15-year old Stabs Bully 11 Times at Bus Stop, Gets Away With It


New member
Nov 14, 2010
bully someone and expect some bad karma, his happened to be he got his ass shanked.....personally i fond it hilarious.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
Insanity72 said:
I'm saying it's not hard to pick out a non-vital area when all your opponent has is his hands and feet to fight with. sure you might get punched once or twice but that way the other kid wouldn't have died.
If it's so easy to do why aren't say the police trained with firearms to hit hon vital areas with firearms? If it's so easy to do with a knife it should be a LOT easier to do with a firearm, right???
If you're in a fight do you think it's easy to "target" a non vital area?
Would you even be able to show me them on a diagram?
Is this something that is taught in school, that I was not aware of?
Tell you what, you give me your name, address and photo, and one day I'll walk up behind you to "attack" you, all you have to do is tap me with your finger on non vital areas. Think you'd be able to do that?
Why are you expecting a kid, to have a knowledge of the safe points to stab someone, and have the mental fortitude to not get carried away on emotions and adrenaline, and instead act like some kind of robotic trained killer?
Is that at all a realistic expectation?
And why would you expect the bully to react any differently if he was cut lightly, and then got the knife away from the victim? Think he would have had the wherewithal to not stab, probably repeatedly his victim? Or is he another robotic trained killer in your Ivory Tower World?


New member
Feb 14, 2011
Mortai Gravesend said:
Insanity72 said:
Mortai Gravesend said:
Insanity72 said:
Drop_D-Bombshell said:
I have mixed emotions on this story.

Firstly i believe that the kid had a right to defend himself, every kid does, but was stabbing him 11 times necessary. I'm sure once would have been enough.
^ I agree with this, he had the right to defend himself but 11 times is pretty excessive, since according to their law he was legally allowed to, he should have been a lot more careful and stabbed once in a non-vital area.
That's a ridiculous statement. He's supposed to stab ONCE in a non-vital area. Yes, the attacker will stand still while he picks out a non-vital area, and the second he's done the attacker will instantly flee. Isn't this fantasy land glorious?
I'm saying it's not hard to pick out a non-vital area when all your opponent has is his hands and feet to fight with. sure you might get punched once or twice but that way the other kid wouldn't have died. And don't you think the other kid stopped fighting back and tried to get away after being stabbed a couple of times? and no he will not flee the kid will be thinking "oh crap i've just been stabbed" and probably pass out from shock.
Are you saying this from experience or are you just making shit up like I think you are? Because quite frankly I don't know where the hell you get the idea it's easy to pick a spot to hit in a fight.

And no, if someone started stabbing me I wouldn't try to get away, I'd try to freaking kill them because I think they're going to kill me and running won't get me away fast enough.

And LOL. Come on show me where it says most people pass out from shock from just being stabbed a few times. Go on. Do it.

And lastly another big LOL at your contradictory accounts. Yes, go from asking if he won't try to get away athen saying "and no he will not flee" that instead he'll simply pass out from the shock.
I've never been in a fight that's involved a knife, but i have been in fist fights and it is incredibly easy to pick a spot to hit, especially to the torso.

You are 23 years old if your profile is correct, the kid in this story is 16, there is a big mental difference between the 2, yes YOU may fight back, but a 16 year old? he is going to freak the hell out.

And i cannot show you any links to prove what i'm saying but if you think about this logically then you will realise. Even if the kid is tough enough to not pass out from shock, he is going to bleed, bleed a lot. If the stomach is stabbed it will cause peritonitis (The stomach wound is already painful enough to make most people double over in pain without your stomach acids burning into the rest of your body.), if the kidney is stabbed he is losing 500mls to 1litre of blood per minute, an artery gets cut he's losing even more blood. Either way he is going to be in a lot of pain and be unconscious in about 30 seconds.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
Stublore said:
Insanity72 said:
I'm saying it's not hard to pick out a non-vital area when all your opponent has is his hands and feet to fight with. sure you might get punched once or twice but that way the other kid wouldn't have died.
If it's so easy to do why aren't say the police trained with firearms to hit hon vital areas with firearms? If it's so easy to do with a knife it should be a LOT easier to do with a firearm, right???
Thinking that it is easier to aim a gun to a certain spot of the body in comparison to a knife is ridiculous. You've got flight trajectory, wind speed, the Coriolis effect all to deal with when shooting. It is near impossible to do it with a firearm when there are so many different factors involved.

Stublore said:
If you're in a fight do you think it's easy to "target" a non vital area?
Yes it is actually quite easy to do when all your opponent has is fists to fight with.

Stublore said:
Is this something that is taught in school, that I was not aware of?
No this is something they teach you in self defense classes.

Stublore said:
Tell you what, you give me your name, address and photo, and one day I'll walk up behind you to "attack" you, all you have to do is tap me with your finger on non vital areas. Think you'd be able to do that?
This situation you propose is completely different to the one at hand, an attack from behind is going to startle you and cause you to not think properly, this was a face to face confrontation. Much much different.

Stublore said:
Why are you expecting a kid, to have a knowledge of the safe points to stab someone,
It's pretty easy to be aware not to stab in the vicinity of the heart and lungs. With the correct attention you can easily survive a stab wound to the kidney / stomach an artery etc. and i'm assuming the bus driver or older students have taken first aid course to know how to block blood flow and so forth.

Stublore said:
And why would you expect the bully to react any differently if he was cut lightly, and then got the knife away from the victim? Think he would have had the wherewithal to not stab, probably repeatedly his victim?
No, he would probably be standing there saying "wtf are you crazy?"


New member
Jul 4, 2011
I honestly think that kid being bullied was more or less in the right. The article you presented even stated he had presumably no intention to fight this guy. He got punched in the back of the head (which, having boxed for roughly a year and a half, I can tell you that's more painful than you'd believe), and ran. Sounds like he tried his best to avoid that situation, but was unable to.

Besides the obvious legality issues of even bringing a knife at school, if some bruiser was beating the crap out of the back of your skull and you were cornered, I honestly don't think many of you WOULDN'T consider drawing the knife you were carrying with you. If you even carry one, that is.

Of course, there is the case that it wasn't a proportionate response to his situation. Unless, of course, the kid felt like his life was in danger, which he might have very well felt.

Sad situation all around, however. I feel bad for the family of the bully, as well as for the 15 year old. The fact that stuff like this even happens is just awful.


However, yes, I will agree that the fact that the bully was stabbed 11 or 12 times is a bit much. But hey, I wasn't in his situation. Whether or not that changes much, I'm not sure.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Spy_Guy said:
I'd still argue that it was justified self-defense. If we look at the below:

AndyFromMonday said:
...testified that several teens announced the fight on the bus, and Saavedra got off several stops early in Golden Gate Estates.
When I look at the article, I see it as several teens having expressed the intent to fight Saavedra at some bus stop. In other words, he must have been expecting at least three people to physically assault him, when they reached their destination.

Add to that the fact that when he decided to get off the bus, these people followed him, and one of them subsequently attacked him. Naturally he assumed that said fight was about to start, and had a very legitimate fear for his life.

I would still argue that it was not retaliation for "a smack on the head", but self-defense in a situation he perceived as dangerous, if I consider the context.
Oh, hmm, I must have skimmed the article too quickly. It seems that the kid did make several efforts to avoid a fight.

In that case, yeah, the kid was really being pushed into a corner in which avoiding confrontation was impossible, so I guess I'll have to agree with you. Though, I'm still a bit concerned at the tone of some of the other comments in the thread.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
I love this story. This story makes me happy.
One less scumbag. Nice job Saavedra.

This "stand your ground law", and "no duty to retreat" business. Let's have this in the UK.


New member
Jul 4, 2011

Yeah, I've noticed some people don't have much a self-defense mentality. I always thought you wanted to have things that you could use for your protection. Some would disagree it seems.


New member
Oct 25, 2011
It is my personal opinion that even though he was bullied several times, the nuts on kids today one time would have been enough, he has some nuts and it just gooes to show you you bothe rsomeone long enough somethings going to snap. I say way to go judge adn way to go kid although putting him in a wheelchair would have sufficed it for me . You do that once no one will bother you again. Stabbing soeone will have repercussions all through his life.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
11 stabs is making sure the jobs done.

crazy is carving your initials in the bully's left butt cheek, or making out with his corpse...

(I think the ruling was fair)


New member
Nov 3, 2011
"No this is something they teach you in self defense classes."

Huh. wasn't aware they taught self-defense in school these days. I sure as hell would have signed up if my school had offered anything of the sort. I think it's a really good idea to make self-defense a mandatory part of everybody's primary education though.

"This situation you propose is completely different to the one at hand, an attack from behind is going to startle you and cause you to not think properly, this was a face to face confrontation. Much much different."

Did you not read the article? The first blow was a punch to the back of the head, and by your own admission, that would cause him to not think properly, rendering him incapable of making the decision to only target non-vital areas, right?


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
jimbob123432 said:
I still stick with my statement of "don't grab anything" unless the assailant(s) themselves have a weapon . Your opponent may feel threatened by it and, because they don't want to back down, they may escalate.
I take more of the "weapon as deterrent" method. If someone is targeting you, it's usually because they believe they have an advantage. And they're probably right, since they're deciding the terms of engagement... unless you change the terms. But, like any tool, the weapon has a job -- you use it to create your opening for escape.

Personally, I find knives to be one of the worst. You have to be in too close to use it, and there's too much danger of it being turned against you. Any good self-defense weapon allows you to keep your opponent at a distance. Swing a club, and they'll step back, and if they manage to get it away from you in a close-up scuffle, it's of limited use unless they get some distance on you (in which case you have your opening).

But another thing to keep in mind is that having superior numbers is also a "weapon" your assailant may have on you. A group of people threatening you has already escalated things to a place that threatens death or serious bodily harm. A weapon may be the only chance of getting out of there at all.

But, with all things, it depends on the circumstances. In a case where the assailant's goal is just to "get in a fight with you," yes, a weapon can unnecessarily escalate things. But in a case where they mean to truly harm, possibly even kill you, you're under no obligation to allow them to decide the terms of engagement, and you have no reason to fight fair.

Ekim Takusan

New member
Nov 13, 2010
As someone who has been the victim of bullies from early elementary school till late middle school I can see where many might be on the side of Jorge. I was a bit of a wuss until my older cousin gave me the book Ender's Game for my birthday one fateful year, hoping I would take away the message that I can only be beat if I accept it, and that I should learn to rise above it and grow from there. Sadly the message I took away was you'll be fighting battles your whole life, learn to think on your feet and to strike fast, beat them once, and beat them hard enough so you won't have to beat them again tomarrow, beat them now and for all time. Once I took that to heart I stopped being the victim. I'm not proud of the way I handled things back then, but I survived and learned from it. Hopefully this young child has parents that care enough to make sure he gets professional help. The act of taking a life is hard enough on grown men that are trained to do it for a living, I can't even imagine the mix of feelings that he will have to deal with now, and for the rest of his life.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Drop_D-Bombshell said:
I have mixed emotions on this story.

Firstly i believe that the kid had a right to defend himself, every kid does, but was stabbing him 11 times necessary. I'm sure once would have been enough.

Second, why a knife, couldn't he have just battered him for a bit with a bat or something? It doesn't make sense why he would carry a knife as stab as many times as he did.

Should he get away with it? No, but he shouldn't be prosecuted as a murderer, maybe given a less harsh punishment. Seems only fair.

EDIT: whoa! My inbox got flooded with messages about the bat thing. It's just an example as to say "Why was he carrying a knife to begin with?"
Well a knife is easy to hold and conceal and honestly I would be more scared of a knife than bat. Plus a knife is faster to attack with. Also he could of stabbed so many times because he was scared.


New member
Nov 8, 2011
I don't think that the bullied kid was in the wrong. Sure, what he did was wrong and the outcome was wrong, but I very highly doubt that the kid had any intention of killing the bully when he brought the knife to school. He even tried to avoid the fight. He was probably just hoping to scare him off, maybe cut him a little to give him a shock. But he would've been surrounded by the bully and his gang, and when he pulled the knife they would've just laughed at him, not expecting him to use it. He didn't attack the bully, he defended himself.

Plus, if you really think about it, stabbing him 12 times in a blind, adrenaline fuelled rage isn't actually a lot of times. It wouldn't have lasted very long at all. In fact, the kid showed a lot of self control stopping at 12.

Also, he could've very much died himself. The bully was very likely much larger and stronger than he was, and would've had fighting experience (A 16 year old bully is quite often a bully because he's as big as the rest of the kids will be at 20, and/or he can handle himself really well in a fight). I recall seeing in the newspaper rather recently and close to where I am an article about a fully grown man dying in a bar fight. But he wasn't continually wailed on, this was one punch. A punch to the head can very easily be fatal. And the bully wasn't going to just smack him in the stomach repeatedly (which can still be fatal), he would've smacked him in the head multiple times. He already punched him IN THE BACK OF THE FREAKING HEAD. Not only is this painful, this is an illegal move in boxing and MMA even with gloves on not only for the surprise element, but because of how god-damned deadly it can be.

If he had of just cut or stabbed the bully once, it probably would've just angered him. Even if he did back off, having only stabbed him once he would've stopped to think "I actually fucking stabbed him, oh my god" and in this time the bully's friends probably wouldn't have backed down, they would've grabbed his arm, taken the knife, given him a few cuts and beat the fucking shit out of him ten times as hard as they were going to. And if the Bully survived the ordeal, although not a shoe-in it's quite likely that purely to keep up his "image" he would've kept up the bullying. He probably would've given him the beating of his life,and not stopped until someone found them and stopped him.

Did the bully think that what he was doing could've killed the kid? Probably not. The bullied kid probably didn't either even though he had a knife. He wouldn't have wanted to use it. He would've thought that if he had to use it that he would've been able to control himself and not kill the guy, just stop the bullying for good. I think that it's very likely that he would've died from the fight as this was the point where the bullies might have taken it too far (they probably would've) and not stopped when he was on the ground bleeding. And if they saw that he needed medical attention, would they have gotten it for him? No, they would've ran the fuck away so that they didn't get in trouble (even though they would've anyway)

You also need to see that the bullied kid didn't get off scot free. HE KILLED SOMEONE. He has to live with that for the rest of his life. He will never forget this. Maybe therapy will help him to forgive himself, maybe not. But either way, he should be required to go and see a therapist. The way I see it, this is the best possible ending to a truly horrific story.


New member
May 22, 2010
Dastardly said:
jimbob123432 said:
I still stick with my statement of "don't grab anything" unless the assailant(s) themselves have a weapon . Your opponent may feel threatened by it and, because they don't want to back down, they may escalate.
I take more of the "weapon as deterrent" method. If someone is targeting you, it's usually because they believe they have an advantage. And they're probably right, since they're deciding the terms of engagement... unless you change the terms. But, like any tool, the weapon has a job -- you use it to create your opening for escape.

Personally, I find knives to be one of the worst. You have to be in too close to use it, and there's too much danger of it being turned against you. Any good self-defense weapon allows you to keep your opponent at a distance. Swing a club, and they'll step back, and if they manage to get it away from you in a close-up scuffle, it's of limited use unless they get some distance on you (in which case you have your opening).

But another thing to keep in mind is that having superior numbers is also a "weapon" your assailant may have on you. A group of people threatening you has already escalated things to a place that threatens death or serious bodily harm. A weapon may be the only chance of getting out of there at all.

But, with all things, it depends on the circumstances. In a case where the assailant's goal is just to "get in a fight with you," yes, a weapon can unnecessarily escalate things. But in a case where they mean to truly harm, possibly even kill you, you're under no obligation to allow them to decide the terms of engagement, and you have no reason to fight fair.
I thought the exact same way, landed me 2.5 years.
If you carry a knife on your person with the intent of using it against a person (regardless of whether that purpose is self-defence) then you are legally in the wrong (in the uk).
Numbers apparently don't count (I was up alone against 5 when I was attacked and beaten to the ground before getting up and pulling the knife).

And although I thought it might create an opening to escape it turns out all I could do was back off with them following at a 3 meter distance shouting "he's got a knife".
That was until one of them said "He's not got the guts to use it" and rushed me.

Whatever you might think, the law is not on your side in the uk. I got 2.5 years and the other guy was a few mm from having a severed femoral artery.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
people are complaining that stabbing him 11 times was to much but when you get that adrenaline rush of fight or im going to be servilely hurt or killed you will keep stabbing until you cant lift your arm


New member
Jan 6, 2011
My initial reaction is to be appalled about the stabbing.

My second reaction is to remember the statistics of suicide caused by bullying and think that maybe eleven times wasn't sure enough. Should've made it an even dozen.

Bullies should be wiped off the face of the earth, whether through violent means or otherwise I'm non too fussed. They are all attempted murderers in my opinion, and should be treated as such.