Recent content by Ongaru

  1. Ongaru

    Poll: Do you like to mosh?

    Absolutely love moshing, whenever there's a pit formed at a gig I jump straight in! The adrenaline rush from being in the pit combined with the music makes the night for me. They look, at least in my opinion, a lot worse than they are, if you get knocked down people have been kind and cleared...
  2. Ongaru

    I need death metal

    Autopsy, Atheist, Bolt Thrower, Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Cryptopsy (None So Vile and Blasphemy Made Flesh in particular), Death, Deicide, Dismember, Entombed, Gorguts, Immolation, Monstrosity, Morbid Angel, Napalm Death, Nocturnus, Obituary, Pestilence, Possessed, Suffocation, Unleashed and...
  3. Ongaru

    What's the coolest band from your state/country

    England: Venom, being a big influence to many extreme metal bands from my region Suffolk: Extreme Noise Terror, brilliant grindcore/crust punk unlike the many posercore scene bands around.
  4. Ongaru

    bands with weird names

    Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis a goregrind band from mexico
  5. Ongaru

    Last CD You Bought

    Transilvanian Hunger by Darkthrone An amazing album, great atmosphere, emotion, incredibly simple yet amazing instrumental work and the low production quality only adds to the dark and depressive atmosphere.
  6. Ongaru

    Favorite Metal/Death Metal/Black Metal/etc. Band

    Current favourite's are: Darkthrone, Mayhem, Burzum, Emperor, Bathory, Gorgoroth, Ulver, Taake, Marduk, Satyricon and Tsjuder. Been going on a bit of a black metal binge the past three weeks, should start adding more bands to my list eventually.
  7. Ongaru

    The threat of Gay marriage apparently.

    It seems that today is one of those days where once again my faith in humanity decreases, I find it disgusting how people can be so close minded. If a couple loves each other and wishes to get married as a way of showing commitment to each other then so be it, we have no right to stop them...
  8. Ongaru

    PETA Against Seal Clubbing in WoW

    It's PETA, so i'm not surprised taht they'd protest over something so bloody retarded. They're virtual seals, pixels, lines of data, whatever, no real lives of anything are lost when they are killed. Blizzard aren't advocating the clubbing of seals in real life either I also laughed at the...
  9. Ongaru

    How Many People Died on YOUR Birthday?

    149,596 People Unusual Deaths in 1993 "Garry hoy, a toronto lawyer, fell to his death after he threw himself through the glass wall on the 24th floor of the toronto-dominion centre in order to prove the glass was "unbreakable.""
  10. Ongaru

    School hair lenght rules do you think think its bull?

    Luckily there's no rules on hair length, colour or style at my school, the vast majority of teachers think mine and a few other's hair length is wrong on guys but they keep it to themselves providing that we tie it back when needed.
  11. Ongaru

    What's wrong with mainstream metal?

    this has just made my day. i didn't think people actually believed they were serious
  12. Ongaru

    Monarchy, Yay or Nay?

    I hate the monarchy, i don't see why just because a family from a now useless form of power should be given all they have. It makes me sick knowing that part of the taxes people pay is put towards letting the royal family live such a lavish lifestyle even though they did nothing to deserve it...
  13. Ongaru

    What are you listening to right now?

    As the Palaces Burn - Lamb of god
  14. Ongaru

    Download Festival 2009

    i've certainly considered going to download this year seeing as i was an idiot and didn't go last year, I MISSED KISS DAMN IT! i'll wait to see what else is announced before i make the final decision.
  15. Ongaru

    Teacher Resigns Over Seperate Assemblies (UK)

    Back when i was in primary we had quite a few jehovah's witnesses and jewish kids in the school, they were given the option to simply sit out of assembly and not take part in any religious activities like hymn singing and praying. The overly religious bullshit was the thing i hated the most...