Can you help me with a College project?


Dec 22, 2007
United Kingdom
1) how old are you? 14
2) are you male or female? Male
3) What country do you live in? England
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity? No
5) How often do you game? 4 hours + per day
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit? Yes, a lot of people commit acts that they show on games
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why. No
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent? No, the graphics are getting better though

Monocle Man

New member
Apr 14, 2009
1) 16 years old

2) Male

3) Belgium

4) Not really, no. Though there does appear to be a freakishly amount of coincidence in my life.

5) ranging from 7 hours to day to a few hours a week, depending on whether I've got a new game or not.

6) No. People with mental problems might be influenced by them, ones that already have such plans not just for laughs.

7) Of course not.

8) Big muscled men with gigantic tools of compensation and barely any hair sell very good, there are quite some companies that take advantage of that. This ends up in many violent games, but most of them are pretty much equally violent.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
1) 16
2) Male
3) UK
4) Yes
5) Less than 5 hour a week on average.
6) No
7) No
8) Yes. Shits getting fucking brutal.

One Seven One

New member
Feb 5, 2009
1) how old are you?
2) are you male or female?
3) What country do you live in?
united states
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?
5) How often do you game?
very often
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?
yes but not in a bad way, not to voilent, but still satisfys me so i don't think that a game company is being to much of a push over


New member
Dec 12, 2008
My Comfy Chair
United States
5)Varies. Summer 1-3, Winter 3-6, New Game/Good Game 6-12, RPG's 12+
6)Only if the kids are idiots
7)Hell No
8)See Previous Answer


New member
Jan 28, 2009
1. 21
2. Male
3. USA
4. No
5. 5-10 hours/week depending on school workload
6. Only when children are exposed to it at an early age
7. No, that would be a breach of our 1st amendment rights (I myself choose not to play games such as GTA because of the glorification of crime and violence)
8. Yes


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2009
1) 16 years old

2) Male

3) The Netherlands

4) I believe in what I can understand, so no.

5) Two hours a day during school days, and four in the weekends.

6) When only playing the hard-core games perhaps, but a shooter-simulation isn't going to cause rampages.

7) No, because the majority of gamers are normal people, and have no effects on normal society. The reason that games are assosiated with violence is that a large percentage of people game, and when someone goes on a rampage or something, the chances are pretty big of him or her being a gamer.

8) They are, but not only games. Try to find a movie (A bigseller) that has no violence in it. It's just the evolution of the media. And violence is what attracts kids with money-holding parents.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
1) 19
2) Female
3) USA
4) I don't believe in God but I think there are some sort of higher power beings in existence.
5) A couple hours on the weekend and whenever I can fit it in between college and work on weekdays.
6) Hmm, it has the possibility to, IF the guardians of the the child do not teach them to differentiate between what is real and what isn't. Children are able to learn by observation. So if they don't undergo the conditioning necessary to teach them the standards that are socially acceptable, they could very well develop in such a way that violence, or at the very least anger, is their primary method of expression. But to a child/person that has been properly conditioned, violent video games are nothing more than a way to have fun and vent some frustrations. o_O, whoa, I did learn something in Psychology...
7) For, I think a simple HELL NO will suffice. Ah, how I love the satisfying display of a well-aimed head-shot. ^-^
8) The quality of the violence is improving, if that's what you mean.

Hope this was helpful!


New member
Jan 13, 2009
1. 13
2. male
3. Denmark
4. atheist
5. about 30-40 hours a week (no, i mean it. but its tuned down alot in the summers.)
6. not at all
7. never
8. yes, but it wont become too much.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
1) how old are you?
2) are you male or female?
Undecided though I'm told I am a male >.> (Yeah male)
3) What country do you live in?
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?
No, I do not care for religion
5) How often do you game?
Every day at least 3 hours
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
Maybe but it would be the persons fault in the end not the games
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
No way, thats not going to solve anything it is not the games fault people are doing stupid things, I do believe every game should have in its manual a "Warning do not attempt" so they cannot be held responsible and cannot be the butt of the blame
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?
At first yes now though i think we have hit the pique with most games, maybe they will be a bit more violent but not much more (we can already tear people limb from limb or rip there hearts out all time high i think >.>)

Well theres my input hope it helps


New member
Jan 4, 2008
1) 18
2) male
3) UK
4) Depends. Say yes, as I am christian orthodox.
5) Very. If not gaming, then watching anime or reading manga. I spend most of my day on the computer (if I'm not at school).
6) If said young people don't have competent parents and are under the age of which they are responsible for their own actions.
7) No. People would still be able to get their hands on it, it'll only be a pain in the neck for the rest of the responsible population.
8) I'd say gears of war is just as violent as the original DOOM, the only question is whether those kinds of games sell more now and for what reason. Another thing is that a much younger audience has access to them, however banning them in the shops won't have any sort of effect while the wonders of the internet are still about.


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Dec 26, 2008
1) 23
2) male
3) USA
4) i consider myself to be agnostic. there might be something out there and il find out when i die. i am definatly against organised religion though.
5) 2-3 hrs a day before i got laid off (damn recession) 3-6 hrs a day now
6) no people were violent way before games. i consider a violent game to be a stress reliever. it doesnt make me want to become violent.
7) no, if were gona do that why not ban violent movies or tv or lets just put you in jail if you say the word fuck. sorry i hate censorship.(i dont think your gona get a single yes for this question)
8) not really i think the graphics are just getting so real that it seems that way but the basic shoot the bad guys theme has always beeen around


New member
Jan 30, 2009
United States
1) 20
2) Male
3) USA
4) Yes
5) no more than movies do
6) no
7) only in graphics


New member
Mar 18, 2009
1) 17
2) Male
3) England - Great Britain
4) I'm in a minor religion. I believe that there are seven gods who brought us videogame entertainment. They are the Winter-een-mas Gods of Genre. ...If that's too weird, then "No" will do.
5) Stupid question. I'm gaming right now! I play constantly. 30+ hours a week is a good guess.
6) Yes. I believe that video games are desenstising people to violence, like that guy in Taiwan who killed a cabbie "to see if it was as easy as it was on GTA". Shooting a guy in the head on a game is relatable in real life.
7) Fuck, no. PEGI and Age certificates exist for a reason. We're getting the stick even though it's the stupid and careless parents who buy San Andreas for a twelve-year-old kid, and stuff like that.
8) I can't sum that up in a simple response. We're raising the standards of violence. Aliens 3 for the Sega Genesis was aged pretty high up, but I estimate that it's now a 12 now. COmpare that to, say, Gears of War, where you get to chainsaw people and watch it close-up, with blood and intestinal fragments filling your screen. That stuff would've been outright banned back in the retro days.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
1) 26
2) Male
3) Ireland (From Canada)
4) Somewhere between Atheist and Agnostic. . .so, maybe?
5) Every day
6) Only when not properly educated and directed by the people that should be taking responsibility for such things any way
7) No
8) Of course. A lot of genres rely on shock value in one form or another. As a generation gets used to a certain type of content, it must be altered to continue to interest. Good example is to look at horror movies from 50 years ago and compare to horror movies today.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Pr0 InSaNiTy said:
If you don't mind could you take the time to fill in the following questionnaire. Thanks :)

1) how old are you?
2) are you male or female?
3) What country do you live in?
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?
5) How often do you game?
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?

Thanks very much :)
1. 21
2. male
3. United States
4. no
5. 2-3 hours a week, or 30+ hours a week depending on schedule
6. not really
7. no, because I don't want to write more
8. im the mainstream, yes. overall, no


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Pr0 InSaNiTy said:
If you don't mind could you take the time to fill in the following questionnaire. Thanks :)

1) how old are you?
2) are you male or female?
3) What country do you live in?
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?
5) How often do you game?
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?

Thanks very much :)
1) I turn 18 June the 3rd.
2) Male.
3) United States
4) Yes.
5) Everyday.
6) No.
7) No.
8) Yes.