Recent content by Magical Hans

  1. Magical Hans

    Whats your backup!?

    My backup would be that Nuke-grenade that i keep in my front pocket.
  2. Magical Hans

    Most unsatisfactory weapon.

    Reality? Its a crap gun, barely useful for anything other than "Suicide Pacts" in multiplayer.
  3. Magical Hans

    Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - A Serious Baby Tea Review FINISHED!

    You know i dont have that problem, i'm pretty sure that in my game, that my squad does have an animation for getting into certain vehicles. Try it with the Chinese jeep. (If i'm wrong dont crucify me!)
  4. Magical Hans

    VIdeo Game quotes

    My favourite line has to be from: MOUNT AND BLADE *In a germanic accent* "That's a nice head on your shoulders!" ~ Sea Raiders
  5. Magical Hans

    Would you fight a god?

    If it were Ragnarok, i'd fight alongside the gods... Unless i was undead, then i would do whatever...braiiiiins
  6. Magical Hans


    I usually read the Havamal to inspire me
  7. Magical Hans

    How do you like your eggs?

    *singing* ... I like mine with a kiss...
  8. Magical Hans

    What is the most outrageously stupid thing you've ever done?

    Wow i dont know where to start...
  9. Magical Hans

    Poll: Modern Warfare 2: What difficulty do you want?

    European Extreme would be fun lol
  10. Magical Hans

    Poll: Have you ever carried a weapon for self defense ?

    I live in ireland, our criminals cant afford weapons or dont know how to use them. I carry nothing with me... Well maybe a knife when i go rune carving.
  11. Magical Hans

    L4D2 Teaser

    I just grew up on zombies that pretty much shuffled along, brainless yet persistant. "Night of the living Dead" zombies were the kind of zombies that used to scare the crap out of me. Mostly because only headshots killed them and because they were a relentless horde that would slowly almost...
  12. Magical Hans

    L4D2 Teaser

    Nah, you didnt get frying pans in RE5 : ] (Was never a fan of L4D, didnt like how they handled zombies)
  13. Magical Hans

    Call of Duty: World at War - I cannot bring myself to call it 'Nerd's Eye View'

    I didnt mind the wall of text... although now that i look at it again, it is quite daunting :o
  14. Magical Hans

    What's so great about the Companion Cube?

    So its a dirty like cube whore then? lol I thought the companion cube was something cool and quirky in the game