Your video game hot take(s) thread


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The later FEAR sequels should have focused on different paranormal stories, with different squads and sections of the F.E.A.R team, and not just be focused on the Alma/Paxton/Point Man family drama. FEAR1 or Extraction Point should have been either of the perfect end points. Though it makes EP a much more downer ending, if you pick its ending as the definitive end of the story-line.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Absolutely no mercy invulnerability. If you get caught between two enemies, that's it for you.
Better yet, no extra lives, and if there are continues, it's only from the beginning of each stage. No mid-stage checkpoints or revival on the spot; if you run out of health, it's back to the start of the stage with you.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Absolutely no mercy invulnerability. If you get caught between two enemies, that's it for you.
Better yet, no extra lives, and if there are continues, it's only from the beginning of each stage. No mid-stage checkpoints or revival on the spot; if you run out of health, it's back to the start of the stage with you.
That's literally Double Dragon 1 and Battletoads on NES.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
That's literally Double Dragon 1 and Battletoads on NES.
Battletoads does have extra lives, but the mid-level checkpoints are pretty stingy (including one level that literally doesn't have any), and with how quickly you can run out of lives you'll be seeing the start of the level a lot anyway I guess.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
History is on our side!

Battletoads does have extra lives, but the mid-level checkpoints are pretty stingy (including one level that literally doesn't have any), and with how quickly you can run out of lives you'll be seeing the start of the level a lot anyway I guess.
Hence why I included Battletoads.

We really need more Dynamite Cop or Spikeout style brawlers again. The closest we ever got to that is still Anarchy Reigns.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Rushing Beat X has an auto combo feature you can turn on any time or place in the middle of your attack strings. I haven't seen people's much reactions to this yet, but I think it's actually a pretty good and cool idea

When an attack hits, simply hold down the attack button, and you'll automatically unleash a combo.

During the combo, inputting up, down, left, or right will change the combo automatically!

You can trigger auto-combos at any time, and switch to your preferred attack in the middle.

Use auto-combos as your foundation and try out various attacks!


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
There are a good amount of action games that do benefit a lot by only having one or two melee weapons. Granted, with action games like Killer Is Dead, No More Heroes III, and/or Oneechanbara Z2: Chaos, each game does something unique or different to compensate. Though usually, your character or characters better have a good sized or large move set that is useful and effective. Having good to great level or even straightforward level design helps too of course.

Killer Is Dead's main character, Mondo, he only has a katana and a cybernetic right arm called Muscle Back used for melee. Both his melee weapons can be upgraded to be more powerful in damage and to gain new attacks. In addition, his cyber arm can transform into a gun and he has three other forms of the gun he can unlock. Though really, only the first gun and the laser gun are most viable and practical. The ice is pointless and the drill you will use to breakdown barricades for hidden items/collectibles. Once you upgrade the charge punch, the drill becomes useless in combat. Also, Mondo has counter where if you dodge at the last minute, a gun wielding enemies bullets, you can perform a counter shot that will instantly kill them. It is an upgrade you do have to buy. Good news is that you can go to the upgrade menu anytime.

Travis does have a nice size move set in NMHIII, but it is stripped down compared to Desperate Struggle. His beam katana can now morph based on your button inputs, though he can no long dual wield Rose Nasty. He is move upgrades are overly expensive and there is not many compared to what came before. Something I do disagree with. To make up for it, he has the Death Glove that allows 4 different special attacks (you only start with 1 and get more as you progress through the game) that work on a cool down. You can upgrade chips the make the cool down be shorter. He's get fuck everything screen clear, if he let's on the special bar roulette, and later unlocks a super form that has a similar screen clear, if the player decides to use it.

Oneechanbara Z2 allows you to switch between 4 characters (Kagura, Saaya, Aya, and Saki) on the fly, and lets you do it mid-combo if you're good enough to time the attack strings right. There is a rhythm to it, similar to the Cool Combos system and you can ever carry over the hard to do Cool Combos when switching characters. Each character has two melee weapons and one sub-weapon. The only exception is Saya, who has her own dedicated charged parry button where the sub-weapon would be. So it's like having 8 weapons in total when combining all the characters together. Each lady gets their own berserk mode and later super mode too. Each one also same magic blue meter with three different styles of attacks. Aya and Saki have a slowdown time dodge only they can do, while Kagura and Saaya can heal faster because they're dhampir.

Oneechanbara Origin is similar to Z2, except you can only switch between two characters again, and move set is smaller compared the last game. In place, universal parrying exists by having a dedicated parry button. It's really useful and powerful.
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~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
Sonic colours being free this month is first time I got to try it. And have to say, having the option to change the voice acting language to German has improved the experience enough that it's gonna be the default for me from now on, and I refuse to elaborate further!


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Slave Zero X is a good game, but has one of the worst ranking systems of all time when it comes to Stylish Action games. It's way too strict, as even getting two bits of scratch damage can drag your rank down to below B, depending on the fight.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
After playing Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold and Alpha 3 back to back, I still prefer Alpha 3 and consider it the better game. With that said, Alpha 2 (Gold) has the better soundtrack, stage designs, and aesthetics over Alpha 3 and its updated versions. The soundtrack in Alpha 3 is great, though some of the techno tracks kind of blend together, compared to Alpha 2's mostly jazz, cafe jazz, and jazz-rock OST.

Console FPS/3ps oversaturation ruined the American gaming public's taste, and it's not even the good shit like Quake or UT.
Not really. Considering all of the great non-military cover shooters that have been coming out since 2014-2016, Doom 4 & Eternal bringing old-school style FPS in swing, Wolfetstein: New Order, Shadow Warrior (Reboot Trilogy [I only like the third game]), and a bunch of other boomer shooters on the indie and AA sector proves you wrong. Cover shooters are pretty much dead for over a decade, because they stuck around and did so little. The only ones to really survive are Vanquish, Bulletstorm, and Gears of War. The former two got 8th gen & PC ports, and Gears made the genre popular, but even it is waning somewhat. It's also ironic Shadows of the Damned got a current gen and PC port, and is more of an RE4 style shooter that didn't sell back in the 7th generation. Yet is doing better now, due to cult status, and it just being a fun arcade shooter with unique and interesting mechanics and puzzles.

Then you have a game like Evil West, and it really makes all of those cover shooters like the big shit stains most of them are. Evil West is a brawler/3rd person shooter hybrid that effortlessly blends the two together with only some minor jank. Then there's games like Resident Evil 4 Remake and Dead Space Remake. Hell, the RE Remakes in general, even if RE2R and RE3R are of the more survival horror side. Though 3 still has much more action than 2, no matter the version. It's funny how a majority of RE4 style 3rd person shooters or horror games do better than the shit from the past and now.
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Elite Member
Jun 11, 2024
After playing Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold and Alpha 3 back to back, I still prefer Alpha 3 and consider it the better game. With that said, Alpha 2 (Gold) has the better soundtrack, stage designs, and aesthetics over Alpha 3 and its updated versions. The soundtrack in Alpha 3 is great, though some of the techno tracks kind of blend together, compared to Alpha 2's mostly jazz, cafe jazz, and jazz-rock OST.

Not really. Considering all of the great non-military cover shooters that have been coming out since 2014-2016, Doom 4 & Eternal bringing old-school style FPS in swing, Wolfetstein: New Order, Shadow Warrior (Reboot Trilogy [I only like the third game]), and a bunch of other boomer shooters on the indie and AA sector proves you wrong. Cover shooters are pretty much dead for over a decade, because they stuck around and did so little. The only ones to really survive are Vanquish, Bulletstorm, and Gears of War. The latter two got 8th gen & PC ports, and Gears made the genre popular, but even it is waning somewhat. It's also ironic Shadows of the Damned got a current gen and PC port, and is more of an RE4 style shooter that didn't sell back in the 7th generation. Yet is doing better now, due to cult status, and it just being a fun arcade shooter with unique and interesting mechanics and puzzles.

Then you have a game like Evil West, and it really makes all of those cover shooters like the big shit stains most of them are. Evil West is a brawler/3rd person shooter hybrid that effortlessly blends the two together with only some minor jank. Then there's games like Resident Evil 4 Remake and Dead Space Remake. Hell, the RE Remakes in general, even if RE2R and RE3R are of the more survival horror side. Though 3 still has much more action than 2, no matter the version. It's funny how a majority of RE4 style 3rd person shooters or horror games do better than the shit from the past and now.
Nope. Even then with Doom 4/Eternal. people still went back and had their servings of COD, Halo, and Battlefield, add on top of that these lame ass hero/team shooters like Valorant (gets MILLIONS of players daily, btw). If you're gonna talk about just outliers of a certain style of genre that do well versus the rest of the genre being dominated by military style or champion-based abilities, you're proving my point. Even Cyberpunk 2077, a futuristic sci-fi shooter with gunplay similar to COD, gets less people playing it than COD.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
people still went back and had their servings of COD, Halo, and Battlefield,
So what? People like them will always go back, because they know nothing else or are scared to try something different. It does not negate all the good Doom 4 and the rest of the great shooters out there have done for the industry and gamers everywhere. You have to look at more than the one direction, without the over baked cynicism. I get it, but at the same time, don't let it rot your mind, nor blind yourself to the good out there and what continues out there. There will always be another Doom, Serious Sam, Shadow Warrior, and other great throwback/hybrid FPS out there.

Also, Halo is pretty much dead in the water when it comes to anything right now. People are still playing the old games, but a lot of people are dropping Infinite or not playing it as much. The last two Battlefield games bombed hard, and EA does not know what the fuck they're doing. These major slip ups and colossal fuck ups, give these smaller games or different FPS much more attention.

shooters like Valorant (gets MILLIONS of players daily, btw).
I have nothing against Valorant, but it seems fun enough to some of my friend or my older brother. That game at least has fun updates, from what I remember. Besides, most live-service shooters have died and only a few can hold people's attention, but that's the nature of the beast when it comes to this genre. Which is I don't bother with most of them in the first place. I want to spend my time on something worthwhile without constantly being plugged in.

Even Cyberpunk 2077, a futuristic sci-fi shooter with gunplay similar to COD, gets less people playing it than COD.
Because it was rushed piece of shit, done under one of these most horrible crunch conditions imaginable. This is why you don't believe in the hype. CD PRJKTR were at least able to turn it around. Thanks mostly to Edgerunners. 2077 is basically a first person GTA-clone in a cyberpunk setting. So you can only get so much, when the market is already saturated with open world games in general.

EDIT: The games I mentioned in my previous response don't even need to "beat" COD, Halo, nor Battlefield when most of the franchises are killing themselves, and the publishers of those smaller games and different AAA games keep to reasonable expectations. They got audience, and said audience continues to grow. By doing their own thing and making sure said games are actually fun. That is all that matters to me and nothing else.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Nope. Even then with Doom 4/Eternal. people still went back and had their servings of COD, Halo, and Battlefield, add on top of that these lame ass hero/team shooters like Valorant (gets MILLIONS of players daily, btw). If you're gonna talk about just outliers of a certain style of genre that do well versus the rest of the genre being dominated by military style or champion-based abilities, you're proving my point. Even Cyberpunk 2077, a futuristic sci-fi shooter with gunplay similar to COD, gets less people playing it than COD.
Cyberpunk 2077 is a single player RPG that requires a big time sink. One does not simply sit down for an hour or two for a quick fix with this game. Call of Duty - I suspect - sees most of its concurrent player numbers because it has its famed multiplayer.
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