Recent content by Gerhardt

  1. G

    Poll: Me and my cousin are curious do people under 27 know their social security number offhand?

    I am over 27, but I've had my SS memorized since age 15 so I'm saying yes.
  2. G

    Girl Magnets

    You are absolutely right, what I said was definitely not meant to be taken on its own, rather something to consider as a factor in a much bigger scope. Not the end-all be-all, but rather something just to keep in mind. Good point also regarding personal endorphins. the better you feel about...
  3. G

    Girl Magnets

    Everyone here is going to give you more or less the same few answers, but allow me to throw an extra one in there that may be missed, and no doubt will shatter your hope and self worth..... er... no offense intended... You may be genetically incompatible with most females. Despite all of...
  4. G

    What is your favourite quote/analogy/quips from Yahtzee?

    One that I have used before: "Makes me want to swallow barbed wire, pull one end out my ass and floss myself to death!" Other favorites are: "This may sound weird but 'Hurdy-gurdy-bubbley-boo" "I am a monster truck that walks like a man!" "Cole McGrath, a name that's part Irish and...
  5. G

    Supersize me or how to kill yourself with food

    Deja vu... Didn't this exact thing happen a few years back? I swear there was some other dingbat trying to do the same thing. It's not a stigma, you dolt, it's a fucking medical fact. Being morbidly obese is bad for you Honestly, I wouldn't give a rat's ass what she does to herself, but...
  6. G

    Authorities Blame Games for Sword Attack

    That is so very, very true. Crazy needs a comeback. Also, what if I beat a man to death with Canterbury Tales? BAN CHAUCER!
  7. G

    Poll: Which Harry Potter death affected you most? [SPOILERS FOR ALL 7 BOOKS/MOVIES]

    Okay, I voted for Fred because I can't imagine anything worse than losing a twin, especially with how close those two were. Lupin and Tonks were sad, but they at least died together and their child found a good home. Dumbledore had the death clock hanging over his head from the get-go, and Snape...
  8. G

    Blizzard Hints at Pandaren Expansion

    amnesia []. So Russian unoriginal idea [] they've ever had....
  9. G

    The Most Sexist Thing That's Happened To You

    Good on you, firearms are one of those areas where the slack-jawed proto-makes haven't been weeded out yet. Props to you for being an awesome gun nut. Well, I've got a few little instances, nothing to major or terrible. These are less "That's Hor-fence-ive!" and more "What the fuck are you...
  10. G

    Your philosophy on life, the universe, and everything. (in 10 words or less)

    Live, Love, Be, Believe. -The Crüxshadows The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. -Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam
  11. G

    Need Some Skin? Just Add Spider Silk

    eww eww eww.... eww.... I'll take the Skin Gun... or cybernetic parts.... or forbidden dark arts... anything but spiders... bleeehehhhhh... my skin is crawling just thinking about it.
  12. G

    Heroic Bungie Employee Makes Legendary Citizen's Arrest

    With respect, at least he does mention that. It's not something that just anyone should try and do. By all means, if you you see something like this, the best thing to do is call 911. This was more of an extraordinary situation where someone had the training and means to get involved. I've...
  13. G

    iPhone 4 "Finders" Face Charges

    Does seem a bit over the top for one phone, then again with Apple being the huge power-house company that it is (I believe they were the highest price company on the stock market last week for a couple hours) I can see how a prototype 'wandering off' could be bad with the whole...
  14. G

    Japanese Scientists Unveil Thinking, Learning Robot

    Oh Japan, you kooky nuts. Hey, wait a tick... I swear I've seen the robot bartender somewhere else... <IMG SRC="" IMG>
  15. G

    Aliens are invading and you are armed with the last weapon you used in a video game.

    Master Sword from Link to the Past The fully upgraded golden bling-bling version. The Master sword that still shoots lasers I think I'm in pretty good shape.