Recent content by Rossiar

  1. Rossiar

    What games - if any - have moved you?

    This was born from an argument with my friend were he believed that gaming was not as "productive" or "meaningful" as reading a book. Granted he conceded that film, TV and gaming are all on the same level, but the concept of a book - more specifically a work of fiction - and a game being the...
  2. Rossiar

    What games - if any - have moved you?

    This was born from an argument with my friend were he believed that gaming was not as "productive" or "meaningful" as reading a book. Granted he conceded that film, TV and gaming are all on the same level, but the concept of a book - more specifically a work of fiction - and a game being the...
  3. Rossiar

    What will your last words be

  4. Rossiar

    L.a. Noire probably wont sell.

    Isn't it this sort of game that makes the industry worthwhile? If people only played it safe and didn't make things that "did something new" we wouldn't have the games industry. I'm worried that you think that people who want games with new ideas are a minority when compared to the hardcore fans...
  5. Rossiar

    Video games you gave up on soley due to difficulty

    Grim Fandango. Nuff said.
  6. Rossiar

    Man Sues BBC Claiming Copyright On Doctor Who's Dalek Leader

    BBC stealing ideas from children? Sounds about right to me...
  7. Rossiar

    Bully of "Zangief Kid" Claims He Was the Target

    what idiot tries to pick a fight with someone not only 4 years older then them but also huge. Richard Gale ... not clever.
  8. Rossiar

    Therapist Repeats "Gaming is Like Snorting Cocaine" Claim

    Wow this guy is completely right, I mean I play video games all the time and I can already feel myself slowly turning into a paedophile/rapist/serial killer/arsonist/addict/recluse/genocidal maniac. I am so glad such clever and outstanding people keep sharing their opinion as if it is fact for...
  9. Rossiar

    Poll: At what age does liking video games become sad?

    It's annoying people get to say this kind of thing about games when this question is never asked of any other medium, if the OP had said something like "At what age does liking film/literature/art become sad" he would have sounded stupid. This just shows that gaming isn't taken seriously...
  10. Rossiar

    Favourite Line from YuGiOh the Abridged Series

    "Figures Kaiba would hold the tournament in the stadium - the only building in the city big enough to hold his ego." "That's where you're wrong Wheeler, there is no such building." "As such the tournament will be held on this blimp - which - by the way - is roughly 1/3 the size of my ego."...
  11. Rossiar

    Random quote time

    "By Grabthar's Hammer, by the sons of Wartham, you shall be avenged." - Dr. Lazarus in Galaxy Quest (the Star Trek comedy)
  12. Rossiar

    Poll: How do you like your steak?

    Depends where you have it and what type of steak. Medium or Medium Rare is always awesome. Have never had blue which you missed out but I don't know if that's a popular option. To the 9 people (so far) who have said they don't like steak; I will never understand you.
  13. Rossiar

    Warcraft Storyline

    So I played Warcraft 3 and it's expansion frozen throne. They were awesome. Loved the story. Loved the gameplay. Then World of Warcraft came out; originally I signed up with my dad and brother and played for a few years; we quit after that due to various reasons. Anyway the main point is that I...
  14. Rossiar

    Poll: Perpetual Motion. Will we obtain this technology in this century?

    @Naleh. I never said anything about it invalidating the laws of physics. It's not centuries of rock solid physics anyway, it's been built on gradually. I completely agree with what you say about science evolving because you are just reiterating my point. Now, about Based on all reasonable...
  15. Rossiar

    Poll: Perpetual Motion. Will we obtain this technology in this century?

    It is fairly obvious that we are going to make a big leap soon, we are going to have to make something along these lines; DEFINITELY in the next century if we want to survive as most of the fossil fuels will run out. Most renewable's have their own problems and a free energy device is just what...