Why is nudity so heavily looked down upon in gaming? Especially when big boobed bimbos are so common


New member
Aug 27, 2008
First: Try to imagine the concept behind "Fap? Fap? ... Fap?"

Second: Violence in games is something that can today be considered abstract and acceptable, but nudity is considered more inductive to thoughts about sex. Parents try to teach their children to be responsible about sex, but imagery can cause increased focusing on a subject and sex at a young age is not tolerated everywhere.

Don't take the above comment as derogatory towards nudity, i support a certain amount of it and am used to it, but some people feel differently and that fuels their logic.


New member
Jan 10, 2008
I'd imagine that it has to do with the fact that in the general public's mind gaming (and animation) is still a children's pastime. Gazing on the beauty of the unclad human form is a devious plot to destroy the moral fabric of today's youth (possibly by communists.. er... I mean... terrorists).

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
To loosely quote the South Park movie 'horrendous acts of violence are perfectly acceptable as long as you don't use any naughty language', we tend to have this self rightious belief that we are 'saving the children' from the 'corrupting influences of our ammoral world' when we go around frowning upon nudity/vulgarity etc.

When I have kids I'm going to expose them to violence, sex, harsh language and any other offensive material I can think of so that they don't feel the need to imitate it (I've been swearing like a platoon of grizzled troopers since I was 13, namely because everyone else at school was back then and I wanted to sound cool and badass) and understand that these things are in the world (let's face it, a twelve year old looks at porn because he's curious, not because he's got a fetish for it).


New member
Apr 22, 2009
I see no point to censorship...I mean look at countries that don't censor their nudity...teen pregnancy is low, there are hardly any STDs. They don't turn it into a big deal...I mean look at why sex was so common in the 70's. It was because it had always been forbidden and taboo which made it sound exciting.
May 17, 2007
I was puzzled by this for a long time, until some sensible person at this very Escapist community pointed out the obvious: people have a greater automatic reaction to nudity than to any other type of image, at least on a screen. Seeing a real-life shooting will presumably get your body pumping adrenaline more than anything, but when you know it's not real, your body responds to images of nudity much more than violence (or drug use or whatever else). Your reaction might be attraction or disgust or something else entirely, depending on you and the image and the context and whether your parents are in the room, but it will shift your heart-rate in any case.
Apr 28, 2008
nudity isn't allowed because then it would turn all the children into murderous rapists.

don't you read the news?

FAP ftw

Tech Team FTW!

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Vrex360 said:
I mean arthouse movies do it all the time, why can't games?
Are you seriously suggesting that we should have an arthouse game?
Vrex360 said:
...nice decent and tastefully presented nudity
Now that in itself is a highly novel concept. Tasteful is an entirely relative term, renderring it more or less meaningless in this context. What do you define as "nice decent" nudity?


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Magical Hans said:
Sevre90210 said:
It is actually spelled FWAP isn't it?
Nope just Fap

I fap
you fap
he/she fap
we fap
they all fap
you all fap

no.....I don't get it, is it a verb? adjective? I feel out of the loop. Anyways my stand is, tasteful nudity should be well tolerated in games. As long as it is still tasteful.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Pi_Fighter said:
Vrex360 said:
I mean arthouse movies do it all the time, why can't games?
Are you seriously suggesting that we should have an arthouse game?
Vrex360 said:
...nice decent and tastefully presented nudity
Now that in itself is a highly novel concept. Tasteful is an entirely relative term, renderring it more or less meaningless in this context. What do you define as "nice decent" nudity?
where her breasts aren't bigger than her head and she isn't sweaty and rubbing 'em all over the camera. Tasteful nudity is what you see in paintings or respected photography, just simple depictions of the human body in a simple pensive sense. In other words normal breasts on a normal person. Not giant melons of doom and lewd posing and positioning.

And you know what.. hell yes I want to see an arthouse game, it would be so nice to see the game industry actually at least TRY being mature at some point and quit it with all the blood and titties.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Well there is some sex scenes in mass effect right? And I'm sure I've seen a bit from other games, cant remember which though, but there is no doubt that nudity is Rare. I mean in a game that is 18+ anyway (e.g GTA 4) why not put in nudity right? We're all adults here, our fragile little minds wont be corrupted by it.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Well, ingame nudity tends to be of the 'naughty' kind. While I don't mind, say, the occasional topless woman on the beach or whatever, nudity IRL of the same kind as the one typically in games would bother me. A lot.

Farson89 said:
In almost all cases it is unnecessary, when it is present it's clearly there to make it more attractive to people who like to fap to Lara Croft.
Sadly, this is true. But if there's Watchmen game (is there one? I pulled the example out of my arse), nudity will be a part of one of the characters. It's part of Doctor Manhattan's personality that he doesn't bother with clothing. Making him cover up for a pc-game would be silly.

Summa summarum: yea, more nudity in games.

CY_Definitive said:
I guess its because textual intercourse isn't as arousing as visual intercourse?
A lot of people, especially of the female persuasion, find written pr0nz way hotter than the other kind. Why do you think there's such a huge market for badly written bodice-rippers? ;p

Tech Team FTW!

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Vrex360 said:
And you know what.. hell yes I want to see an arthouse game, it would be so nice to see the game industry actually at least TRY being mature at some point and quit it with all the blood and titties.
So, you want a game that is basically guaranteed to tank...
However, if it has nudity I wouldn't be surprised at all if it sells a record number of copies...
Vrex360 said:
Tasteful nudity is what you see in paintings or respected photography, just simple depictions of the human body in a simple pensive sense.
An interesting definition.
As a semi-proffessional artist, it is always good to hear articulate opinions.
Vrex360 said:
In other words normal breasts on a normal person. Not giant melons of doom and lewd posing and positioning.
This particular part confuses me. Games are very much a part of mainstream culture, as are "giant melons of doom and lewd posing". Are you making a suggestion of the disestablishmentarianisistic kind?

P.S. Wow that word is long. Still, not as long as psuedoantidisestablishmentarianisistically.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I'm not sure what you mean because I for one am always heavily looking into nudity. And I find looking down on it gives an excellent vantage point.

Seriously though, it's probably because it would bring the ratings boards down on the games industry in a way they just don't want. If they can keep it out then they can keep regulating it themselves. And stop games being endlessly delayed while censorship boards watched videos of every possible outcome in a games before they would decide on a rating.


New member
May 17, 2008
Nudity in an Sports Game? Why?
Nudity in an action Game? WHY?
Nudity in a fps game? WHYYYY?
Nudity in a rpg game? WHYYYYYYYYY?
See my drift?

It's NOT needed, unless it's a sex scene between the protagonist and his/her/it's romantic counterpart. Which of course does not happen at every twist and turn, unless you are collecting cards a-la The Witcher.

Oh, and, there are NUDE mods. I used them for neverwinter, fallout and a tons of other games (Fallout Striper Bar anyone? :) ).

I was only in the bar ONCE in my entire game time.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
big boobed bimbos are common everywhere even hair products advertise themselves as orgasm givers, nudity is rampent in the rest of society but lets face it games have negative press anyway and thats why it is soo sensitive TV for example is far too big and popular for mass negative news despite far greater output of sex/nudity


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
I don't want to sound like a sick bastard, by why does not game have actual sex scences? (Mass Effect didn't even come close). We need some game devs who aren't afraid to be rebels.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
ExaltedK9 said:
Magical Hans said:
Nope just Fap

I fap
you fap
he/she fap
we fap
they all fap
you all fap

no.....I don't get it, is it a verb? adjective?
Fap is a verb. And technically, it's only correct to use it about males. The female equivalent would be schlick. Fap sounds nicer, though.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
MercurySteam said:
I don't want to sound like a sick bastard, by why does not game have actual sex scences? (Mass Effect didn't even come close). We need some game devs who aren't afraid to be rebels.
In the business world, rebels don't get paid. They get laid...


(Sorry, I had to :p)


New member
Mar 26, 2009
The vast majority of gamers (teen/20's men) push for it, the vocal parent/uptight middle-aged wimmens rally against it.