Recent content by The_Rev

  1. The_Rev

    Turbine to close DDO?

    They've been holding out on a Mod that's about 6 months late, and have implemented a communication blackout with the players, offering nothing more than "trust us, it's awesome". They appear to be held down by an NDA, and while the test server for the Mod was up and running, it's been shut down...
  2. The_Rev

    The Underappreciated Gems of Gaming

    Titan Quest Full Throttle Grim Fandango IL2/Forgotten Battles/Pacific Fighters
  3. The_Rev

    Good ol' games for good ol' gutless computers

    Ghost Recon
  4. The_Rev

    Games You Haven't Got Around to Playing?

    Fallout 3, Mass Effect....
  5. The_Rev

    maybe there DOES need to be copy protection on games

    Man, you have an opinion, and I don't agree with it. You and I could go around and around for pages and pages, and it wouldn't change either of our opinions on this particular subject. So let's just let this dog lie, shall we?
  6. The_Rev

    maybe there DOES need to be copy protection on games

    When you buy a car, the law gives you an out with the lemon law; if the car is a serious piece of crap, they take it back. But protecting you from a bad game? That's like saying you want to return a CD because you didn't like the music. I'll answer your question for a third time: do your...
  7. The_Rev

    maybe there DOES need to be copy protection on games

    You don't take the car off the lot and drive it around for a week before heading back to the dealership to pay for it, do you? Bad example, for sure, but paying for it after you take it doesn't make it right. Adverts absolutely try and get you to buy it, and previews will make every effort...
  8. The_Rev

    maybe there DOES need to be copy protection on games

    I can only say that there are tons of ways to get a decent idea of whether or not you'll like a game before spending cash on it, the absolute last of which should be stealing it. I tend to wait a few months after a game is released before buying it. That gives the developer a chance to release...
  9. The_Rev

    maybe there DOES need to be copy protection on games

    You're right; the developers are at fault for a) not making good enough games (because if they did, no one would steal them) and b) not providing good enough demos, which would deter people from stealing because no one wants to steal a crappy game. In that world, why would developers charge...
  10. The_Rev

    maybe there DOES need to be copy protection on games

    Seriously, man? That's a pathetic argument. Your only "protection" is piracy? We all know adverts are meant to promote, so read reviews, look on forums, get user feedback before you buy. Hell, isn't that the entire point of half Escapist forums? How's that sound? Sounds a hell of a lot...
  11. The_Rev

    maybe there DOES need to be copy protection on games

    Ever played any of the Titan Quest series? They were great, but the studio just couldn't survive the piracy. Here's a bit of an interview posted at Edge-Online where a director slams the practice. LINK [] Pay for...
  12. The_Rev

    Invent a Trophy/Achievement list for a game that doesn't have one.

    For M:tG Extremist Zealot Cost: 10 colorless Instant Can only be cast when controller has 1 life remaining. Extremist Zealot deals 19 damage to every creature and player on the board "Boom, baby!"
  13. The_Rev

    Why is nudity so heavily looked down upon in gaming? Especially when big boobed bimbos are so common

    The vast majority of gamers (teen/20's men) push for it, the vocal parent/uptight middle-aged wimmens rally against it.
  14. The_Rev

    Gaming with out the music.

    Best incidental music: L4D. Nothing gets the heart rate up than the drums/cymbals before a mob! Also, thinking of the old timey music in the intros to the Fallout series.
  15. The_Rev

    Can you help me with a College project?

    1) 40 (I win!) 2) M 3) US 4) No 5) 10-15 hours per week 6) No 7) No 8) Yes