such as Ant-Man and Black Panther. Although I see Ant-Man as a MUST HAVE for the continuation of the Marvel...
  15. ejrocksthisworld

    Post-Avengers: Marvel's Cinematic Universe

    As most of us know, Iron Man 3 releases in North America on Friday, May 3rd. As most of us also know, this is Marvel Studio's first film to release in theaters since The Avengers. I want to know what you guys think is going to happen this time around with Marvel's second batch of films leading...