Recent content by Tommy_Dizzle

  1. Tommy_Dizzle

    LoadingReadyRun: Scientist's Rebuttal to ICP

    just because these guys are too dense to find the miracle in a pelican wanting to eat his cellphone, doesnt mean it wasnt a miracle :(
  2. Tommy_Dizzle

    Doomsday Arcade: Finale Preview

  3. Tommy_Dizzle

    Zero Punctuation: Heavy Rain

    im rather amazed that yahtzee found this game good, as it reeeeaaally didnt seem like thye sort of game he would like, but hey, thats our man.
  4. Tommy_Dizzle

    Attorney-General Michael Atkinson Retiring!

    ooohhh happy day, happy daaaay, you washed my sadness away!
  5. Tommy_Dizzle

    245: Steam: A Monopoly In the Making

    I can see how this might be annoying or daunting to anyone that doesnt have steam, but I cant see anything wrong with it from my point. If I buy a game that isnt from the steam store, I normally add it to my list anyway because I love the interface.
  6. Tommy_Dizzle

    What music do you want played at your funeral?

    halfway through the ceremony, someone should mention how i never gave anything up, never let anyone down, and then press play on the DVD player.
  7. Tommy_Dizzle

    Surprise Challenger Sets Donkey Kong Record

    he has a game of halfcourt b-ball scheduled with Obama, Honest Abe and David Hayter
  8. Tommy_Dizzle

    243: The Thin Red Line

    I think the line drawn between honourable exploits and dishonourable exploits is measured by the amount of people that use it. I play alot of GTASA:MP, and there's a rather basic glitch with the sawnoff, where you shoot it once (2 shots fired), then quickly swap to another weapon and back...
  9. Tommy_Dizzle

    What's the big deal about drinking?

    thats pretty much it. People who are recently legally allowed to drink normally OVERdrink. Having a glass here and there is fine, but when you feel drunk, you should stop. That's your brain telling you "sloooowwww dooowwwwnnnn"
  10. Tommy_Dizzle

    Most/Least favorite FF party members?

    I suggest crisis core to you my good man. Also, I always had Selphie in FF8.
  11. Tommy_Dizzle

    What EXACTLY is wrong with people today?

    for the lulz /thread
  12. Tommy_Dizzle

    Valve: Portal 2 is Our Best Game Ever

    i dont own a ps3, but this'd still be cool. Games like this shouldnt be any sort of build specific.
  13. Tommy_Dizzle

    Games Dev Appreciation Station

    right, so their community based cryptic messages arent an exciting way to reveal small pieces of a story are just side projects? You have to look at it like this; every SP game valve has made is somehow connected, and that's depth if you ask me. As for the tf2 references, I'm mostly thankful...
  14. Tommy_Dizzle

    Games Dev Appreciation Station

    Looking back at Valve, its not suprosing that they're my favourite game devs of all time. Their ability to create a sensational single player story is unmatched, and every single player game they've ever made would be in my top 10 of all time. With the announcement of Portal 2, I can sense alot...