Recent content by Mudora

  1. Mudora

    Female Gamers mistreatment

    lol. How many times have you posted that on here?
  2. Mudora

    Is PE an important class?

    PE? Not really. PE has never changed my life. By the time kids get through PE, they've already decided whether they are going to be physically active or not. However, you are always sitting down in school, and a physical extra curricular activity definitely wouldn't hurt.
  3. Mudora

    Female Gamers mistreatment

    Yeah.... not a good idea there.
  4. Mudora

    You wake up in an RPG

    I wouldn't choose any of them... my choices? 1.Chuck Norris. 2.Chuck Norris. 3.Leroy Gethro Gibbs. (From NCIS) Well... you gotta have the old guy somewhere
  5. Mudora

    Female Gamers mistreatment

    I usually don't say I'm a girl on an online game until somebody asks, or I get called a, "he" because it's generic. And frankly, I just ignore the titties comments if I do get any. All in all, I get the, "Are you pretty?" question than any other kind of... obscene one. And then I'll say, "Well...
  6. Mudora

    Poll: If you could change gender...

    Hm... No I wouldn't change my gender. I like being a girl... even with all the periods and pain of childbirth. It's kind of like... I'm used to it by now I guess. (Course, haven't been through childbirth yet. We'll see how that goes. XD) You guys think boobs are "cool?" Well... I guess so...
  7. Mudora

    Are women jealous of men?

    Hmm... I for one don't feel jealous of men. I don't think I ever have really. I already know what my identity is as a person. As for an identity for the female gender as a whole, perhaps we just don't need one. Either gender is full of potential, and so far both genders have shown we can do many...
  8. Mudora

    Is it just me, or are all the best games the ones no one knows about?

    I think the problem is advertising. Most of the mainstream games have been around fo so long, they are icons, and they tower over most of the good inde games out there. I mean, just look at the Halo Wars add right next to this screen! I'm not sure if this is still considered at low stream...
  9. Mudora

    The Escapist Store (MORE BABY T'S!)

    Thank you!
  10. Mudora

    Is it just me or will American troops' stupidity never stop?

    Okay, obviously I'm sure some of us have actual friends in the military, (or sadly... had...). I personally find the degrading stuff on our internet stupid. I don't care what's on it, and I don't care what people have against or for it, but what I do know is this. 1. Those troops are dying...
  11. Mudora

    The Escapist Store (MORE BABY T'S!)

    So, I was digitally walking along the wonderful escapist store, looking around for somemore T-shirts. I had bought the Link'd Up T and was looking to buy more. I saw the snake for president one and I was so excited, but I realized it only came in boy sizes... Now normally I don't have a...
  12. Mudora

    My first "Game" dream. Brace yourselves...

    Wow... I've had tons of dreams like this... one including Link from LOZ carrying a rocket luancher so that he could throw it up to some guy from team fortress... lol.
  13. Mudora

    Should I Get an Xbox 360?

    I have been debating about this for a long time, mostly becuase of money issues, but I am after all a gamer, and what good would a gamer be without more than just one next gen system? I have a wii, and for it's great. I love it. I can't really be a gamer without loving nintendo, but I'm...
  14. Mudora

    Doomsday Arcade: Episode Four

    Sigh... Link died... at least he died at teh hands of LAZER CAT!
  15. Mudora


    Fatal Frame 2 made me want to scream my guts out. Course, that was the fun of it all. "PRESS THE BUTTON PRESS THE BUTTON!!!!"