Recent content by JCBFGD


    What is the last book you finished, and what did you think of it?

    Philip K Dick's Humpty Dumpty in Oakland. Not a typical trippy sci-fi book like the rest of PKD's books. It was typical fiction, all about investing and fraud. Not what I had in mind when I started the book, but it was a good read nonetheless. The main character was definitely a PKD...

    Do you like your name?

    Jonathan's a nice name. I like it well enough. But two problems: there are lots of Jon/Johns. I have a friend who knows over twenty. Another problem is I shorten my name to Jon, and I occasionally get bitched at for not having an "h" in my nickname.

    Favourite fictional quote

    I have several. Allow me to bore you with them all.

    Are you....?

    All I have bothering me are first world problems. I wouldn't exactly say I'm happy, but I'm definitely content. Complaining would be pointless, IMO.

    What's the weirdest thing you've ever heard someone say IRL?

    Quite honestly, I take the cake for most of it. I happened to read aloud the title just now whilst in a Skype call with one of my friends. His exact words were, "Jon...just start talking." I can name something not said by me, said today, too. That'd be, "Sharon, you're not Captain...

    What is your favorite band?

    Tool. Tool? Yes, Tool. I just like to say Tool. Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool!

    The best leaders of your country

    I'd say Jefferson, Eisenhower, and Carter are the only really awesome presidents the US has had. Everyone else is either meh or shit.

    Blasphemy! Covers that you like more than the original.

    A Perfect Circle's cover of Imagine and Johnny Cash's cover of Hurt come to mind. I also like the covers from Nirvana's Unplugged set.

    Whatcha listening to?

  10. JCBFGD

    What would you name your children?

    I have a name for my first son and my first two daughters already picked out. James Maynard (I'm a gigantic Tool fan, what can I say?) Sophia Kindred (Sophia is Greek for "wisdom". It's also the name of one of the characters in VALIS, my favourite book. Kindred after Philip K. Dick, the...
  11. JCBFGD

    Have you ever played through a game and completely missed a game play feature?

    I missed a series of missions, a godly weapon, and a godly companion in PlaneScape: Torment. I read something about the game, heard about all these things, heard also that it made the final battle much easier, and facepalmed. Hard. Still a great game.
  12. JCBFGD

    Unpopular Opinions

    I agree with this. I'd wanna be dead if I was in that state. I'm assuming this doesn't cover people with even severe autism, though? My brother's got autism fairly bad, but he certainly seems to enjoy his life. I don't think killing him would be the right thing to do. Lessee here...I...
  13. JCBFGD

    Poll: So, what do you dislike Electronic Arts the MOST for?

    I don't mind DLC as long as it's not important to the story (unlike Deus Ex 3's Missing Link DLC), and I haven't noticed any plotholes in EA games because of my not purchasing the DLC, so I don't care just yet. My main problem is the treatment of employees. Them programmers and testers need...
  14. JCBFGD

    EA steals from Games Workshop

    In the words of the late, great Propecia, "Who gives a fuck?" If it's copyright infringement GW will sue and EA will get their just desserts. If they don't then seriously, who cares? To those who care: why?
  15. JCBFGD

    Writing on the wall - A chance to be a part of Escapist history!

    I wanna be part of this. If you could, could you make my font the Thief font? As in, the series, though the full title of the font is Thief by The Riddler.