Recent content by renaissance_nerd

  1. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    ok gang this just in and well should really stop all the bickering once and for all from Spoony's twitter 7/5/2012 "Okay everyone, I just want to make it clear that Lupa did not get me fired, nor was she in any way linked to my departure from TGWTG. My personal issues with Lupa went...
  2. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    you like me, you really like me!
  3. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    Looks like it got bought by the Huffington Post.
  4. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    yep the fact remains there are a ton of rape jokes/references in TGWTG from everyone on site and on twitter ect, There has got to be a reason Lupa singled THIS one out a friggin month later. The easiest conclusion is she has some sort of vendetta against Noah. let's be honest Rape is...
  5. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    yea Lupa has retreated to a place where she is worshiped as a saint for having the courage to confront the evil man-troll Spoony and slay it with her mighty feminist axe of great justice.(which was really a long and incredibly boring blog) I'm not kidding this is seriously what some of...
  6. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    People make up the company and without that collective there is no company. So i stand by my statement that yes a company (a collective of employed/like minded individuals) can be offended.
  7. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    ?Okay, let me make one thing perfectly clear, this is NOT jumping the shark. I?m gonna repeat that again, this is NOT jumping the shark. No, no, no. This is jumping the shark, coming back, shooting it in the balls, raping it, eating its flesh, consuming its soul, mounting its head on the wall...
  8. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    Yea let me get those names for you instead of you looking though this thread and doing research of your own.You seem to love to argue semantics while completely missing the point the person is trying to convey. A company forms policy, Policy dictates what is acceptable and what is not so yes...
  9. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    Holly was hired in June 2010, that it also around the time Channel Awesome began it's crusade against "inappropriate" material. Now it could be CA had this stance all along but had no way to enforce it. More likely it seems to me Holly is pushing her own personal agenda and not necessarily the...
  10. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    exactly but that will not happen which is why most of us are still mad. There was no justice here, justice implies that you hold everyone accountable for their actions and that they be punished fairly. Spoony may have chosen to leave but the fact there has been almost nothing done to Lupa...
  11. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    Turns out we were wrong all along, this is how spoony really left
  12. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    I find nothing funny about LordKat, just a sad, pathetic, hateful little man who thinks he is way more important than he is.If his little dark corner of the internet dissapeared tomorrow the game industry would not even notice. He's a nobody who thinks he should be treated the same as IGN...
  13. renaissance_nerd

    The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.

    not as an excuse, an excuse implies no blame. Most of us here agree that his actions were unacceptable. A reason, on the other hand is the answer to that age old question "why". Be it right or wrong there is always a reason and having bipolar II is a much much better reason than "he's just a...