16 year old gets playstation taken away, Kills mom with claw hammer (chair leg?)


New member
Nov 16, 2010
Son of a *****, now people have another story to use for "Games are evil"
why, WHY are kid this freaking retarded today!?


New member
Aug 1, 2010
Well, fuck, go through all that for a freaking game system? I enjoy many things without technology. Eating, drawing, sleeping, writing, etc. Video games are fun, yes, but they're not worth destroying or risking a life for. That kid either needs to be locked away for a long time, or get put in a mental asylum. I don't believe in the death penalty.

But at least he showed SOME humanity when he said he regretted it and missed her...Unless he was lying, and so showing signs of a sociopath. Yes, I watch a lot of shows about this. TAKE HIM AWAY, BOYS!!! LOCK HIM UP WITH A DREIDEL SO HE CAN WATCH IT SPIN!!!


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Dawkter said:
Radeonx said:
Well, that sucks.
We should probably keep him away from Bulletstorm, though. We don't want him turning into a murderer and a rapist.
Laughed so hard I nearly sneezed apple snot.

Anyways, as hard as it is to believe, he probably played some violent game. Games don't cause direct danger, but can make the player, especially if said player is addicted to the game, more aggressive. When I played Mortal Kombat II, I was a bit irritated and was sick of school, wanting to go home and tear some more hearts out of some more people.

Never, ever, did I EVER raise my voice against my mother when she told me to do my homework, let alone actually not do my homework, let alone do physical harm, let alone FUCKING killing her. I could say if it was Super Mario World I was playing, I would've done my homework on impulse on my own and without irritation when my mom told me to.

Murdering definetly had to do with the kid's mental status (AKA drunk or high), other problems, or mental diseases. Games did NOT force a normal child to murder.
Of course, but you know how Fox News will treat this. Am I the only one in the world who wants a pro-gaming PSA to air somewhere other than the internet? I mean seriously, people can be phsycopaths with only the slightest enviormental trigger. My theory is that the Playstation had nothing to do with this, and the kid was a nutjob from day one.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
If this dickhead is so fucking materialistic that he would kill anyone, especially is own MOTHER, over a fucking video game. This little prick doesn't deserve to be cared for or loved, he should be shunned by the rest of society and put in a prison to rot.

I'm not usually this cynical while commenting, but this... this is beyond words. This is killing someone that LOVES YOU over a materialistic good that I thought, as a species, the human race had evolved past.

I don't care how young his, this kid is a backwards step in the human evolutionary scale.


New member
Dec 30, 2010

was this just like a spur of the moment thing? afterwards he says he missed her????


New member
Nov 16, 2010
I don't see how this connection is being made; or have I interpreted it wrongly.

Confiscating the playstation leads to the child murdering the parent; presenting the image that the video game console in question was responsible for the instability present within the child and relationship in question.

As opposed to...the child being bluntly insane?


New member
Sep 9, 2009
A sad outcome to be sure. This kid needs help, lots of it. Obviously something is seriously wrong with him to even think about those things as a child. I'd think it would be the same outcome if the mother took away anything else too. It just happens to be a Play Station this time.

When you were younger how angry did you become when they took away your tv or books or even your bike? But unfortunately in this day and age the thing your child will most love playing with is their consoles. So that will be what they take away.


New member
May 3, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
Hunh... I could make a Philly joke (being from Pittsburgh), but it seems in extremely bad taste.

So I'll say this. I can wonder what went through his head when he htought about this. Also, this is why we need to hit our kids. If they dont fespect (fear-respect) you, this is what happens.
Yes, because my parents never hit me and I'm totally going to murder them in between being a happy and well adjusted accountant who wears suits and drives nice cars. Ahem.

Really though, he was disturbed. The PlayStation part is of no relevance.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I agree with sravankb. Even if he was sane, this action will consume his mind throughout his life and his life will be be centered around this. @.@


New member
May 27, 2010
BoredDragon said:
If this dickhead is so fucking materialistic that he would kill anyone, especially is own MOTHER, over a fucking video game. This little prick doesn't deserve to be cared for or loved, he should be shunned by the rest of society and put in a prison to rot.
I don't think it has anything to do with him being young or materialistic, I expect he's just not right in the head. Chemical imbalances can do this kind of thing to a person. He doesn't need jailtime, he needs mental help and some pills probably.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Holy shit in a blender
who would kill their parents for a console?
now more people will say "video games make kids evil blurbleblurf BLUH!"


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
First, I want to say that this sounds like the kid just had an extreme fit of rage and just snapped. I do agree that there was probably something wrong with him, and I seriously doubt the game had any negative or positive effect on that.

But I want to comment on the reactions I'm reading. Aren't we jumping the gun a bit on thinking this is a "Gamez R 3bil!" story? TBH, I haven't seen anyone actually blame the game for this yet, and to panic over it now comes off to me as a bit overly defensive. Cool your jets, people. Save the media outrage for if/when someone actually does make a violent game-violent behavior connection with this. Then go crazy.